Bordeaux Elementary School
Weekly Update - February 11, 2024
Dear Bordeaux Families -
Last week was National School Counselors week. I want to take a second to recognize the contributions to Bordeaux of one of my favorite humans, Mr. Wirzbicki. Mr. Wirzbicki goes above and beyond for all our Bordeaux students. He leads our Check-In/Check-Out system, facilitates many of our parent and family meetings, is an active participant on our PTSO committee, runs small groups and social skills activities, meets one on one with students, and provides support wherever needed throughout the day. Beyond this, Mr. Wirzbicki is always checking in on staff and helps keep things light and humorous in a sometimes stressful profession. He does an amazing Elvis impersonation and is not shy about performing in front of people and above all - he is the caretaker of our mascot Buddy the Bulldog. Mr. Wirzbicki is one of the main reasons Bordeaux is the best school around.
Don’t forget this Wednesday is an early release and students will be dismissed at 2:00. Wednesday is also Valentine's Day. Please check with your student’s teacher for any guidance on cards, treats, or celebrations. Speaking of Valentine’s Day - What did one octopus say to the other on Valentine’s Day? I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.
There is no school this coming Monday and Tuesday the 19th and 20th due to President’s Day and our mid-winter break.
I hope the sunny weather keeps popping up periodically on the weekends. As always, it's a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog!