Harbison Herald
January 16, 2025 ~ A Title One School
Use this link to complete the magnet & choice application.
All applications close at NOON on Wednesday, January 29th.
Per our student/parent handbook: A written note, medical excuse or electronic excuse form must be submitted for each absence.
Save time and gas by submitting your excuses online using this link - Online Excuse Form. You can upload medical excuses on this form, so no need to make a special trip to school. A link to this form is also at the bottom of each school letter and at the top of our website homepage.
If you prefer, medical excuses may also be faxed to the school at 803-476-3820.
January Events
January 16th
Early Release Day at 11:40am for 4K-5th grade (3K DOES NOT attend)
Report Cards Go Home
District Five Elementary Magnet Fair at the Center 5pm-6:30pm
January 17th
1st Grade Field Trip
January 20th
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - All schools & offices CLOSED
We are excited to announce that Harbison West is partnering with Special Olympics South Carolina to participate in the Lake Murray Polar Plunge.
During the month of January, we will compete in Grade Level Wars to see which grade level can raise the most money. Harbison West will receive 50% of the proceeds to use towards books for Exceptional Students’ Week and other inclusive activities. Please be sure to check your student’s weekly communication folder to learn more about the upcoming festivities.
If you use the QR code, please make sure to put your child’s grade level in the comment section so your donation will count towards the Grade Level Wars.
Sweetheart Dance:
Tickets for our Sweetheart Dance are now on sale!!!
All tickets MUST be purchase online through this link.
This is for all HWES students and their families.
Please purchase tickets under ONE student name.
Hope to see you there!
Restock the Closet:
For the month of January PTO is helping to collect much needed; Facial tissues, Hand sanitizer and Cleaning wipes (these help for messy projects.)
Items can be purchased through our Amazon wish list or from your favorite local store.
Donations can be :
* shipped directly to the school 257 Crossbow Drive, Columbia SC 29212.
* Dropped at the front office.
* Labeled "PTO" and sent into school with your student.
Questions hwespto@hwespto.org
January 10, 2025
The person I am nominating for staff member of the week is someone who works with all of us. I do not know about you but trying to teach teachers new things is a difficult task. This is her second year in this role. She has amazed me with her continued drive to learn, teach, and grow this year. She has had several things added to her title. She is currently teaching a college level class to teachers, who can be very challenging students. She has also been working with all the grade levels to implement a new ELA program. I have seen her several times planning with our new teachers. She
listens to us complain, with a smile on her face. She answers our questions as quickly and thoroughly as she can. The one thing that stands out to me as a teacher is that she appreciates us and what we do for the students.I am giving this award to Joanna Neal.
4K Field Trip to EdVenture
Contact Us
Website: www.lexrich5.org/hwes
Location: 257 Crossbow Drive, Columbia, SC, USA
Phone: (803)476-3800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/HarbisonWestElem
Instagram: @HarbisonWestElem
X: @HarbisonWestEl