TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
September 2022
Message from the Superintendent
Dear TPS Community,
Welcome Back!
What a GREAT start of the school year it has been! There is nothing quite like the fresh start of a new school year; the energy and excitement has been palpable. Both Asst. Supt. Lori McDermott and I have enjoyed visiting schools, classes, bus drop-offs, and pick-ups. We realize that the start of a school year means establishing routines and a plethora of school/home communications. I am sorry to contribute to those many notices, but believe you will find the topics below helpful. Please take the time to scroll through this newsletter all the way through, to see the varied news shared with you.
Happy Fall!...and have a wonderful weekend!
Here's to an AMAZING 2022-2023 school year!
Brenda Theriault-Regan
Grade 3-4 Open House Dates
K-4 Early Release Dismissal
Community Vaccine Clinic Friday, October 14, 2022 10:00am to 2:00pm
Tewksbury Senior Center, Chandler Street, Tewksbury, MA
*Moderna *Pfizer *High Dose Flu *Standard Flu
To make an appointment, please call our appointment line at 978-640-4480, ext. 303 to leave your name and contact #. Please bring your vaccination card and health insurance card and photo I.D. Vaccines are free for everyone!
Community Vaccine Clinic Friday, October 28, 2022 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Tewksbury Senior Center, Chandler Street, Tewksbury, MA
*Pfizer New Bivalent Booster *High Dose Flu *Standard Flu
To make an appointment, please call our appointment line at 978-640-4480 ext. 303 to leave your name and contact #. Please bring your vaccination card and health insurance card.
Vaccines are free for everyone!
MyView is an easy-to-use mobile app that allows you to check on the location of your student’s school bus. The app allows you to view a real-time, map-based bus locator which can alert you by email or text when the bus enters a specific zone (i.e., a mile from your bus stop).
All parent information is locked down and password protected within the app to prevent unauthorized people from opening the app and viewing the student’s bus information.
To set up Zonar MyView:
Download the Zonar MyView app from the App Store or Google Play.
Enter the School Access Code when prompted - STA9559.
Go to your child's Aspen account: (If you do not remember your access to ASPEN, please contact your student’s school secretary.)
- Enter your child's LASID which can be found in ASPEN.
- Enter your child's bus route you wish to follow
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points (usually your own address).
It will take 24 hours for your newly created account to become active. If, after 24 hours, you have any questions about the use of this app, please email Tewksbury Transit at tti@tewksburytransit.com.
Late Buses are now running at the High School, Wynn and Ryan Schools. Students sign up at school on the day they need the bus. Late buses are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Wynn and the High School share two Late Buses, leaving the Wynn at 3:35 and the High School at 3:45, dividing the town by North and South. The Ryan School Late Buses run on Tuesdays and Thursdays and leave the Ryan at approximately 3:40 pm.
Our bus contractor, Tewksbury Transit, develops the routes daily based on ridership for the day.
NOTE: Late Bus Routes can be more general in nature because of the geography they need to cover and the need to balance dropping off students in close proximity to their homes with the time needed to deliver ALL students in a timely manner. Students may or may not be dropped off at their regular daily bus stop. It is possible students may be expected to walk further to their homes, if circumstances dictate.
DIBELS Universal Screening
K-4 DIBELS Universal Screening is Complete
DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills) testing has been completed in all of our K-4 elementary schools. DIBELS is a universal screening tool and DESE approved Dyslexia Screener that is administered by a teacher to all students at TPS in grades K-4 in the fall, winter and spring this year. The results of the DIBELS subtests are used in conjunction with other literacy assessments to determine areas of strength and areas in need of targeted support. As always, please reach out to your child's teacher if you have questions about their reading skills.
The State of MA has extended the free breakfast and lunch opportunity for the 2022-2023 school year. Please fill out the Free & Reduced meal application if this applies to you. If you qualify, other school fees may be free and reduced, such as Chromebook Insurance, Club fees, etc.
Tewksbury Public Schools
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Temporary Location: 21 Town Hall Ave, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800