Family Program Newsletter
November 2024

A Note From Our Director
Happy November!
Choice Enrollment and Kindergarten Registration.
- For families with students going to Kindergarten in 2024-2025, Choice Enrollment is open now and will close on December 20, 2024. Round two will open on January 21, 2025. More information.
Kindergarten Open House.
- The Thompson School District will be hosting a Kindergarten Open House on Thursday, November 7 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at Thompson Valley High School. This is an opportunity for you to meet with staff from the Thompson School District's elementary schools to learn more about the schools and ask questions.
Attendance Matters!
- Parents, thank you for your support in ensuring that your child's attendance and being on time matters!
School Closures and Delayed Start.
- Announcements regarding school closures and delayed starts will be made via the district website, Facebook (βThompson School Districtβ), "X" (@ThompsonR2J), and the district school closure line (970-613-6788). A phone call, e-mail, and text message will be sent to all district families who have authorized the communication in the Infinite Campus "Parent Portal." Media sources will be contacted for both school closings and delayed starts.
- In a delayed start, the morning Early Childhood classes will be canceled district-wide. Afternoon Early Childhood classes will remain with the normal start and end times. Full-day preschool classes start two hours later. When schools are closed, all athletic events and practices are canceled as well.
- Learn more about school closures and delays.
Have a terrific November!
Lamb Caro
Director of Early Childhood
November is Native American Heritage Month
On November 14, 1990, President George H.W. Bush declared the month of November National Native American Heritage Month, celebrating indigenous tribes and people in the United States. During this month we honor the cultures, languages, and stories of Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and affiliated Island communities while acknowledging their hardship and struggles both throughout history and in the present day.
The theme for this year is "Affirming Native Voices: Visibility, Leadership, Service."
Happy Fall!
This month I wanted to share some ideas on ways to increase Literacy Skills with your preschooler. I hope that you have been able to take some time to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and all that comes with it! Enjoy!
Developing Writing and Spelling at Home (Pre-K)
By: Reading Rockets
Writing is a terrific way for children to express their thoughts, creativity, and uniqueness. It is also a
fundamental way in which children learn to organize ideas. And learning to write well helps children
to be better readers. When engaging in writing, young children often mirror what they see around them; adults and older children writing lists, notes, and text messaging. They are observing the way writing is used in our everyday lives.
Here are some simple things families can do to support young children's writing:
- Keep markers, pencils, and crayons available at home. Children develop skills that prepare them for writing through their normal play β like drawing, painting, and tracing objects. This kind of play helps prepare the brain and the muscles for holding a pencil and forming written words.
- Help them learn to write their name. This is an empowering experience and allows them to begin to identify themselves as writers.
- Involve them in your writing activities. Make a shopping list together and point out the words that start with the same letter as the child's name.
And most of all...
- Read books with kids. Early and frequent exposure to letters, sounds, words, and stories helps kids learn to read and write.
Once children start learning letters, you can practice writing them on paper, in the air, or in sand
or snow. These tactile experiences help them feel the shape and motion of the letter. As your child begins to write letters, caption what they've written. Ask your child, "What does this say?" Write their words under their writing. This helps them learn more about letters and words.
As you read to your children, point out things the book author did to make the book so fun to read. "Wow! Listen to how the author describes the ocean. Don't those words make you feel like you're back jumping over waves?"
Show your children that you write too. Let your children see you writing thank you notes, composing an e-mail, or communicating with your child's school.
Amy Gerhard
Assistant Administrator
Social Emotional Learning
At home...
Thanksgiving Break is a time for families to spend time together and reconnect. It's also a time when we have our kids home and have to figure out how to keep them busy, which can be difficult at times.
We encourage you to take time to play with your child. Try to spend at least 30 minutes with them allowing them to lead the play and give them your undivided attention. No phones, no screens. We know you can't do this all day, but even 30 minutes of quality interaction can build your child's social-emotional skills and help them feel seen and empowered as a little person in this world where they don't have much control.
The video below shows how your children are impacted by their parents being distracted by screens.
In The Classroom...
In our classrooms this month, we have been continuing to learn about emotions. So far we have learned about happy π, sad π₯, surprised π², scared π¨, angry π‘, worried π, frustrated π , disappointed π, excited π, and calm π. The students have learned that it is okay to have any feelings.
In class, we remind children that even when they are having big feelings, it is still important for to stay safe. We repeat the statement: Keep Myself Safe, Keep My Friends Safe, Keep My Things Safe. When children are experiencing big feelings, we offer options for how to calm those emotions like; asking a grown-up to help them, moving themselves to the cozy corner, or taking deep rainbow breaths.
The students have also had discussions about how two people may have different feelings about the same thing. We've talked about how one friend may be excited about going to the doctor and another may be a bit scared.
We love seeing the growth in each student's social-emotional learning from month to month.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the extra family time you get to spend together.
Health and Safety
Smoke Detector Safety
The perfect time to change the batteries in your smoke detector is every November at the end of Daylight Savings time. Smoke Detectors with working batteries are essential for child and family safety.
During the cold-weather months of November through March, home fires and home fire-related fatalities are more likely to occur. As the weather becomes colder and families are indoors, there is increased usage of; space heaters, fireplaces, holiday candles, etc. It is important to teach young children about fire safety.
Planning and practicing a fire escape route with your family and talking to your children about what to expect in a fire are simple steps anyone can take to be more prepared. A prepared child is more likely to escape unharmed.
A couple of safety teaching points to review with your child.
What to do when they hear the sound of the smoke alarm.
If there is fire, crawl low under the smoke.
Touch doors before opening them; if the door is hot, use another exit.
Never go back into a burning building. Children should be reminded not to stop or return for anything; such as a toy or to call 9-1-1.
