November 2024

From ArSCA President- Kelli Dockery
Blessings to all!
One of my dear friends, Dr. Debra Myton texts me an inspirational text every morning. I love to read these morning messages because they help to improve my mindset and start my day accordingly. One of my favorite messages is “VALUABLES we carry may impress others, but the VALUES we hold will inspire others.” I just want to remind you all that we have unique values that others see and admire. We share so much of our values with students, families and our schools that we may not realize the impact and impression that we leave with them. Please ask yourself, “Who did I inspire today?” and “How did I inspire that person?” And always remember that you have an important role in the lives of others.
I want to remind you to save the date for ArSCA Summer Conference 2025!!! The dates are June 23-25, and we are making plans for this conference to be interactive, inviting, and intentional. I will announce our Keynote speaker in next month’s newsletter along with more details about the Sneaker Ball. You will have an opportunity to earn up to 1.5 to 2 hours of self-care professional development at the party (learn how to make and use essential oils, yoga, exercise, food, drink and dancing) I’m excited to see all of the sneakers and cool dance moves. Come show up and show out!!! More information is coming soon!!!
I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and restful week with family and friends.
Love Y’all
Kelli Dockery
ArSCA President 2023-2025
Hurricane Creek Elementary/Bryant School District
Contact Kelli Dockery, ArSCA president, at president@arschoolcounselor.org
Save the Date: June 23-25, 2025
I’m excited to announce the date for the 2025 Arkansas School Counselor Association Conference. As you know, everything I plan has intentionality and I put deep thought into what to offer counselors this summer. Therefore, I can promise you professional development, collaboration, interaction and fun at the conference next summer. The theme is “In The Rhythm of the Night!” and it will be a conference you will remember! We are planning a sneaker ball Monday, June 23, 2025! You will not only have fun, but you will also be able to earn at least 1.5 hours of professional development and win up to $1000 in cash and prizes. So, get your sneakers and dance moves ready!!!! More details in upcoming newsletters.
ArSCA President's Counselor Spotlight
Cynthia "CIE" Cochran
This month the spotlight is shining on Cynthia “Cie” Cochran!! Cynthia is a school counselor at Lincoln Junior High School in the Bentonville School District.
Cynthia worked in both of the high schools and immediately received an offer to be a counselor at Lincoln Junior High School. She is always smiling and the students and staff enjoy her presence. As a graduate student, she attended the ASCA conferences each summer, and she is looking forward to attending the ArSCA conference in Hot Springs this June.
Cynthia is married and is excited to work in the same school that her son attends. She has also lived in Miami, Florida.
Cynthia was nominated by Jennifer Lyle
Congratulations Cynthia! May your light continue to shine brightly!
Christopher Golston
The counselor spotlight is also shining on Christopher Golston this month!
Christopher is a school counselor at Peake Elementary in Arkadelphia Public Schools.
Since Chris joined the counseling team in Arkadelphia, he has shown exceptional dedication to supporting students and creating a positive school environment. His innovative approach to counseling and his genuine care for each student’s well-being have quickly made him an invaluable member of the staff. Chris is always ready to lend a helping hand, whether it’s through individual counseling sessions, group activities, or collaborating with teachers and parents. His commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere is truly commendable!!
Chris was nominated by De’Shae Craig.
Congratulations Chris!!! May your light continue to shine brightly!
In The News
Counselor's Roundtable
Shout out to ArSCA’s Angela Millard, Laquietta Stewart, and Melissa Bratton , ESOL coordinator for the Hot Springs School District, for presenting School Counselor’s Roundtable for EL Support. Thank you for equipping counselors with tools they can use with our precious students!
Click here for School Counselors Map for English Learners to access an information hub for counselors and educators needing more multilingual learners support and resources. This is the landing page to share information that we collect and discuss during the ArkTESOL Conferences and the ARSCA conferences.
Barling Elementary, Fort Smith
Each month, the fifth grade students at Barling Elementary have had the opportunity to participate in an optional lunch event called Career Café. During this luncheon, students have been able to learn and ask questions about aspects of different careers from local community members. So far, students at Barling have had the privilege of learning more about careers in banking, social work, and the Army National Guard. Our students have loved hearing more about career opportunities in our area!
Division of Elementary & Secondary Education
DESE School Counseling
The Division of Elementary & Secondary Education has a host of resources and information for school counselors located on their School Counseling page.
2024 Summer/FallMessages to Counselors
For more information, please contact:
Lupe Peña de Martínez [understanding my name]
Director of Student Support Services
Office: 501.682.0652
Cell: 501.646.6401
to share Google documents: lupe.pena@pdarkansas.net
Meet the Student Support Services (S^3) Team
Today is a great day to work together to make a meaningful impact towards ensuring comparable educational outcomes for EACH of the 475,207 K-12 learners in Arkansas.
