Ms. Welch's Weekly Update
August 26th, 2024
Major Road Construction Project Forthcoming
The City of Tucson Transportation and Mobility Department has created a road construction plan that aims to permanently change the 5th/6th Street Corridor by reducing four lanes, down to two lanes with bike lanes. Construction begins soon. The project is called a “road diet” as it will reduce the lanes of east/west vehicle travel, by adding a center lane for turning and pedestrian bike lanes. This construction will impact travel to and from Rincon and is anticipated to affect student drop-off/pick-up in the area.
At this time, the Department of Transportation and Mobility has projected that the work will begin in mid-September 2024, starting with the water line installation along 5th Street from Wilmot Road to Country Club Road. The waterline work is anticipated to take approximately 18 months to complete and will reduce travel down to two lanes. The roadway reconstruction and reconfiguration along this segment of Fifth Street is not expected to begin until the waterline work is complete.
The initial vote was passed to repave this road, and as the project progressed, a reconfiguration of the road was explored and approved.
Please see links below if you are interested in more details.
Fifth Street improvement project set to start (kgun9.com)
Prop 101 was passed by voters in 2017 as the city is investing $100 million into Fifth Street.
If you are passionate about this “road diet” project and would like an opportunity to express concerns or voice your support, you may consider attending the Mayor and City Council Meeting on August 27th at 5:30 p.m. to share your thoughts during the call to the audience. The meeting will be held at 255 W Alameda.
If you cannot attend the City Council Meeting, but would like to express your passions, whether they be positive or negative, regarding the project, you may reach out to the Mayor, Regina Romero at 520-791-4201 or mayor.romero@tucsonaz.gov and/or the Ward 6 Council Member, Karin Uhlich at 520-791-2311 or ward6@tucconaz.gov .
Interested in Coaching? (Adults Only)
We currently have two open coaching positions on campus: a swim coach and an assistant girl's volleyball coach. If you or someone you know has experience as a former athlete or coach in swimming or volleyball and would be interested in getting involved in athletics at RUHS as a coach, please contact our athletic director, Lance LaVetter, at 520-232-5908 or Lance.LaVetter@tusd1.org for details.
FREE Teen Mobile Clinic
The Teen Mobile Clinic will be on campus the 3rd Tuesday of every month 8:30am-12:30pm. If you would like to be seen, you must sign up in the health office to get on the schedule.
Student IDs
All students must have IDs by the end of the week. If students have lost their ID, they can get another one made in the finance office before school, during passing period, at lunch and after school for $3. If they do not have the money with them, that is not a hindrance to getting a new ID. They can still be issued an ID and the $3 charge will be billed to their student account. The first ID is free. Students who continue to not have IDs on them are at risk of being written up for violating the code of conduct by “engaging in repeated behavior, including, but not limited to, refusing to follow directions” related to failure to carry the required student ID with them at all times.
Ranger Recognition: Special Thanks!
Ryan Brooks: Morning Custodian
Brooks, is our morning custodian and a dedicated servant-leader on the campus. Ryan exemplifies some of the very best traits that we all aspire to possess. He is hardworking, cool under pressure, personable, selfless, and kind. He is also a team player. Ryan opens the campus every morning, unlocking the North gates, the Arcadia gates, and the South student parking lot gates. He disarms the alarms in every building, turns on the lights, and unlocks the entrance doors for students and staff. He works tirelessly to serve our students, staff, and community. Recently, putting in extra hours on a Saturday morning, Ryan experienced a work-related injury, resulting a bone fracture. He was out less than 72 hours before returning to work. He has resumed his custodial duties, which reflects his admirable work ethic. Over the summer, Ryan tended to many toilets which had been used despite the lack of running water. Suffice to say, this was a truly dirty job. Ryan Brooks is a hero on this campus and it is our honor to recognize his selfless service to our community. Thank you, Mr. Ryan Brooks!
KJ Tousley: Counselor for Grade 12
Mx. Tousley joined us just last spring but has become a valuable asset to the Rincon Family in such a short time! They have worked endlessly with the master schedule during the past summer to ensure classes and student schedules were ready for the start of the year, fixing issues before we even had a chance to recognize the concerns. Always ready to tackle new challenges, Mx. Tousley has quickly become well-versed as the APEX coordinator and guides our senior students to strive for their best so they can not only graduate, but thrive in life after Rincon. They go out of the their way to be involved and show students support by dressing up for spirit days, attending prom, and other extracurricular events that are not required. Thank you, Mx. Tousley, for your dedication to our community!
Planning Ahead
September 2nd: NO SCHOOL to observe Labor Day
September 3rd: Progress Period 1 Ends for Students
- Students, especially athletes and/or students in which grade eligibility is important, make sure all assignments, assessments, etc. are completed and turned in by this date. Do not wait until the last minute to talk to your teacher and make arrangements to turn-in or make-up any missing work, or you risk the grades not be recorded on time, so that they are reflected in the progress grade! Start talking to teachers NOW to make sure you everything up-to-date.
