Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
As we finish up the end of the first grading period (today for high schools and the end of the month for elementary schools), I want to take a moment to commend our students for their hard work and dedication to their studies. Despite the added pressures our students face these days, their commitment to their education is truly admirable.
As we move into the second quarter/trimester, I encourage our students to strive for academic growth AND to also find balance with fun, friends, family, and rest. Remember that every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow…and with a fresh start, comes endless possibilities. In school, these opportunities also come with resources and assistance. For those students who found the first term to be a challenging one, please know there are dedicated staff members and programs to support and guide you through each step.
It’s no secret that school can be a demanding place, with both students and staff members often feeling pulled in a million different directions. However, it’s important to remember that taking time to have fun and relax is as important as excelling in school and work. For all of us, finding balance can be a challenge, but it is achievable. We can all be a little better at prioritizing tasks and setting manageable goals, but we also need to find purposeful ways to reduce stress and make time for socializing and leisure activities. Taking a short walk, meditating, listening to music, talking with friends, or just taking some deep breaths can all help to relax and improve our overall well-being.
Ultimately, finding balance and making time for fun and relaxation is crucial for both students and staff members. Prioritizing self-care and taking time to recharge can help us all better handle the pressures of school, work, and family commitments. I encourage us all to give ourselves and each other a little grace and patience as we face daily pressures, and to keep a watchful eye on friends and colleagues who may need help or an encouraging word.
Warmest Regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
In This Issue...
- OPENING FEATURED EVENT: LA Dodgers Play Day at Repetto School
- October 3rd Board Meeting Items
- - Staff Report: Update on California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation
- - Communication Item: Recognition of Baldwin Elementary School on earning the 2023 National Blue Ribbon School Award
- - Community Partners Update: Alhambra Council PTA
- Educational Services
- - College & Career Center Workshop
- - Alternative Income Form (AIF)
- Technology Updates
- - Reminder: Lightspeed Parent Portal
- - Parent Portal Update: Student Device Asset Information Screen
- - Affordable Connectivity Program
- Student Support Services
- - Caregiver Education Webinar Series: "Be Kind To Your Mind"
- - SSS Community Conversations
- - Hazel Health Telehealth Mental Health Services
- - Medi-Cal Redetermination
- Facilities and Construction
- - Facilities Updates
- SMALL SPOTLIGHTS (News and Information from Around AUSD)
- - AUSD Drama Productions
- Food & Nutrition Services:
- - Celebrate National School Lunch Week
- - 19th Annual Food & Wellness Fair 2023
- - Cafeteria Menus
- Parent Resources: Community Offerings & News
- - Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
- - WSG Valley SELPA IEP Training for Parents
- - Scholarship Opportunities
- Non-Profit Partner Organizations (AEF, ALA, AAA)
- - News from AEF
- - Thank You for Supporting our Non-Profit Partners
- Human Resources
- - Game Changer Nominations
- - Employment Opportunities
- AUSD Calendar
- - Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- - High School Athletics Calendars
- CLOSING FEATURED EVENT: 16th Annual College Fair
- AUSD Featured in Local Papers
- Publicity Requests
- AUSD is on YouTube
- FEATURED VIDEO: Two AUSD Students Featured in PBS NewsHour Segment
- AUSD Website & Social Media - Stay Connected with AUSD!
- "AUSD Connection" Archive
Throughout the newsletter, please CLICK ON IMAGES AND HEADLINES to access additional information, embedded links, and larger versions of the photographs/graphics.
Featured Event: LA Dodgers Play Day at Repetto School
Thank you to the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation (LADF), the Catching Hope Foundation, and Playworks for spending September 21st at Repetto School to help the students learn the importance of play, physical activity, and good sportsmanship. This is the second time the Dodgers, LADF, Catching Hope, and Playworks have partnered with AUSD for a fun Dodgers Play Day -- we hope we can do it again in the future! ⚾
📸 Large group photo used with permission of the Los Angeles Dodgers & Jon Soo Hoo
(All Rights Reserved)
Staff Report Presentation Slides & Communication Items
At the October 3rd Board of Education meeting, the Board recognized Martha Baldwin School for earning the prestigious National Blue Ribbon School Award. They also heard updates from the Alhambra Council PTA and representatives from each PTA/PTSA unit.
AUSD College & Career Workshops
All 9th - 12th grade families are invited to attend! Next presentation: UC, CSU & Common Apps. Attend to learn about the different types of college applications. Wednesday, 10/25/23 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Click here to register.
Alternative Income Form
Reminder: Lightspeed Parent Portal
The Lightspeed Parent Portal is available for guardians. This tool allows guardians to monitor their child's most recent web browsing activities. Guardians will be able to opt into receiving weekly reports of their student’s internet usage and analytics. They will also have the ability to create a Lightspeed Parent Portal account, which will allow them to view their child’s browsing history for the last 7 days.