Email: Lupe.Pena@ade.arkansas.gov
*** Lupe is the Director of Student Support and is the contact during this time of searching for a Counseling Program Director***
Reminder: Comprehensive School Counseling Program Requirements
Comprehensive School Counseling Program Requirements Each public school district shall provide a developmentally appropriate comprehensive school counseling program to aid students in academics, social/emotional needs, and career exploration and planning. The district Comprehensive School Counseling Plan, which is a reflection of the program, shall be posted on the district website under “State Required Information” no later than August 1 of 2024 and each following year thereafter. The requirements for the comprehensive school counseling program plan can be found in the Arkansas School Counselor Toolkit and in the Arkansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide which are posted on the Arkansas Department of Education – Division of Elementary and Secondary Education - Guidance and School Counseling webpage. http://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/divisions/learning-services/guidance-and-school-counseling For specific accreditation requirements visit Standards for Accreditation
Success Ready Pathways Webinar
Calling All Arkansas Teachers
Calling All Arkansas Teachers:
You are invited to participate in a research study examining teacher burnout. This study is limited to Arkansas teachers.
Study Overview: This study aims to gather your valuable insights on teacher burnout and its causes.
Why Your Participation Matters: Your feedback will help inform future planning for educator preparation programs, and your participation will voice the experiences and challenges teachers like yourself face daily. This study allows your perspective to be heard and helps drive meaningful change.
Please take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey and share it with your friends and colleagues. Thank you!
2025 Arkansas Governor's School (AGS)
Student nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 Arkansas Governor’s School (AGS) to be held at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas from Sunday, July 6 - Saturday, August 2, 2025. Arkansas Governor's School is a four-week summer residential program for rising high school seniors. Learn more about AGS student applications here. Please encourage all interested and eligible students to apply.
Step-by-step presentation to create a StudentAid.gov account: counselor training_FSA ID_final.pdf.
Applying for AR State Scholarships (video) length [13:07]
Per A.C.A. § 6-15-2911- Commissioner's Memo LS-24-042, the four major components of the Student Success Plan are:
Guide the student along pathways to graduation
Address accelerated learning opportunities
Address academic deficits and interventions
Include college and career planning components
Additionally, each student's Student Success Plan shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to identify the courses to be taken each year until all required core courses are completed. Upon completion of the review, the student's Student Success Plan shall be signed by the:
(a) Student;
(b) Student's parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis to the student; and
(c) School counselor.
2023 legistated changes(see pp 14-16)
Presentation on SSP from DESE Summit
Review the Success Ready Pathway Guide. This guide outlines what a success ready pathway looks like for all students in grades 9-12, however it is a useful tool for students in middle school who are initiating their Students Success Plans. The Success Ready Pathway Guide:
Outlines each pathway course sequence.
Identifies the merit and distinction demonstration for each pathway.
**"Completion of a success-ready pathway leads to eligibility to earn State Distinction, by demonstrating readiness at the culmination of that pathway. Schools will have an opportunity to earn points in accountability for students graduating with merit or distinction.
Provides additional information regarding merit and distinction opportunities for students.
This tool should be used to assist connecting Students Success Plans to student goals post graduation. Becoming a success ready graduate is a multi-year process that begins well before high school. As we continue to build career ready pathways and ensure all Arkansas graduates are success ready.
ArSCA Conference Certificates
The 2024 ArSCA & DESE School Conference Certificates have been emailed out. If you have not received yours, please check your spam folder. The email containing the certificate would be coming from Conference Tracker. Thank you.
If you need further assistance please email technology@arschoolcounselor.org
ArSCA Membership
ArSCA Membership
Arkansas School Counselor Association (ArSCA) supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on academic, personal/social and career development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society. Membership in the state and national associations is highly recommended. ArSCA adheres to the Code of Ethics and policy statements of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA). Who We Are
We have six regions across our state. Here is a list of our ArSCA Board of Directors.
As a member of ArSCA you have the opportunity to subscribe to the ArSCA Listserv. This resource is a perk of membership. If you are a current ArSCA Member and have not subscribed, you can subscribe here: http://lists.state.ar.us/mailman/listinfo/arsca
ArSCA Listserv Changes
We wanted to make you aware of a change that will be occurring with the ArSCA Listserv. DIS (the state) has hosted education listservs for many years which includes ArSCA, TAC_HAC, FMS. These are the ones you may be familiar with All of the DIS listservs will be decommissioned in mid December of 2024.
We will be researching our next steps to provide a listserv for our counselor membership. We will be looking at a solution so we can continue communicating with each other and providing relevant counseling information.
More news to come in the month of December. We just wanted you to be aware that this change will take place in December.
ArSCA Connects
ArSCA Connects: Learn and Share Webinar Registration
Arkansas School Counselor Association is hosting a series of informative virtual meetings for school counselors. Each meeting will provide information to assist school counselors working with students, parents and staff, followed by a question and discussion session. This is an excellent opportunity to network with other school counselors across the state. A zoom meeting link will be provided to those registered. Registration cost is free to members and non-members.