- Tutoring is available during conference period from 8-9 a.m. on Monday/Tuesdays with your teachers. This is the best time to meet with them.
- After school support is also available in the library from 3:15-4:30 p.m. on Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays if you need help.
Student Announcements
- The first Rangers Varsity Home Game is on Friday, August 30, at 7 PM! Join us for season kickoff on the amphi lawn at 5:30pm with food trucks and games, and then join us at the game to support your Rangers football team!
- Rincon’s GSA club is having its first meeting on Monday, August 26th from 8-9 am in room 124A to select officers. All LGBTQ+ students, staff, and allies are welcome to attend. Please see Miss Cramer in room 124A to learn more about the GSA.
- Congratulations to August Ranger Raffle winner, Willow Schorr! Willow was nominated by Ms. Daniels. Please go to Ms. Callahan's office in the E. Library (Office H) to pick up your wireless headphones prize. Thank you to all Rincon staff that are using Ranger Rewards!
- This Friday will be Rincon's first Fun Friday for No Fs. If you are passing all of your classes, stop by the MTSS table near the flagpole during Rincon lunch for a sweet treat. Remember, first quarter progress ends September 3rd. Please see MTSS Callahan if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
- The Rincon University Club Fair will take place on September 10th during conference period in the breezeway. This is a great opportunity to see what clubs are available on campus, but also to recruit members for your own club or even find like-minded students to create your own! If you would like to set up a table to advertise your club, please see Mr. McDonough or Mr. Ollanik. Otherwise, we’ll see you there!
- If you’re interested in joining the RHS MESA club which competes in engineering competitions run through the University of Arizona, come to room 113 on Tuesdays during conference period to see what it is all about!
- Rincon seniors - make your appointment with Dodson photography as soon as possible to have your senior portraits taken. You must go through Dodson, we will not accept outside images.
- Interested in bringing the Anime Club back to RUHS? Stop by Counselor KJ's office in the Rincon Admin building before school, during lunch, or after school for more information about joining.
- The Library Cafe Club needs new members to continue the Library Student Cafe. The Library Cafe is a great way to experience the hospitality and entertainment business and you earn your food handlers permit for free. The first meeting will be tomorrow, August 27, after school from 3:10-3:30 in the cafe attached to the main library.
RHS College & Career Center (CCRC)
Rangers are on a Roll! Seniors are set for their ACT ACT Exam, Saturday, September 14th with the Free The Official ACT Self-Paced Course, Powered by Kaplan for practice and learn test taking strategies at ACT.org! Juniors continue to register for the free study guide to prep for your ACT in April! Get yours with this link to request a fee waiver ---> https://forms.office.com/r/C7ipbzriMS
All Students:
Register for MyFutureAZ (pipelineaz.com) Do the Career Interest Inventory, find and explore your career matches. We'll be into classrooms later this fall to work with you on this.
FOLLOW the RHS CCR Center on Instagram to stay up to date on all our activities, workshops and resources throughout the school year!
Upcoming CCR Activities, This Week:
- Dual Enrollment info sessions in FSS 218 class Mon. then on ZOOM (Meeting ID: 883 3420 8990 Passcode: RHSCCRC) for Families on Thurs 8/29 @4pm
- Junior ACT Self-paced study guide registration in Am. History (McElhaney) on Wed. 8/27. Bring your charged laptop!
- Career Rep Lunch Visits: Tues- Northern Arizona University, Wed- US Marines, Thurs- Wake Forest University on Admin Breezeway outside the CCR Center
Next Week:
- College & Career Club Meeting, NEXT Tues. 9/3, East Library @ 8:15, check our Remind for updates.
This Month:
- Individual Student Future Planning meetings will begin the week of 8/26. Seniors, start your Personal Statement Worksheet asap.
- If you have any questions before your appointment, email Mrs. Vasquez.
- Contact one of your New Peer Coaches: Ripley Ingersoll, Katie Lopez Bazaldua, Milan Peralta, Sabrina Singkhek, Gigi Trujillo & Jalexy Yepiz !
- The Southern Arizona College and Career Night, Tuesday, September 17th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the TCC. (Field Trip permission slips to ride the bus to and from Rincon HS will be available Aug. 27 and Due Sept. 3)
- Wednesday, 10/16 - Senior ASVAB Career Aptitude Assessment and
- Thursday, 10/17 - Junior PSAT for students who opted in to take it
- Oct. 23: Southern Arizona Construction Career Days, Field Trip from RHS to Kino Sports Complex (permission slips available Oct. 2nd and Due Oct. 9th)