Raccoon News
Nov. 7, 2024
Parent/Teacher Conferences Information
As previously shared, MAPS elementary schools will be changing the timing of Progress Reports to increase the frequency of scheduled communication with families about student achievement. Starting in this fall, Progress Reports will occur at different times than Parent Teacher Conferences. Parent Teacher Conferences will continue to be held in November and March, and Progress Reports will be completed in January and June. This change will provide an opportunity for families to receive communication four times during the school year, and families will have an understanding of their child’s progress at the end of the school year.
Families will be able to see their child’s progress report through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. If families are unable to access their child’s progress report online, they can request a paper copy by contacting the office at their child’s school.
2024-2025 Dates for Conferences and Progress Reports
November 14, 19, 21, 2024. Parent-Teacher Conferences
January 29, 2025 Progress Reports
March 18, 20, 24, 2025 Parent-Teacher Conferences
June 10, 2025 Progress Reports
Additionally, in the past, specialists have always been available for informal check-ins, but this year we have made it easier for families by adding specialists to the PTCfast sign-up process. When you log into PTCfast, you will now see not only your student’s classroom teacher but also time slots to meet with our specialists. These specialists play a vital role in your child's educational experience, and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to check in with them.
Our specialists include:
Mrs. Goldmund – Music
Mr. Engel – Phy. Ed.
Mrs. Fitzloff – Art
Mr. Christianson and Ms. Benson – STEM
This addition is designed to foster meaningful connections and discussions about your student’s progress in these areas.
**Please note, some specialist teachers work in multiple buildings and will not be at Roosevelt every night of conferences due to conferences at their other sites. You can see their availability when you click on their name on the sign up site.
The Book Fair is BACK!
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help set up, run, and tear down the Book Fair during Fall Conferences. Please consider volunteering: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F45ACA92BA2FD0-52952489-fall
The Book Fair will be open from 3:00 pm until 8:00 pm on Thursday, November 14, Tuesday, November 19, and Thursday, November 21. There will be limited hours on Wednesday, November 20, from 3:00 pm until 5:30 pm. Please look for flyers coming home soon!
During conferences, the book fair with be held in our new classroom space/storm shelter. Check out the book fair and our beautiful student learning spaces while you're here!
A Great Opportunity for our Fifth Grade Raccoons:
Title 1 Information
Our school operates under a Title I Targeted Assistance model, which allows us to use Title I funds to improve the educational performance of qualifying students. Through targeted interventions and programs, we aim to address the specific needs of our students and enhance their academic achievement in the area of reading. If your student is receiving these supports, your child's teacher will share more information with you at conferences.
11.........NO SCHOOL
12.........PTO Meeting-Media Center 5:30 pm-6:30 pm (Childcare Provided!)
13.........Early Release-Students Dismissed at 12:30
14.........Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:20 pm- 8:00 pm
19.........Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:20 pm- 8:00 pm
20.........QDOBA PTO FUNDRAISER-Eat at Qdoba from 4pm-8pm, earn money for our PTO!
21.........Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:20 pm- 8:00 pm
26-29...NO SCHOOL
10.......1st, 3rd, 5th Grade Music Program 9:30 am and 1:00 pm
10.........PTO Meeting-Media Center 5:30 pm-6:30 pm (Childcare Provided!)
11.........Early Release-Students Dismissed at 12:30
Dec. 23-Jan 1........NO SCHOOL-Winter Break
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285