Watch the ArSCA Listserv for dates and times.
ArSCA Sponsors
TasselTIME- Free Counselor Membership
TasselTIME is a comprehensive website designed by a former school counselor for school counselors. TasselTIME has been provided to Arkansas School Counselors for free for 21 years. TasselTIME is available to purchase for school use for the entire district. Many districts in Arkansas are using TasselTIME. Find out more by going to www.tasseltime.com
Sign-up for your free counselor membership here.
*Lots of schools have asked about my Keeping Kids Safe presentation for parents. I do come to schools to present that session. **
ROX Helps You Help Girls
Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) is the nation's only nonprofit organization that supports the complex needs of girls by conducting large scale research and offering an evidence based SEL curriculum for girls in grades 5-12.
Scholarships are available to start a new ROX program at your school.
Learn more about the school-based ROX Program for Girls
Interested in ROX? Get in touch here?
From The Capital: Updates from Jeffrey Hall
From The Capital: Updates from Jeffrey Hall
What does the election tell us?
People used to say elections are local, I believe that changed years ago. With that one needs to listen and understand the direction the federal level is trending to be prepared to react or stay ahead at the state and local level.
A few take aways from the election that will probably have a direct impact on education policy. Across the country we saw candidates win with the message of less government, personal choice, and local control.
Thinking back to the last legislative session as Governor Sanders passed her sweeping education reform bill (LEARNS Act) that follows the personal choice and local control message. Now with President Elect Trump, intending to abolish the Department of Education and let the individual states handle education policy the LEARNS Act follows that line of thinking.
Governor Sanders reinforced her continued support of the direction of Arkansas education policy of LEARNS Act by appointing Dr Gary Arnold to the Board of Education.
I do not anticipate any major changes in education policy this legislative session since the LEARNS Act was passed last session. We will continue to monitor proposed legislation that affects Arkansas education.
Arkansas General Assembly will convene Monday, January 13, 2025. Attached are the Senate and House rosters by district.
We will continue to monitor committee hearings and keep you updated on educational issues
that may be brought before a committee. If you hear of any legislative issues, please contact
me at jefferythall@gmail.com.
ARSCA Regional News
ARSCA Southeast Region Fall Conference: Harvesting Minds, Nurturing Growth
ArSCA Central
On October 30th, the Central Region hosted their Fall Conference at ArchFord Education Co-op. There were over 75 people in attendance. Dr. Workman, Teacher Center Coordinator, provided DESE updates for the region. ArSCA's own Dr. Robin Finley presented on AI and Keeping Kids Safe. The conference was a success and we have been asked to provide a Spring/Summer professional development option. Look for Central Region Counselor of the Year details coming soon!
Central Region Fall Conference
ArSCA North Central
Please see our flyer below about Winter Conference:
President: Shayne Thompson,
President Elect: Priscilla Johnson
Elect-Elect: Paige Clary
Treasurer: Julie Gilbert
Secretary: Suzanne Paul
Past Pres: Michelle Curtis
ArSCA Northeast
Northwest ArSCA
Northwest Region had their Fall Conference on November 1st, and attendees received 6 hours of PD on topics ranging from Motivational Interviewing, to Simplifying School Counseling with AI, and Aligning Counseling Programs to National Standards.
The School Counselor of the Year process has kicked off for the Northwest Region. An email asking for nominations has been sent to district and building level administrators. Nominees will be notified in December.
Follow everything NW Region on social media.
Twitter: @arsca_NWA
Facebook: Arsca - Northwest Region
Southeast ArSCA
On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, the ArSCA Southeast Region hosted its Fall Conference at the Arkansas River Education Service Cooperative, drawing school counselors from across the region for a day focused on personal and professional growth.
This year’s theme, Harvesting Minds by Nurturing Growth, underscored the importance of self-care and resilience in education. Keynote speaker Andrea Fortner set the tone with an inspiring session on “Resiliency for All,” offering practical strategies for navigating challenges in the counseling field.
Adding a wellness component to the day, Camielle Adams led a rejuvenating yoga session, Yoga with Camielle, encouraging counselors to embrace mindfulness and physical relaxation.
During lunch, Dr. Michael Ward from Renaissance provided an engaging presentation on the Fundamentals of Student Support, sparking meaningful discussions about fostering effective educational environments.
The conference served as a powerful reminder that nurturing the well-being of counselors is essential to their ability to impact students' lives positively. It was a day of connection, inspiration, and self-care for the dedicated professionals shaping the future of education in Southeast Arkansas.
Southwest ArSCA
Please See our ArSCA Southwest Region Flyer Below.
President-Jana McWhorter
President Elect-Allie Sage
Secretary-Becky Hedges
Treasurer-Samantha Herbner
Past President-Nathan Watkins