Ranger Round Up
Wetmore Elementary
February 10-14
Message from the Principal
Dear Ranger Families,
Thank you so much to all of the parents and staff who came out to see our 3rd graders perform on Tuesday! Thank you to Ms. Kelley, our fabulous Music teacher for preparing the amazing performance!
Just a friendly reminder that next week we have dress up days for Random Acts of Kindness (check the February calendar below to see the dress up days). We hope your Ranger will join in on the fun!
Additionally, this Tuesday we have a 5th grade Science STAAR Released test. Please help to ensure your child is well rested and ready to take this test on Tuesday. Attendance is key to success, so let’s keep up the great momentum by being here every day!
On Thursday, Feb. 13th third grade has a field trip and Friday, Feb. 14th second grade has a field trip!
Lastly, next Friday is Valentine's Day! Please note that Valentine's Day is not one of our designated party days.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
With gratitude,
Mrs. Nunez
Proud Principal
Volunteers for February 10th and 25th - We'd love your help!
Please note that all volunteers must have completed the background check through NEISD. This can be found at https://www.neisd.net/volunteer/register
If you are able to volunteer, please click the link below to sign up for a time! Thank you for your help!
For the next two weeks (February 3rd-14th), we are holding our Wetmore StuCo Share Your Love fundraiser that benefits the Make-a-Wish Foundation! We will be selling hearts for .25 cents each. They will decorate the students' homeroom doors, and the class that has the most money collected by the end of the week will win a popcorn party in the library!
Assistant Principal Announcements
Hello Parents,
Great Job 3rd grade
What a great job the 3rd grade students did on their performance at PTA meeting. It is always fun to see the student enjoy themselves while performing. We had some students who are normally shy, really do the dance movements and sing those songs. It was truly wonderful to see.
Words have power
We continue to work on helping students make good choices, so they can have a great day. As part of this effort, we are having an ongoing discussion about making positive and nice comments to other students. In addition, our discussion with students involves using words that uplift and support the other person. We remind students that if a word or comment isn’t uplifting then it should not be said to anyone.
I think we can all agree that words have power. A kind word can left someone one up and keep them smiling all day, while an unkind word can hurt and make someone truly sad. An unkind word can also affect how someone feels about themselves and how they see themselves.
During the month of February, we focus on spreading the message of kindness and positivity, but we hope these values continue throughout the year.
We appreciate your support in encouraging your child(ren) to spread positivity and kindness each and every day.
Live happy!
Mrs. Arriaga, Assistant Principal
Counselor's Corner
Howdy Ranger Families!
Thank you for all the kind words, cards and gifts for Counselor Day! I sure felt the love and it was appreciated!
Next week is Random Acts of Kindness week! Please join in on the dress up day fun when you can. Mrs. Jenn and I will be doing combined lessons next week where each grade level will get to do a different Random Acts of Kindness and a valentine craft. We look forward to seeing everyone next week.
Also, just a friendly reminder that our undergarment and sock drive will still be going on and if your family is able we would love donations to share with the NEISD PTA Council Clothes Closet.
If you have any questions in regards to counseling resources please call the front office, (210) 407- 8800, and leave a message for me.
Your Wetmore Counselor,
Mrs. Redding
Tips from our Targeted Support Teacher
Happy Friday, Ranger Families!
We have had a fantastic first week of February here at Wetmore. We have completed our MAP Reading Growth, MAP Reading, Fluency, CogAT and STAAAR Released Math and Reading assessments. Our Rangers have been working so hard to show their teachers what they know. Testing requires lots of sitting, so maybe they can exert some energy over the weekend. I know my boys could use a trip to the park! I hope that you can get out and enjoy this spring-like weather before our next cool front arrives.
Oh, if you're a football fan, let's cheer for a great Super Bowl on Sunday!! Go Chiefs! ❤️🏈💛
Have a fabulous weekend!!
Mrs. Korzekwa, Targeted Support Teacher (TST)
Library Buzz
Howdy All!
This past week in the library we were lucky enough to have an author visit with Nicholas Solis! He is a 4th grade teacher from right up the road in Austin. The kids loved hearing about his life, books and how he became an author. I think a good time was had by all and Nick only had compliments for our school!
Next week Mrs. Redding and I are going to do some Random Acts of Kindness lessons together and we can't wait!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Shannon Jenn, Librarian
Wetmore Volunteer Guidelines
We would love your help! Please consider volunteering on campus, we can always use the help! Here are our Volunteer Guidelines:
We are glad to see the faces of our friends and families helping out on campus. We have updated the following volunteer guidelines for the 2024-2025 school year. These guidelines are in place for your safety, the safety of our students, and staff. Please adhere to these guidelines in order to continue volunteering on campus.
Remember to sign in and out at the window in the main office when arriving and leaving campus.
Volunteers must remain in the specific area in which they are volunteering, unless traveling to or from the front office to sign in or out.
This means volunteers, parents, and guardians should not visit teachers' classrooms to chat. You may go quickly to the classroom only if you need to receive instructions or pick up work to complete, but majority of teachers will leave work for you to help with in the front office. This policy ensures that our teachers can focus on their teaching and maintain a safe environment for all students (to properly provide adequate supervision of their students).
Volunteers are not allowed to go to your child’s classroom to talk to your student or teacher.
Due to confidentiality concerns, volunteers are not permitted to walk through the office from the copy room to the front office area.
Volunteers are not allowed to bring young children. Young children are not permitted on campus so volunteers are able to focus on the task at hand or to focus on our Wetmore Rangers. Young children are also not allowed in the classroom because of their short attention span and potentially interrupting instruction. Young children of parent volunteers are permitted in PTA board meetings, but must be supervised by the volunteer/parent.
Thank you for your understanding of our safety guidelines.
Your Proud Principal,
Mrs. Ida Nunez
Wetmore Elementary
We need PTA Committee Chairs! Please help support our school!
Sign Up to be a Hallway Hero!
NEISD Clothes Closet is Available for All Rangers in Need
Wetmore's Mission and Vision
NEISD Calendar
Click HERE to see the calendar on the website.
Wetmore Elementary
Website: www.neisd.net/wetmore
Location: 3250 Thousand Oaks Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-407-8800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WetmoreNEISD