Upon leaving the burning building, anyone whose clothes have caught fire should immediately stop, drop to the ground, and roll back and forth quickly to extinguish the flames.
Practice an escape plan.
Lock up matches and lighters out of the sight and reach of children. Remind them not to play with these items.
Keep all portable heaters out of childrenβs reach and at least 3 feet away from flammable objects.
Healthy Children Learn Better!
Christiana Shorten
Early Childhood Health Coordinator (970)613-5063
Family Engagement
Thanksgiving Resources
Matthews House Turkey Dinner
Free Turkey dinner on Nov. 21st at First Presbyterian Church, 531 S. College - Fort Collins
- Register by Nov. 7th using the QR code here:
New Freedom Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Free Thanksgiving dinner at New Freedom Church, 250 Mountain Avenue - Berthoud
Thursday, Nov. 28 from noon - 4 pm
Adopt-A-Family - Serve 6.8
Thanksgiving food boxes are available. Sign up at Good Shepherd Church Resource Center, 3429 N. Monroe - Loveland
Thursday, Nov. 7 from 10 am - noon
Salvation Army
Thanksgiving baskets and frozen turkeys are available to families and individuals residing in the Loveland/Berthoud area. Turkey vouchers are available now, until supplies last.
- Where to Register: The Salvation Army at 840 N Lincoln Ave. Monday - Friday 9am β 3pm. Families with children enrolled in TSD schools can register with your school to receive a turkey.
- Eligibility requirements: Proof of residency in Loveland or Berthoud.
- Questions? Call 970-699-8380.
Holiday Gifts and Food Boxes
Adopt-A-Family - Serve 6.8
Ministry of SERVE 6.8 provides a food box and gifts to families with kids 18 and under. Attend one of the Gift Registration Nights to fill out gift requests and receive a gift pick-up ticket to redeem at a Church Connection Event. Visit the website for more information and for family sign-up times.
- Where to Register: Good Shepherd Church Resource Center at 3429 N. Monroe, Loveland
When: Thursday, Nov. 7 from 10 am - noon
Salvation Army
Angel Tree program is for families who have not registered with any other gift programs. Register and receive gifts for children same day.
- Where to Register: Salvation Army Loveland office at 840 N Lincoln Ave
- Eligibility Requirements: proof of residency in Loveland or Berthoud, and verification that the family has children ages 0 to 17 years old. The verification may include birth certificates, school records, or benefit records β anything to show that the family has children living with them.
When: December 16 - 24, Monday β Friday, 9am β 3pm
Questions? Call 970-699-8380.
Note: if you have a Fort Collins address, contact the Salvation Army of Ft. Collins at 970-207-4472 and make an appointment.
House of Neighborly Service Christmas Open House
Visit for food, photos with Santa, fun activities, and giveaways.
- Where: 1511 East 11th Street, Suite 100
- When: November 21st, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
House of Neighborly Service - Loveland
Visit HNS Nov. 25 - Dec. 23 (Mon.- Thur.) to receive a Holiday Dinner Food Basket and visit the Toy Shop. This service will be available to income qualified households living within Thompson School District. Families must bring photo ID for all adults over the age of 18, proof of income in the last 30 days, and proof of residency such as a utility bill received in the last 30 days. Sign up at 1511 E. 11th Street, Loveland. You should plan to arrive 2 hours before closing. Contact Paola Appleby at House of Neighborly Service to learn more at (970) 667-4939.
When: Nov. 25 - Dec. 23
- Monday - Wednesday from 9 AM to 3:30 PM
- Thursdays from 9 AM - 5:30 PM
House of Neighborly Service - Berthoud
House of Neighborly Service in Berthoud is offering a holiday food basket (including a ham and all the sides) and a Christmas Toy Shop.
Where to Register: OutPost building at 375 Meadowlark Drive, Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9 AM - 5 PM
Eligibility Requirements: photo ID for all adults over the age of 18( a picture of the license on a phone is fine), proof of income in the last 30 days, and proof of residency such as a utility bill or any piece of mail. See income guidelines.
- Tuesday, December 10th, from 9 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday, December 12th, from 9 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday, December 19th, from 9 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday, December 21st, from 9 AM - 5 PM
- Questions? Contact Jinger Tomassi β jtomassi@honservice.org or 970-532-0161
Kenziβs Causes Northern Colorado Toy Shop
Annual Holiday Toy Drive for children aged birth - 18. This event operates on a first-come, first-served basis. A completed survey will be required to enter the toy shop, and will be given out the day of the event. Each child will receive a new toy, a stocking, and a stocking stuffer. Bring a large bag or garbage bag to carry the toys. Free. No prior registration.
- Eligibility Requirements: The parent or guardian must show a photo ID and provide the birth certificate of the child. You may only shop for your own children.
When: Saturday, December 7, from 9 AM - 2 PM or until they run out of toys
Questions? More information
NOCO Santa Squad
Assistance deadline is Dec. 1st.
- Where to Register: Use the request form.
Julie Lindsay - julie.lindsay@tsd.org
Family & Community Partnership Coordinator
TSD Update
TSD Inclement Weather Guidelines
During periods of inclement weather, Thompson School District is occasionally faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to close schools. Find more information about this process and how these announcements are communicated.
Community Spotlight
Tot Art
Where: Loveland Museumβs Beet Education Center at 201 E 5th St
When: Fridays from 10:00 AM - 11:15
Who: Kids ages 3 - 5, with an adult
Price: $20 non-member, $16 Museum member (fees are per child, per class)
Classes Offered:
- Color Shine Stained Glass - Friday, November 8
- Geometric Masterpiece - Friday, November 15
- Roaring Fierce Lions - Friday, November 22
- Reindeer Romp - Friday, December 13
Important Dates
November 25th - 29th | No School - Thanksgiving Break