Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
October 24-28th
Here is what we learned this week:
Language Arts: We reviewed our sight words: I , am the, little, to and a. We introduced the new sight words: have, is and can. We read non-fiction and informational text books about bats. The students wrote and illustrated bat facts. We read the book Stellaluna. We charted and discussed how bats and birds are different. We also sequenced the story from what happened in the beginning, middle and end. We discussed the character traits of each character in the story and how bats and birds act differently. Students also had the opportunity to work in differentiated reading groups reading books about Halloween, bats and spiders. The Students focused on the following good reading strategies taught to them ( using a pointy finger, sounding or tapping out sounds, using the pictures as clues, etc..). Students pointed out sight words in the books and discussed the main idea and characters of the story. I asked the Students comprehension questions and checked for improved fluency. The Students worked in literacy centers focusing on beginning sounds, word building, sight words and rhyming.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters O and P. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that begin with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they had to identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to handwrite the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We continued our math unit on number sense and writing and representing our numbers past 10. Students learned to use a double 10 frame to help represent the numbers and use manipualtives to help in math centers. We will read, handwrote and represented numbers to 20.
Social Studies/ Science : We began our Giving without walls project "Treats for the Troops". We discussed giving back to the community and how it makes us feel when we get / give treats. We discussed how our servicemen and women help us and our country and how we want to thank them. We made flyers and posters about how we are collecting leftover Halloween candy. We made boxes to collect the candy in. We will count, weigh and sort the candy to donate for the troops!
We are batty for Bats!
Making bats for our bat unit
We learned that bats are helpful animals!
We compared bats and birds
We wrote what bats can, have and are.
We read the story Stellaluna and sequenced the events of the story.
We illustrated and wrote about how bats and birds are different.
Treats for Troops
Kindergarten read books about our troops and how they protect our country and are brave!
We worked in small cooperative groups to make posters promoting treats for troops.
We love working as a team to thank our Soldiers!
We decorated boxes for the candy doantions!
We love candy and so do our soldiers!
What is going to work- teamwork!
Check out the commercial we made for treats for troops!
Reminders and upcoming events:
- The Halloween parade and party will tomorrow at 12:30. Parents are invited to come at 12:00 and help with costumes. Let me know if you can help.
- Please have your child dress down and bring their costume to change into. Please no weapons!
- Parents are invited to attend our parade, party and fun station games!
- 11/1- Treats for Troops kicks off! Please donate any leftover candy!
- 11/2- Dress down and wear green for Character counts responsibility day!
- 11/2- PAC meeting at 6:00
- 11/3- Story telling night ! Bring the family and friends to this fun event!
- 11/4- First quarter ends