First Presbyterian Church of EJ
December 1, 2024 Happy Thanksgiving!
Announcements and Quick Reminders
*Our Hanging of the Greens service is this Sunday!
*There is a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Thanksgiving! See below for more information!
* Please join us to honor Bob Bryan following worship THIS Sunday! We will have a potluck! Please bring a dish to pass!
*Please see below about the Grand Baby Shower for Pastor Jaime on December 15th!
*Christmas Eve sign up is in the back of the church! We still need lots of helpers! If you are interested in helping...please sign up or email the church! Thank you!
*Poinsettia Orders are due by December 8th! There are forms in the back of the church! Thank you!
Prayer Concerns
Please pray for:
Ken and Nancy Visser and family on the loss of Ken's sister-in-law Newana; Zila Healey who had a stroke and is home recovering; Melanie McNitt; Lisa Gandelot who slipped and fell and severely damaged her shoulder...she is now recovering from a shoulder replacement; Lorna Peebles; Bill Olstrom who has shingles; Boden Vrondran; Denny Jesiek; Sarah's friend, Aiden; Gary Peters; Ken Visser; Bob Visser; Cathy Stark Hawley; Donna Kline; Vic Patrick; Lou Thumser; Jeff Cook; Tom Reid; John Doidge (brother of Lorna Peebles); Jeff Olstrom; Leslie (Sally Lilak's friend from Florida); Josh Fizer (Paul and Liz's nephew); Ben Wiklanski (Ken Kline’s nephew) ; Josh Spears; Stacey Vondra (Bob Bryan's daughter); Rich and Wava Dietrich's sister-in-law, Lynda, who is struggling with Dementia; Artie Jones; Stephanie Saad; Kristine Olstrom; Mary Jason; Bonnie Grover; Ken Kline; Our Nursing Home Residents: Jim and Marie Shepard, Gayle Gotts, Nancy LaCroix.
**Please let us know if you need someone added to or removed from the list! Thank you!**
Please Join Us For A Celebration of Bob Bryan on December 1st
When your Music Director of 54 years retires, it only seems right to celebrate and honor him on multiple occasions. A large celebration will take place in the Spring when we have everyone back, however, we want to acknowledge Bob and his service before he leaves. Please join us following worship on December 1st to celebrate Bob and all that he has given to our church. This will be a pot luck brunch...please bring a dish to pass! Bob will continue to gift us with his music through the end of the year (weather permitting) and we will certainly miss him dearly.
We always look forward to the annual Christmas Pageant which will be held on December 15th. We are planning a “different” Christmas pageant this year, and would like some volunteers to help plan and execute this event. Whether you are an adult or child, if you are interested in creating a moving and beautiful pageant, please let Stacey know. If you want to call or text, my number is 231-459-6552. I am looking for creators, actors, costume creators, and set builders.
Lay Leaders for December 1, 2024
Tech: Ryder Malpass
Jr. Church: Hanging of the Greens
Liturgist: Paul Nachazel
Ushers: Ted and Toni Jeffery
Fellowship: Bob Bryan Celebration
Flowers: Poinsettia
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Communion Servers: Brenda Malpass, Liz Nachazel, Ralph Kooistra; Homebound: Pat McGinn
Deacon of the Month: Kathy Frake
Lay Leaders for December 8, 2024
Tech: Theo Payne
Jr. Church: Rhonda Brennan
Liturgist: Kathy Frake
Ushers: Andy and Ryder Malpass
Fellowship: Advent Happening
Flowers: Poinsettia
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Lay Leaders December 15, 2024 (updated)
Tech: Ryder Malpass
Jr. Church: Christmas Pageant
Liturgist: John Hunter
Ushers: Need Volunteer
Fellowship: Grand Baby Shower for Pastor Jaime
Flowers: Poinsettia
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Lay Leaders for December 22, 2024
Tech: Gavin Spence
Jr. Church: Stacey Chipman
Liturgist: Paul Nachazel
Ushers: Need Volunteer
Fellowship: Bring a snack or treat to share!
Flowers: Poinsettia
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Help For Zila Healey
Thank you to all of you that have volunteered to visit with Zila on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:45-4:30. Below is a schedule so far. There are still some openings if you would If you would like to sign up. If you would like her daughter's address and phone number, please email the church or see the calendar in the back of the sanctuary.
