Open House Information
Wednesday, August 7, from 3:00-5:00PM
Welcome Back to School!
We are excited to welcome our families back to school during Open House on Wednesday, August 7, from 3:00-5:00PM. All families will enter through the large gate near our cafeteria, where you can head straight to classrooms or visit the cafeteria for important information and resources. Our PTA and Community Partners will be ready to share all the ways they are working to support our students and school! Community Partners in attendance will include Boys & Girls Club (Morgan Woods Chapter) and Champions for Children. We look forward to a successful event and to seeing each of you soon!
Car Tag Distribution
Anyone attempting to pick up a student without a car tag will be asked to present a government-issued ID in the front office and MUST be included on the student's emergency card.
Update to Walker Dismissal
Walkers are those students that walk from school to their home. Students indicated as "walkers" should be familiar with the route from school to their home prior to the first day of school. Please make sure to practice this if your child will be dismissed as a walker. Kindergarten students ONLY will be required to have a parent/adult escort present at the selected walker dismissal location. All other students will be released on their own. When choosing "walker" dismissal for your child, you are acknowledging their ability to walk from school to home independently. Again, while parents may choose to meet their children, this will only be required for kindergarten students.
Please see updated dismissal information attached below. The dismissal procedures form is also included for your reference; however, a paper copy will be provided in the first day packet.
School Uniforms
Morgan Woods is a mandatory uniform school. Our uniform includes navy, hunter green, or white collared shirts with navy or khaki bottoms (shorts, pants, skirts or skorts). Jeans are acceptable if free from holes and in good condition. Students should wear close-toed shoes that fasten around the heel, and that are safe for use during physical activity. Crocs are not permitted.
Spirit shirts may be purchased through the Morgan Woods PTA and may be worn in place of a collared shirt at any time, Monday – Friday.
When needed, students may wear solid-colored jackets or sweatshirts to school. These items should be free from words and/or pictures (plain). Sweatshirts without hoods are preferred, as “hoodies” often create a significant distraction for students in the classroom.
Every Day Matters!
Regular School Attendance is Essential to Student Success
Research shows a strong link between regular school attendance and academic success. Missing as few as two days each month could negatively affect student achievement. Students who regularly attend school are nearly two times more likely to achieve on grade-level scores in reading, writing, and mathematics. Help your child start the school year off right by ensuring they are at school and on time EVERY DAY! If your child is facing challenges that affect their attendance, we are here to help! Please contact the office for support, if needed.
PTA Information
MW Logo Spirit Shirt - $10
Tiger Strong Spirit Shirt - $10
Green & Gold Spirit Shirt - $10
Title I Information
Visit the Title I table to find out how being a Title I school benefits our students and to make suggestions about the best use of these grant funds. Last year, Title I grant funds were used to purchase classroom supplies and technology, instructional coaching staff, field trip admission and transportation for all grade levels, and more!