Step 1: Opt in to receive the usage reports (Click here for Instructions - English/Spanish/Chinese)
Step 2: Review the Lightspeed Parent Portal Guide (Click here for the guide - English/Spanish/Chinese)
Parent Portal Update: Student Device Asset Information Screen
We're excited to introduce the AUSD Device Asset information screen in the Powerschool Parent Portal. This new feature provides detailed information about the devices assigned to students. To access this information, simply log in to the parent portal and click on the 'assets' link in the left panel. You'll find a list of devices issued to your student, displaying relevant device details. If you have any questions about the device(s) listed, please contact your child's school site.
District technology devices are assigned to each student within Powerschool. All lost or damaged devices are the student's responsibility and are to be paid for at the time of loss or damage. Failure to pay for lost or damaged devices may result in withholding school privileges and report cards. (BP 3515.4, BP 5131.5, EC 48904).
Chromebook Replacement Cost: $350.00
PC Laptop Replacement Cost: $1,000.00
Affordable Connectivity Program
Los Angeles County of Education (LACOE) is working collaboratively with the County of Los Angeles encouraging families that are eligible sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP helps ensure that income-eligible households can afford home internet services that are essential for school, work, healthcare services, and more by providing a discount of up to $30 a month. Click HERE to apply online or print out a mail-in application.
Caregiver Education Webinar Series 1: "Be Kind To Your Mind"
The Community Empowerment Team from AUSD’s Student Support Services Division would like to invite you to our first webinar of the Caregiver Education Webinar Series. Our first webinar is: Be Kind to Your Mind and it will take place next Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. via zoom and cover content related to TK-5th grade. To register, click HERE. For more information, visit: We hope to see you there!
SSS Community Conversations
The Community Empowerment Team from AUSD’s Student Support Services Division would like to invite you to the 2023-24 SSS Community Conversations Events for the month of October. The events will be taking place at Baldwin and Emery Park Elementary Schools. Join us for an hour of powerful conversation surrounding student health and wellness and the impact they have on your child’s achievement. To register for any of these events, please click HERE.
Hazel Health Telehealth Mental Health Services
Medi-Cal Redetermination
Facilities Updates
Congratulations to the AHS Team for a successful WASC Accreditation, which culminated in the official visitation September 10th-13th. Thank you to everyone who came out on a Saturday afternoon to welcome the WASC Committee and to start the visit on such a positive note and to the ASB Student Leaders who led the campus tour for the visiting committee and shared their views of what makes Alhambra High School special.
The first Administrators Induction Seminar of the year was held on Thursday, September 21st. We are so lucky to have our retired administrators to guide our current class of administrators and to share their wealth of knowledge. Thank you to retirees, Lis Hanacek and Marcia Gilbert, who presented while the AUSD induction coaches facilitated Table Talks.
AUSD was honored to join AHS senior Nicolas Kiet Quach as he gave the opening address at the Los Angeles County Teachers of the Year Luncheon. Nicolas, who serves on the LACOE Superintendent's Student Advisory Council, praised his teachers who helped him along his journey from his family's humble beginnings to finding his passion for public service. He thanked them for serving as role models and helping students navigate the ever-changing world around them.
On Wednesday, September 27th, the families of Park School came together for an evening of fun games and yummy food at their Latino Festival 2023! A special thank you to ASB, staff and the PTA for making Park’s first event of the school year amazing! Way to go Panthers.
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Cao, who was just named to the Los Angeles County Office of Education's (LACOE) Superintendent's Student Advisory Council. Kaitlyn is currently AUSD's Student Board Member Alternate and vice-chair of AUSD's Student Advisory Council. We are excited that Kaitlyn will continue to represent student voices on a larger scale as she works with LACOE superintendent Dr. Debra Duardo.
Congratulations Park School principal, Carin Gasca! At Wednesday's principals meeting, Ms. Gasca was honored as AUSD's second "Excellence in Leadership" award recipient. This is a rotating recognition for a principal who has gone above and beyond in his/her role. Ms. Gasca will display the award in her office until the next principals meeting, where she will then present the award to the next AUSD principal honoree.
On “National Coffee with a Cop Day,” the Alhambra Police Department spent the morning at Baldwin School, where they greeted families as they arrived, distributed information and giveaways, and chatted with parents to get to know them and to hear the concerns of the community. Thank you to our local law enforcement agencies for all you do for AUSD and for keeping our students, staff and families safe.
🎭 AUSD Drama Productions 🎭
Friday, October 13 -- AHS Theater Boosters & Thespians are reviving their haunted house after four years. The are presenting Haunted House - Circus of Nightmares which will feature nine terrifying rooms. The haunted house is open to the public, but might not be appropriate for small children. Tickets will be available at the door or click HERE.
