News From Conyers Learning Academy
August 16, 2024
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back ABLE and REACH Families!
We are excited to welcome you and your child back to school for the 2024-2025 school year! Our staff is dedicated to providing a supportive and enriching learning environment for all students.
The first day of school for all students is Thursday, September 5th, from 9:20 AM to 4:00 PM. We can’t wait to see you there!
To meet your child’s teacher, please join us for our “Meet the Teacher” event on Tuesday, September 3rd, from 12:45 PM to 1:30 PM. You can enter the building through Door 15.
You can find your child’s classroom assignment and transportation information in Infinite Campus. If you have any questions, please contact our school office at 847-963-3400. Below is a list of ABLE and REACH teachers and their email addresses should you have any questions.
Primary - Shobana Kumar: kumars@ccsd15.net
Intermediate - Jessica Busse: bussej@ccsd15.net
Middle School - Jenny Orth: orthj@ccsd15.net
Primary - Jamie Rocha: rochaj@ccsd15.net
Intermediate - Cathy Rustman: rustmanc@ccsd15.net
Intermediate - Matt Kooiker: kooikerm@ccsd15.net
Middle School - Courtney Milner: milnerc@ccsd15.net
Middle School - Tiffany Jackson: jacksont@ccsd15.net
It has been a long summer, and the staff and I are eager for the year to begin. Your children are the pride and joy of our school and we can’t wait to welcome them back to CLA!
We look forward to a fantastic school year!
Matt Stary
Principal, Conyers Learning Academy
New Mascot
We are excited to announce that we have adopted a new mascot for our ABLE and REACH program: the Phoenix. This legendary creature, rising from the ashes, embodies the incredible spirit and resilience that we witness daily in our students.
The Phoenix is a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and hope. Just as this mythical bird emerges stronger from the flames, our students overcome challenges and adversity to achieve remarkable growth. Our REACH students, who face significant social and emotional hurdles, demonstrate extraordinary courage as they navigate their social-emotional journey and build stronger social connections. Similarly, our ABLE students exhibit immense determination as they develop essential life skills and work towards independence.
The Phoenix's ability to transform symbolizes the incredible progress our students make. Their journey is often marked by setbacks and challenges, but they consistently rise above these obstacles to reach new heights.
Choosing the Phoenix as our mascot is a powerful statement about our commitment to fostering resilience, growth, and success in all our students. It is a symbol of our shared belief in their limitless potential.
Meet the Office Team
There will be some familiar faces in the front office this year. Our wonderful administration and office team are here to support our students and families however we can. We are looking forward to connecting with you at CLA at the events we have planned for the upcoming year. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office or email us directly.
Matt Stary - Principal (starym@ccsd15.net)
Christy Loh - Assistant Principal (lohc@ccsd15.net)
Jamin Blancarte - Secretary (blancarv@ccsd15.net)
Lynn Erdmann - Clerical (erdmannl@ccsd15.net)
Debbie Vojak - School Nurse (vojackd@ccsd15.net)
School Hours and Registration Information
School Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:20 am - 4:00 pm
9:20 am - 3:10 pm
Registration Information
If you have already registered your child for the 2024-2025 school year, thank you - your child has been sectioned into their classroom.
If you have not registered, please do so today. Students who have not been registered by Friday, August 16th will be unenrolled and deleted from Infinite Campus.
School Calendar
Please click on this link for the D15 School Calendar.
Infinite Campus' Campus Parent is designed to provide real-time access to student information. The easy-to-use design displays what is currently happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process.
Grades & mid-term progress reports
Registration information
Transportation information
Pay fees
You can log into Campus Parent using the Campus Parent Web Portal or Mobile App.
Make sure you have your account set up for the new school year! To learn how to set up your account, watch tutorials, or access a help center, please visit the district website.
School Supplies
Dates to Remember
August 19th - Classroom Assignments Available Through Infinite Campus at 5:00 PM
- August 21st - Better Together with the POC at Falcon Park 6:00 - 7:30 PM
- August 27th - School Supply Distribution
- September 3rd - Meet the Teacher 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
- September 5th - First Day of School
- September 24th - Parent Orientation and Pizza Night
- September 26th - Half Day of Student Attendance
- October 2nd - First PTA Meeting 6:30 PM (see PTA section below)
Join the CLA PTA!
Cross "Join the PTA" off your Back-to-School list!
By becoming a member of the Conyers Learning Academy PTA (click here to sign up!), you'll directly contribute to supporting all students and staff at our school. Membership is open to everyone – parents, grandparents, teachers, community members, and even students!
