Tehama Teacher Induction Program
News and Updates for May 2024
Hello North State Partners!
We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our Accreditation Process last week, a significant milestone in our seven-year accreditation cycle that underscores the commitment and hard work of the Tehama County Department of Education team. The Accreditation Process involved interviews with more than 188 participants, culminating in a resounding endorsement of our efforts: FULL ACCREDITATION with NO stipulations for both our Teacher Induction and Designated Subjects: Career Technical Education Programs.
Key highlights from the accreditation report include:
The Teacher Induction Program is reported to be “...flexible but still adhering to the rigor of the standards.”
Site administrators, coaches, and mentors also emphasized the accessibility and responsiveness of the leadership team in seeking and incorporating feedback.
Tehama COE has been able to diversify program support to coaches, mentors, and candidates with virtual and in person meetings.
Flexibility in professional development offerings is evident, with candidates afforded opportunities to engage in self-directed learning experiences tailored to their individual growth goals.
The Teacher Induction Program is crafted to personalize and be flexible to meet [candidate] needs with unique circumstances due to its coverage across a vast rural area.
Overall, candidates shared how "well-prepared they are in serving their students because of the positive learning experiences they had with TCDE".
The Accreditation Team will present their recommendations to the Committee of Accreditation on May 2, during a scheduled California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Meeting.
Thank you to the candidates, mentors, and administrators for choosing to work with our coaches and office staff who are dedicated educators passionate about fostering teacher development throughout the North State.
We also want to remind everyone that we will offer a Classroom Essentials workshop in August for teachers who are not ready for Teacher Induction, but could benefit from collaboration, networking, mini-lessons and support. Please see the details below.
Thank you for your continued support,
Classroom Essentials- August 5 & 6
New Teacher Network
Colloquium Celebrations!
Let's celebrate your first year in induction! Make sure to sign up for a time slot here. Celebrations will be held from 3:30-5:00 p.m., May 13-17!
Presentations of Growth Celebrations!
Year 2 Candidates and Mentors- Make sure to schedule a Presentation of Growth Celebration with your coach to celebrate the end of your induction journey and talk next steps for your clear credential!
May 24th is the Last Day to Turn in Work!
We will wrap up the semester grading on May 24th. Please make sure to have all of the mentor hours, and assignments completed so we can send out mentor paychecks, submit Year 2 candidates for a clear credential, and authorize CEUs.
Continuing Education Units
Continuing Education Units are available for participants in the Tehama Teacher Induction Program for a fee. CEUs are available from either CSU, Chico, or Simpson University.
Please check with your district/HR department regarding their policies on continuing education units.
Check out our FLYER for more details!
Rural Technology Education Grants
Ruraltechfund.org- provide grants for Rural Technology Education projects and Assistive Technology projects. Visit the site for more info!
Padlet of Professional Development Opportunites
Article: A Metacognitive Strategy to Help High School Students See Their Progress in Learning
Article: These activities, with adaptable worksheets, help high school students check their understanding of course content quickly.
Article: 6 Ways to Improve Students' Math Literacy
Article: Middle and high school math teachers can use these ideas to build students’ reading comprehension and reasoning skills using real tasks like budgeting.
Jill Lyford- Anderson High School
24 Years Teaching Experience
- Single Subject Credential
- 15+ years of Mentoring Candidates
- 15+ years of Coaching/Induction through TTIP
"I do not believe I would have made it through my first year teaching High School Science if it wasn’t for my mentor. Because of that, when I was asked to become part of Tehama Teacher Induction and help support new teachers, I jumped at the chance. I have continued to enjoy my time with candidates/mentors in their journey through the induction process and watching them grow as educators."
Jamie Lynn- Tehama E-Learning Academy
12 Years Teaching Experience
- Single Subject Credential- Agriculture Education
- 6 years Mentoring Candidates
- First year as an Induction Coach
Kris Durfee- Red Bluff High School
25 Years of Teaching Experience
- Single Subject Credential- Spanish
- World Languages Department Chair
- 5 years of mentoring new teachers
- 2 years of mentoring through TTIP
- 2 years of coaching through TTIP
Article: What Do We Gain and Lose When Students Use AI to Write?
Just as the tech tools of the business world — laptops, smartphones and the internet — found their way into classrooms, so too has generative AI. And if one of the goals of school is to prepare children for life beyond, how do we get kids ready for this new world, especially while student writing proficiency remains worrisome? Article
Bring the Outdoors into Your Classroom- for Free!
What is PORTS?
PORTS stands for Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students. PORTS is an award-winning distance learning program that has served K-12 teachers, students, and education partners with live, interactive video-conference presentations from our California State Parks for more than 15 years. Visit the About page to learn more.
Game Chaning Tech Tools Resources
Tools that can help you "Teach Smarter, Not Harder"
1. Autocrat- A free Google Sheet Add-on that takes data and merges it into a template...End of Year Certificates.
2. Glide- A web-based service that allows you to easily create an app for your phone using data from a Sheet in only 5 minutes
3. StudyCast- Record yourself reviewing material for an upcoming quiz or test and then publish the audio file and share with your students. They can listen to the review session over and over. Presentation
Reach Out for Support!
Email: induction@tehamaschools.org
Website: Tehama Induction
Phone: 530-528-7311