Twin Lakes Principal Newsletter

February 2025
Principal's Message
Winter Updates from Twin Lakes
Hello Twin Lakes Students, Teachers and Staff,
Welcome back to this edition of the Twin Lakes School Principal's Newsletter. We hope that everyone enjoyed a restful winter recess and enjoyed the wonders of the holiday season.
There is quite a bit to share about a lot of happenings at the Lakes:
Nutrition Services at TL
Our kitchen staff and Nutrition Services (NS) teams have been busy learning to prepare fresh food items on-site, thanks to a grant that allowed for two experienced chefs to visit the Twin Lakes School central kitchen to train our very own NS staff in the practice of culinary arts.
As a result, our Comets, as well as nearby MVSD school students, get to enjoy even MORE freshly cooked and prepared meals! This practice has had a positive impact on our students' desire to eat the lunches provided, making them ready to focus on learning.
It is rewarding to hear our students share that they enjoy the food a little bit more. Our goal is to continue to provide more freshly prepared meals on site for our students. It is important that they receive wholesome, nutritious meals.
Success Starts with Showing Up!
Our school is also focusing a lot of our energy on increasing student attendance. Our students need to be present at school in order to learn. We aim to partner with our families in the community to reach and exceed the target of 98% attendance rate.
Our Counselors, Ms. Nuñez and Ms. Rios, have partnered with our teachers, Attendance Clerk Ms. Ingrid, and Twin Lakes' Community School Site Lead Ms. Rogers, in concerted efforts to get our students back in school. Twin Lakes subscribes to the motto of: Success Starts By Showing Up as we remind our families and students of the importance of attending school regularly and on time.
In short, we are busy in continuing to build Twin Lakes into a welcoming, nurturing learning and teaching environment where our students can thrive and explore.
I invite you to join us for one of our informative meetings about the great things happening at the Lakes. Please consider attending one of our Coffee With the Principal, ELAC, TPAC, or SST Meetings. I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Alvarez
Focus: Increase Student Attendance
Success Starts With Showing Up
Twin Lakes is focusing on increasing and maximizing student attendance!
Our Counselors, Community School Site Lead and Community Liaisons have all joined efforts in planning and organizing events to recognize students who increase their school attendance as Twin Lakes Rising Stars.
Our staff has made outstanding gains in re-engaging our students with their school. So far, Twin Lakes School boasts of having the second highest attendance rate in the Mountain View School District, and highest attendance rate in the 3 k-8 schools at 96.7% attendance rate between August 2024 and January 2025. This is the result of very hard work of all staff and teachers at Twin Lakes School.
We continue to strive for meeting and exceeding our schoolwide goal of 98% rate and will continue to hold attendance rallies, assemblies and individual and classroom recognitions through this Trimester.
We are so proud of our Comets!
Winter 2024 Music Program
Beginning and Advanced Bands
Twin Lakes' Music Director, Ms. Gellatly (formerly Ms. Trinajstich) planned, organized, and directed Twin Lakes' Winter Music Program 2024.
As is our holiday tradition, Ms. Gellatly's bands joined their talents and skills on the Twin Lakes' stage, treating parents, families, and special guests to a very special evening, showcasing their musical talents and skills.
Over 50 family members attended our program in the Cafetorium to witness the musical talents of our 7th and 8th grade bands. It was the perfect way to send our Comet community off with the feeling of the holiday spirit before the Winter Break!
Mr. Namihira and guest taking in the holiday treat
Special performance for our families...
Our Comets musicians...
Comets Answer the Call to Action!
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)
In November, we held our first Rising Star Award Ceremony for the year. The Rising Star Award is a recognition of students who have shown positive change in their behavior and is part of our PBIS Program at Twin Lakes. All staff members were given the opportunity to nominate a student and over 60 students were recognized at our award ceremony.
Our Holiday activities this year included staff members writing greeting cards to the students. Each student received a personally addressed card from a staff member with a message containing good thoughts for the holiday season. Also in December, we held our first RIF Book Giveaway where each student was able to choose up to five books to take home.