December 2nd: OPEN
December 4th: Toni Jeffery
December 9th and 16th: Donna Kline
December 11th: Linda Snyder
December 18th: OPEN
December 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th: Susan Kinloch
Happy Birthday!
December 5th: David Stone and Ken Kline
Happy Anniversary!
December 3rd: Stacey Chipman and Kathy Frake
Grand Baby Shower For Pastor Jaime
The Deacons will be hosting a Grandy Baby Shower for Pastor Jaime, whose daughter, Abby, is expecting in February. They are asking for monetary donations so that they can purchase some things for Pastor Jaime and Pastor Jim to have at their house for the baby as well as a gift basket for Abby and Jake. The shower will be on December 15th during fellowship. You can drop any donations off in a basket in the back of the church or to the church office. Please place "Deacons Shower" in the memo line. Thank you!
Let's Fill Our Sanctuary With Poinsettias during Christmas!
Each year, we decorate our sanctuary during Christmas with poinsettias or evergreen arrangements. The flowers are on display for the December 22nd and December 24th Worship Services. A special bulletin insert will be included during those worship services. Forms are available in the back of the church.
Please make sure that you designate on any check: Deacon's Fund poinsettia. If you prefer, you can fill out the google form below and send in payment. Thank you!
Toys For Tots/Care and Share Secret Santa
Need Helpers For Hanging of the Greens and Christmas Eve!
It's that time of the year again! We are looking for helpers for the Hanging of the Greens service and Christmas Eve. If you are interested in helping, please sign up in the back of the Sanctuary or email the church!
Advent Happening is December 8th (new date)
Advent Happening will take place on December 8th. There will be craft tables in the fellowship hall following worship and a light lunch will be served by the Deacons. If you are interested in helping with a craft, please let a Deacon know or email the office! Thank you!
Please turn in your pledge cards ASAP!
Church Directory Update!
It's that time of year again! We are updating our Church Directory! If you have any address, phone, or email changes, please let the office know! Thanks!
Next Meet and Eat Is December 9th
Our next Meet and Eat is December 9th. Dinner is at 5:30 pm. Please come, and bring a friend or two! It would be helpful if you could sign up so we know how much food to prepare. The sign-up will be in the Sanctuary Hallway and Fellowship Hall, or you may email Stacey at
If you forget to sign up and want to come, PLEASE COME anyway! We will have plenty! It's all about the Loaves and Fishes!
Presbytery Point Volunteer Positions Open!
Presbytery Point is looking for several volunteers in 2025! Please see below:
Middle School Camp June 22-28th: Male Counselors
Elementary Camp June 29-July 2nd: Female Counselors and Male Counselors
Family Camp June 13-June 15: Spiritual Leader; Nurse or EMT/First Responder; Program Leader; Music Leader; Fishing or Boating Leader; Music Leader
Retro Camp-A-Con June 20-June 22nd: Spiritual Leader; Program Leader; Music Leader
Gidley Scholarship Applications
Gidley Scholarship Applications are available to seniors graduating in 2025! Please email the church for an application! Applications are due March 1st, 2025!
Care and Share
October: Stuffing, squash, items for Thanksgiving, french fried onions, etc.
November: Baking Supplies
Toiletry items are appreciated all year round: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, body wash, hand and body lotion, laundry soap, hygiene products, etc.
Per Capita
Monthly Devotionals
Dates To Remember!
December 1st: Hanging of the Greens; Bob Bryan's Retirement Brunch...bring a dish to pass and we will celebrate the years that Bob has given to our church!
December 8th: Advent Happening (new date!); Toys for Tots/Care and Share items due!
December 15th: Christmas Pageant; Grand Baby Shower for Pastor Jaime
December 22nd: Bring a Christmas cookie, treat, snack to share during fellowship! (new date)
December 24th: Christmas Eve Service; Christmas Joy Offering
March 1st: Gidley Scholarship Applications Due. Email office for a scholarship application.
Devotional Yoga Held on Wednesdays
Please join Pastor Jaime for Devotional Yoga on Wednesdays at 10:00 in the fellowship hall.
Online Giving for First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan
The looks of the Presbyterian Foundation giving page has changed! It is much easier to navigate than previously! Check it out! It's easy to sign up for online giving to First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan! Either scan the code or click on the following link!