RCLA Tuesday Tidbits
August 9, 2022
Opening Day 2022 -2023
We are off to a great start! Thank you for your support in assuring student success.
Most students were in Professional Dress or RCLA Uniform on Monday. Today students were eager to be in class and definitely making responsible decisions by being on time in the morning, being on time to class and participating in their classes.
Let's keep up the great work!
Ms. Austin
RCLA Principal
Urgent Update
This week's important dates:
Monday - 8/15 Professional Dress
Tuesday - 8/16 RCLA Picture Day
Wednesday - 8/17 RCLA PD
Thursday - 8/18 Teachers - NWEA MAP: Pre-Test Calls Zoom meeting 2:45 - 3:00
Friday- 8/19 Back to School Night!!! 4:30 - 7:00 outside in the courtyard and
Power School Parent Workshop 5:00 - 7:00 in the Finn Center
Dress for Success at RCLA
At RCLA and LCPA Monday's are Professional Dress Days. Students are required to dress professionally as the leaders they are, and the leaders they are becoming. Staff will always model professional dress to exemplify professional standards of dress in the workplace.
Dress code information for 2022 - 2023
Uniform Bottoms - black jeans, pants, shorts or skirts (please see above - khaki and gray bottoms ARE allowed until at least October 28, 2022).
Do not wear:
- blue jeans
- ripped pants
- leggings
- pants that sag
- athletic shorts
- khaki pants
- sweat pants
Uniform Tops:
- RCLA polos
- RCLA t-shirts
- black or gray polos
- RCLA Hoodies with Zipper
- RCLA Hoodies without Zipper
- Unmarked black hoodies with Zipper
- Unmarked black hoodies without Zipper
- College Hoodies or T-shirts
Do not wear:
- Graphic tees
- Tank tops
- Crop tops, mid-drifts or half tops
- Camisoles
- Graphic hoodies with Zipper
- Graphic hoodies without Zipper
General Updates
Students should be at school no later than 8:15 am to ensure they are in class on time and will be permitted into the building at 8:25 am. Students should go straight to class ready for instruction to begin at 8:30 am. RCLA and LCPA are closed campuses. That means that when students arrive at school they stay at school. They will not be permitted to leave the campus unless a parent comes into the school, identification is verified and the student is checked out by a parent or legal guardian. Students will not be permitted to go outside of the front door or front gates to meet parents outside for food deliveries. Additionally, office and support staff will not be able to go outside to meet parents for food delivery. Please make lunch available for your student before they are dropped off in the morning if they do not eat school lunch.
Food delivery services such as Uber eats, door dash and pizza delivery are not permitted. The adults delivering food from these services will not be permitted in the building and students will not be able to leave the building to receive food from the delivery services.
Teachers and Staff members: Food delivery services will not be permitted in the building. If you use these services please be prepared to go outside the building to meet your delivery service.
These measures are in place to protect the health and safety of our students. Health and safety must be in place in order for teachers to provide high quality instruction and for support staff to serve students. Each teacher and staff member is required to have a background check and be fingerprinted. This assures the safety of all students. Simply stated for clarification: In order to protect the safety of students, unknown adults will not be permitted in the building.
Bell to bell classroom instruction is critical to student learning. in order to protect instructional time, classrooms will not be interrupted by phone calls to the classroom. If there is an emergency situation that students need to be made aware of, please call the main office and a message will be delivered to them at brunch or lunch.
While these may be shifts in regard to previous experiences at RCLA, keeping our students safe so teaching and learning may occur is our number one priority.
If you have questions please see Ms. Austin.