Upon our return to school in January, we were faced with the fires that affected communities, including nearby Altadena. In support of those who lost their homes in the fires, Twin Lakes students and staff held a Donation Drive to collect toothbrushes, toothpaste, and new, unused socks. All items were delivered to a local distribution center in Pasadena.
MVSD Run Club at Twin Lakes
SRLA's impact at Twin Lakes School
3200 (SRLA)
Each year, SRLA creates a safe, supportive community at 190 public schools across Greater Los Angeles from communities hit hardest by the COVID-19 health crisis, welcoming more than 3,200 students of all backgrounds and abilities to train alongside their volunteer teachers to complete the Los Angeles Marathon. Through this life-changing experience, students discover their best selves and learn how to make plans for the future.
Volunteer Leaders
SRLA could not run without the dedication and hard work of our volunteer leaders. For over seven months, our leaders train with their students, organically developing relationships and fostering a community amongst their team.
Schools and Community Programs Served
SRLA runs as one across Los Angeles!
-- Coach, Mr. David Dorf
Running as a team
Sporting new running shoes
Always moving...
Academic Acceleration
Dual Enrollment - Rio Hondo College Classes at Twin Lakes School
Counseling 103, 3 units of college credit
We are so excited to share that our very own 7th and 8th graders have a unique opportunity to apply for Counseling 103- a college level leadership class with Rio Hondo’s Dual Enrollment Program.
Through this partnership with Rio Hondo, Twin Lakes School students will be able to take a course aimed to develop their leadership skills and and encouraged them to lead on campus. Students enrolled in this course will take personal leadership style surveys to better understand their leadership styles.
This class is completely free of cost to our students and their families. Students who complete this class will have the opportunity to promote to high school with three (3) Cal State University/University of California transferable units on their academic resume. This class began January 23 at our Twin Lakes School campus.
Without a doubt, this is an exciting time and opportunity for our students at Twin Lakes!
From the Counseling Department
Twin Lakes School Counseling Department
Twin Lakes Counseling Team: Ms. Nunez & Ms. Rios 24/25
Backpack Refresh Event
This lunchtime event focused on helping students refresh their backpacks and get organized for Trimester 2. It was designed to promote both academic preparedness and essential personal management skills.
Monthly Attendance Challenge
Our school counseling team continues to foster a culture of prioritizing attendance in our classrooms. Congratulations to our December Attendance Class Winners:
Elementary: Ms. Campa's class with 97% attendance Highest attendance percentage overall!
Middle School: Ms. Loya's 5th period class with 96% attendance!
School Wide December Attendance : 93.4% (An improvement from last year's 92.8% rate
Good Job, Comets!
To further support our students' attendance, Elementary is running small groups for students who are chronically absent, aimed at improving their attendance and engagement.
Parent Meetings
Counselors are offering presentations to help parents support their students’ success and well-being. Our January 31st meeting dicussed internet safety and how to talk to your child about staying safe online.
Homework Club
We’re excited to introduce our new Homework Club! This program connects academically excelling students with peers who may need extra support, fostering collaboration and mentorship. It’s a great way to boost academic success and build confidence for both elementary and middle school students.
Mental Health Awareness
January was Mental Health Month, and our counselors led engaging lessons on mental health awareness and wellness. Students learned practical coping skills to use during challenging times and strategies for maintaining their mental health.
We All Belong Club
The We All Belong Club proudly completed the first issue of their magazine! Written, edited, and designed entirely by club members, this magazine highlights their creativity and collaboration.
Small Groups
Our counselors are facilitating a variety of small groups to address specific needs, including:
Anger management (Emotional Regulation)
Attendance improvement
Social skills
Support for newcomers
Academic Counseling
Our 8th grade students are getting weekly academic grade checks with the middle school counselor.