Celebrate School Lunch Week
19th Annual Food & Wellness Fair 2023
Food & Nutrition Services will host this event on Tuesday, October 31st at Monterey Highlands School.
- Session 1: 10:15am - Baldwin, Brightwood, Emery Park, Fremont, Garfield, Monterey Highlands, MKHS, SGHS
- Session 2: 11:30am - Granada, Marguerita, Northrup, Park, Ramona, Repetto, Ynez, AHS & All Others
Reservation are required. Please contact your school office to attend.
Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) play a vital role in fostering a caring and successful school environment. We encourage all staff members, parents/guardians, and other family members to get involved in your site PTA. AUSD currently has 14 schools with active PTAs. It's not too late to join your local PTA...please visit: and select the school you would like to support.
The National PTA has a long-standing commitment to arts education. The Reflections Art Program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. This years theme is "I am Hopeful Because...". Student entries are due in early October. The schools that are participating this year are: Baldwin, Brightwood, Emery Park, Garfield, Marguerita, Monterey Highlands, Northrup, Ynez, AHS, MKHS & SGHS.
IEP Training for Parents
The West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is offering a training for parents who are new to the special education world. Sessions are being offered on October 25th at either 1:00pm (in person) or 6:30pm (virtual). To access the flyer (with registration information), please click HERE.
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation
Alhambra Latino Association
Asian American Association
News from AEF
THANK YOU for supporting our Non-Profit Partners at their recent events!
Nominations for the next AUSD Game Changers are open. Want to reward an extra-special AUSD employee?
Nominate a deserving certificated or classified to be a Game Changer HERE.
AUSD Employment Opportunities
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- October 6: End of 1st Quarter (gr. 9-12)
- October 8: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- October 11: SSS Caregiver Education Webinar Be Kind To Your Mind 5:30pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- October 13: SSS Community Conversations at Baldwin School 8:30am-9:30am (Flyer)
- October 13: AHS Haunted House Circus of Nightmares 3:35pm-8:30pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- October 15: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- October 19-20: MKHS Production of Little Women 7:00pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- October 22: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- October 24: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- October 25: West San Gabriel Valley SELPA IEP Training for Parents 1:00pm-In Person, 6:30pm-Virtual (Flyer)
- October 25: College & Career Workshop: UC, CSU & Common Apps 6:30pm-8pm (Flyer, RSVP)
- October 26: SGHS Haunted Maze 3:30pm-4:00pm (Flyer)
- October 27: SSS Community Conversations at Emery Park 8:30am-9:30am (Flyer)
- October 27: SGHS Haunted Maze 3:30pm-4:00pm (Flyer)
- October 27: Park School's Centennial Celebration (More info. to follow.)
- October 27: End of 1st Trimester (gr. TK-8)
- October 27: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
- October 29: 10th Annual Alhambra Pumpkin Run 7:45am-3:00pm (Flyer)
- October 29: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- October 30: Pupil-Free Day for Elementary & High Schools (Gr. TK-12)
- October 31: Pupil-Free Day for Elementary Schools (Gr. TK-8)
- October 31: 19th Annual Food & Wellness Fair 2023 10:00am-12:35pm (Flyer)
- October 31: SGHS Haunted Maze 3:30pm-4:00pm (Flyer)
- November 5: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- November 6: LCAP Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting (Flyer is forthcoming)
- November 10: Holiday - Veterans Day
- November 12: NO AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market this Weekend
- November 14: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- November 16-18: AHS Production of A Midsummer Night's Dream 6:30pm (Flyer, Tickets)
- November 17: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents & Staff
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: 16th Annual College Fair
AUSD held their 16th Annual College Fair on Wednesday, October 4th at San Gabriel High School. The evening was a huge success with more than 1000 people in attendance and representatives from over 50 Colleges/Universities, Trade Schools and the Military. The evening also included 2 workshops with sessions on "College 101", "Financial Aid Overview" and "How to Succeed as a First-Generation Student". Also, as part of the Career Fair, students practiced the EMT skill of measuring glucose/sugar levels in the blood. Thank you to everyone who made this evening possible! All of your hard work is what made this evening a success.
Read about AUSD in these Local Papers
Featured Video: AUSD students featured in PBS NewsHour segment
We're so proud of Keiko Rakin (AHS sophomore) and Gabby Wong (MKHS junior) for being part of this important PBS NewsHour national segment:
How teenagers' lack of sleep is taking a toll on their mental health
Research has found that teenagers should be getting eight to ten hours of sleep every night. But many are sleeping far less than that and nearly one in four also suffer from insomnia. William Brangham reports on why it's so hard for so many teens to sleep, and why it's taking a toll on their mental health. It’s part of our ongoing series, Early Warnings: America’s Youth Mental Health Crisis.
About Alhambra Unified School District
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD