2024/25 Inclement Weather Bulletin
Please read: Updated info for this school year...

Winter Weather Prep!
Dear Onalaska School District Families,
Welcome back! As temperatures have started to dip below freezing, the Onalaska School District wants to ensure that students, staff and families know what to expect on days where school might be affected by winter weather.
To follow are some helpful resources to help understand where to find the most updated information, what that information means, and how we make our decisions. Some of this information is new for this year so please take a look!
Stay safe and be well,
Brenda Padgett, Superintendent
How will families be notified of changes?
In case of a school delay or closure due to inclement weather or an emergency, we notify families and staff about delays and closures via robocall, text and email. The district also has an app available for download in both Apple Store and Google Play. Finally, we also post the information at the following media outlets:
District website: www.onysd.wednet.edu
- District Facebook page found here
Please do not call the transportation office, district office or school offices if you have checked these resources and see no announcement. No announcement means there is no change.
What Changes can I expect?
In the event that winter weather does cause a change in the school day, the following schedule changes may be announced by the Onalaska School District:
2-Hour Delay
- Buses pick up students 2 hours later than normal
- No AM preschool
- If delay occurs on a Wednesday, there will be no early release. Schools will release at normal full day time.
3-Hour Delay
- Buses pick up students 3 hours later than normal
- No half day preschool. Full day preschool only, delayed 3 hours.
- If delay occurs on a Wednesday, there will be no early release. Schools will release at normal full day time.
- School buildings will be closed and students will be on a remote schedule
- No Preschool
- No out of district transportation
- Athletics and activities will be determined on a case by case basis
- Read below for more info on remote learning days
School Canceled
- All Onalaska schools closed for the day
- No activities for the day
- No athletics for the day
School Dismissed Early
- No afternoon athletics for the day
- No activities for the day
Bus Snow Routes
- Snow route information along with other useful information is posted on the Onalaska School District website
- Please pay attention to announcements about snow routes as buses may be on AM snow routes, PM snow routes or both.
Remote Learning Days!
Dear Onalaska School District Families,
As we enter the winter months, we want to ensure that our students' education remains uninterrupted during periods of inclement weather. To maximize instructional time and reduce disruptions to the school year, Onalaska School District will be implementing remote learning days when weather conditions make in-person school attendance unsafe. A remote day may also be called In the event that the district experiences a large amount of staff illness, causing schools to fall below minimum staffing levels. This practice aligns with many of our neighboring districts and reduces the amount of days that will need to be made up at the end of the school year.
These remote learning days will allow us to continue with lessons and ensure that students are not falling behind due to weather-related closures. On these days, students will be expected to engage in online learning as outlined in their respective remote learning plans.
Instructions for Remote Learning Days: Detailed schedule and instructions for each grade level’s remote learning plan will be available on the following websites:
We encourage families to familiarize themselves with the plans in advance, so students are prepared should a remote learning day be called. In case of inclement weather, the district will notify families through our usual communication channels, including email, text alerts, and the district website.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to ensure the continued success of our students, no matter the weather!
Making the call. Open, Late, Remote or Closed?
On a morning when the threat of hazardous conditions may exist, district staff members begin driving bus routes early in the morning to examine road conditions. We consider weather-related situations that students and staff will face as well as the forecast for later in the day. We also monitor the road conditions through our county’s website. Our school district covers a broad region with remote areas and steep terrain in places. While roads may be passable in town, conditions may be very different just a few miles away. Before we close schools or delay start times, we seek answers to the questions below:
Can we ensure that buses can navigate the streets safely?
Will students be safe waiting for buses, driving, or walking to school?
Will road conditions be substantially improved if we start school late (e.g., a two-hour late start)?
What are the predicted weather conditions later in the day?
Will we have heat and lights in our schools?
Can enough staff make it safely to school in order to serve our students?
Once the information is gathered, the Superintendent decides whether to close or delay school. When the decision to close schools or delay the start times is made, we inform parents, students, and staff.
As a parent, you may decide to keep your child or children at home if you feel it’s unsafe to make the trip to school. You are in the best position to decide about your local conditions and your child’s judgment and driving capabilities.
While we go to extensive measures to determine if roads district-wide are safe for travel, it’s physically impossible for us to be on every street corner and side street at all times. We rely on you to be the final judge when it comes to the safety of your child. We appreciate your support in keeping students safe!
How can I be prepared?
- Make sure you have logged in to Skyward and checked that your family's contact information is up to date. This is crucial to ensure you receive all notifications.
- Make sure you have downloaded the Onalaska Loggers App.
- Consider subscribing to the FlashAlert app to receive notifications of weather-related schedule changes by email or text message.
- Kindergarten through 5th grades, please remember that on cold winter days, your student will still be spending time outside. Sending your student to school with weather-appropriate gear such as a coat, hat and gloves can go a long way toward helping them have a more pleasant day