Principal Message
January 9, 2025
Dear Roadrunner Families ~
Highlights from the week include:
- Students reviewing RPE expectations. Click the link below and review expectations with your students at home.
- 5th Graders and families meeting with Camp Seymour Staff to learn about the upcoming 5th Grade Camp overnight experience in February.
This month we will continue working on:
- Getting deeper into learning! Check out specific classroom newsletters/Teacher communication to learn more.
Below are a few important dates/info to tuck away:
Important Upcoming Dates:
- January 17: MLK Jr. Assembly at 2:30pm - All families welcome!
- January 20: MKL Jr. Observance - NO SCHOOL
- January 24: PTA-Sponsored Movie Night (The Wild Robot) - more info below
- February 5-7: 5th Grade Camp
- February 13: 3rd Grade Concert
- February 13: PTA Meeting (Virtual and In-Person at 7:00pm)
- February 16: PTA Sponsored Fundraiser (MOD Pizza in Fairwood)
- March 27: PTA Sponsored Fundraiser (Red Robin at the Landing)
End-of-Day Reminders
- ALWAYS enter the building through the main door and check in with the office, even after school. Staff are not allowed to let anyone in at any time...even if we know who you are, you will be asked to walk around to the main office. This policy helps us know who is in the building.
- Please park in designated spots ONLY. No parking along red-lined curbs. Those are designated for emergency vehicles AT ALL TIMES.
Thanks for doing your part to keep Renton Park safe!
3rd - 5th Grade Choir is BACK!
Renton Park Student Choir is BACK! This before-school opportunity is open to students in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th, meeting twice a week (Monday and Wednesdays from 8:00 - 8:30am). Due to space restrictions and adult support, no more than 40 students can be accepted.
Choir practice starts January 27th at 8:00am. Look for sign up sheets to come home sometime next week.
Feel free to reach out to Choir Advisor Megan Howell at megan.howell@rentonschools.us with any questions.
Popcorn Fridays
Starting next Friday 1/17, small bags of popcorn will be sold at lunch recess by 5th graders to help raise money for their 5th grade camp sweatshirts. Bags will be sold for 50 cents each.
We need two parents each Friday to help make popcorn and collect money. (A parent with popcorn experience will be there to help.) Please visit the link below to sign up and don't forget to send your students with a couple of quarters on Friday to help support our 5th graders.
Join us for a FREE movie night on Friday, January 24th at 6pm. Concessions will be available for sale and we need help selling them. Please follow the link below to sign up for a shift if you are able.
Please note that anyone selling concessions and handling money must be a member of PTA for insurance purposes.
When to Stay Home
Deciding when a student can go to school can be a difficult decision for parents to make. When trying to decide, use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.
RSD Dual Language Information Night
More information about the Dual Language Program can also be found on the website: https://www.rentonschools.us/learning-and-teaching/categorical-programs/english-language-learners-ell/dual-language-education
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is OVERFLOWING!
Please take a moment to visit the Lost and Found for coats, hats, lunch boxes, and water bottles.
Did you know spending just 5 minutes a day listening and talking to your children can have remarkable results? Having short, meaningful talks can build family bonds, give children a strong sense of support and self confidence, and strengthen their communication skills.
Question to discuss as a family this week: What rule do you have to follow that you think is unfair?
SAVE THE DATE: Grade Level Concerts
Get your cameras ready! We're excited to announce that in-person grade-level evening concerts are happening again this year. All concerts will be held in the Renton Park café with a 6:00 start time. Below is the schedule for this year:
- February 13: 3rd Grade
- April 3: 1st Grade
- April 24: 2nd Grade
- May 15: Kindergarten
- June 5: 5th Grade
Join the PTA! Become a Member! (Meeting attendance not required)
Click here to sign up: https://www.rentonparkpta.org/pta-store
Need help with the cost of membership? PTA received a grant to boost membership and cover the member fee if it's not in your budget.
Send a brief email to 4thestudents@rentonparkpta.org with questions or to get the coupon code to enter at membership check out!
Daily Bell Schedule: Monday - Thursday
Daily Bell Schedule: Friday
School Breakfast/Lunch Meals FREE
Thanks to a state and federal funding, Renton School District will again provide breakfast and lunch meals free to most students this school year. All students can eat school breakfast and lunches free except at Risdon Middle School, Hazen High and the H.O.M.E. program. Unfortunately, the federal Community Eligibility Provision formula left us unable to include these schools.
Important note: While not required for free school meals, families are strongly encouraged to complete this Child Nutrition and Education Benefit form to help students and families receive important resources like: before and after school academic and enrichment programs; resources for classrooms; guidance and college counselors; health and wellness services; state summer grocery debit cards (SunBucks), and more. Submit your completed form to RSD.mealform@rentonschools.us or drop off at your school.
JANUARY Lunch Menu
REMINDER: Please complete the Meal Application! It is available at https://www.rentonschools.us/ departments/nutrition-services-warehouse/meal-applications. All students at our elementary schools receive one free breakfast and lunch each day. However we ask for you to complete a meal application in order to ensure your child's school qualifies for federal and state funding that is determined by parent income levels. You may also be eligible for other benefits such as reduced fees for programs and activities.