The PTA relies entirely on memberships, donations, and fundraising efforts to give back and invest in our school community. Every bit of support makes a difference!
While membership information will be available in upcoming newsletters, there's no pressure to volunteer or attend meetings. Simply signing up is a fantastic way to show your school spirit.
Our first meeting is Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:30 PM.
Stay connected!
- Follow us on Facebook!
- Email us at conyerspta@gmail.com with any questions.
The Nurse's Corner
Important Health Information for the Start of School
Immunizations and Health Exams:
As the school year gets underway, please ensure your child's health records are up-to-date and on file with the school nurse. This includes current immunizations and a recent health exam.
Grade-Specific Requirements:
Certain grade levels may require additional exams, such as eye or dental checkups. Please visit the school's health information webpage for specific requirements by grade.
Submitting Health Records:
All required health documents are due by the start of the school year. You can submit them in the following ways:
- Drop them off at the school office.
- Email them to vojackd@ccsd15.net
- Fax them from your doctor's office to 847-963-3406.
Please don't hesitate to contact the school nurse at 847-963-3400 if you have any questions.
Grade-Specific Requirements:
- Physical (Health) Exam form with current immunizations -(English/Spanish)
- Eye Exam form (English/Spanish)
- Dental Exam form (English/Spanish)
Second Grade:
Sixth Grade:
- Physical (Health) Exam form with current immunizations (English/Spanish)
- Dental Exam form (English/Spanish)
All Forms are due to the health office by October 15th, 2024. Please call the office if you have any questions and we will be happy to assist you.
Nutrition Services
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program
For the 2024-25 school year, CLA will continue to be a part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. This means that ALL students will receive free breakfast and lunch regardless of their economic status.
The CEP program DOES NOT automatically extend a waiver of student fees for families. In order to receive a waiver of student fees based on low household income or financial hardship in the family, an application must be completed and returned to the school. Please use the following link for more information and to apply now! Student Fees/Waivers
Every Day Counts: Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow
Nine Days or Less for School Success!
Across the state, student absenteeism is getting a lot of attention right now, and for good reason. In Illinois, more than 1 of every 4 students misses about 2 days a month, or 10% of the school year. Students missing this much of the school year are considered Chronically Absent. Missing two days a month may not seem like a lot, but it equals missing a whole month of school. In fact, if starting in kindergarten, a student who misses just 1.5 days each month will have missed 175 days by the end of their senior year. That’s a whole school year of lost instruction!
In District 15, about 1 in five students (21%) was Chronically Absent. The positive academic and social impact of regular attendance is so important that District 15 has committed to reducing the number of chronically absent students in half (from 21% to 10%) by 2027. To support this goal, District 15 is starting an “Every Day Counts: Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow” initiative in the Fall of the upcoming school year.
This Fall, parents will see some new actions and communication from the District and CLA. These actions are designed to promote regular student attendance. In the Fall, families will begin to receive information about the importance of attendance, tips on how to help students attend as much school as possible, and regular updates to help families track how often their student is absent each month. Our schools are also organizing themselves to reach out early and support students and families experiencing attendance difficulties. If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, consider logging into Infinite Campus to check exactly how many absences they had this year.
D15 News
Please click on this link for the latest D15 newsletter!
Staff Spotlight
We are excited to shine the spotlight on our incredible Assistant Principal, Christy Loh!
A dedicated member of the Conyers Learning Academy family for an impressive 17 years, Ms. Loh has made a significant impact on our school community.
Ms. Loh began her journey at CLA as a teacher in the ABLE Program, where she fostered a culture of learning and connection. Her passion for special education and her advocacy for her students led her to her current role as Assistant Principal.
What Ms. Loh loves most about CLA is the opportunity to collaborate with our amazing staff and witness the growth and development of our students every day. Her dedication to creating a positive and supportive learning environment is evident in all that she does.
When Ms. Loh isn’t busy leading our school, she enjoys spending quality time with her nieces, immersing herself in nature through off-grid camping, and baking treats to bring to those she loves.
We are incredibly fortunate to have Ms. Loh as part of our CLA family. Her commitment to our school is inspiring, and we are grateful for her contributions to the success of our students.
Thank you, Christy, for your dedication and hard work!
New CLA Website!
New Website!
Come check out our new and improved website!
Follow us on Social Media
Matt Stary
Principal - Conyers Learning Academy - Therapeutic Day
Email: starym@ccsd15.net
Website: https://cla.ccsd15.net/
Address: 2800 Central Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Phone: 847-963-3480