-- Ms. Nuñez and Ms. Rios
Twin Lakes School Counselors
Backpack Refresh Event
Comets refresh their backpacks - AVID WICOR
Anger Management
Supporting Comets with coping skills
We all belong and matter at Twin Lakes
Empowering ALL Comets with a growth mindset
Extending SEL lessons to our community
Attendance Matters: Success Starts With Showing Up
Peer Tutoring... We are all in this together!
Enrichment: STEAM at Disney Parks
Disneyland and California Adventure: STEAM in real-world application
Disneyland has partnered again with Mountain View School District to provide our fifth-grade and eighth-grade students with the ultimate experience in STEAM, taking a field trip to Disneyland or California Adventure for the learning experiences of a lifetime.
Students will get to learn about technology, engineering, math and science while experiencing foundational concepts in the STEAM world in a unique way. Our students will spend a few hours learning about these concepts and ideas in real-world applications. Some of our students will learn about rollercoasters and the science behind them while others will engage in learning about inertia and how it drives rollercoasters inside the theme parks.
These unique experiences will help our students understand and appreciate the dynamics behind Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM). Afterwards, Twin Lakes students will get to enjoy the theme park before they returning home.
These adventures promise to be memorable experiences that may inspire them to consider STEAM industries as a career and might spark an interest in pursuing science and math in higher learning.
AVID visits Azusa Pacific University
On Monday, January 22nd, 27 AVID students visited Azusa Pacific University (APU) in Azusa. We were given an orientation by two APU students, McKenna and Sam.
Our students were then provided with a tour of the campus which included visiting the Business Management Department, Music School, sports facilities, and finally a view of a model dormitory.
Each student received an APU t-shirt and the tour concluded with a game show question and answer session! Our AVID students enjoyed the visit and our students will be expressing their gratitude by sending thank you letters to the university.
Extra Curricular Opportunities
After School Programs at Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes School is glad to be able to offer numerous after school programs for all ages and interests. Students enjoy plenty of choices and options to select from for after school activities aimed at enriching their school experiences, including academic acceleration:
During Trimester 2, our students will enjoy various sports options, including basketball and soccer, are being offered through the Home Field Advantage Program on Wednesdays and Fridays after school.
Our sports began in January, with Basketball is offered Wednesdays and soccer is offered Fridays.
The City of El Monte Parks and Recreation Department also offers sports as extracurricular opportunities. Please contact the school for details.
Every Wednesday, students have options to participate in enrichments such as:
- Urban Art
- Digital Piano
- Oceanography
- 3D Design.
These classes are offered on a rotational that began in January. Please check with the office at Twin Lakes for further details.
Cultural Bytes: Mandarin Language Academy
Will be running a class for students of all ages interested in acquiring Mandarin. Cultural Bytes classes will begin February 24 and will run Mondays and Thursdays.
Lift Healthy Cooking: This delicious option is offered Tuesdays and promises to engage all our students in the arts of culinary skills.
Think Together:
Academically supportive and engaging, this after school program will continue to run after school and throughout the days when school is closed. Contact the Coordinator directly for details and applications.
These classes are available after school and welcome newly enrolled students.
Registration is free and participants get a free snack and drink while in the program/class. We look forward to enrolling more students in this free series. We also look forward to offering other programs and sports as the season progresses.
Twin Lakes' Boys Capture the City's 2024 Flag Football Championship!
Twin Lakes' 4th graders swept their opponents this season and crowned themselves the 2024 City of El Monte Flag Football Champions!
Our Comets demonstrated discipline, courage and determination as they fought hard in their division (4th grade) and secured the boys' title. Celebrating the best record in the league, our Comets proudly presented the school their contribution to our school's trophy case with its newest addition:
The City of El Monte's Parks and Recreation Department title, Division Champions.
These scholar-athletes represented Twin Lakes well and made the entire school community very proud of the way they represented Twin Lakes and of their accomplishments on and off the field.
Congratulations, Comets! We are so proud of you!
Calendar of Events
- President’s Day – Monday February 17, 2025, School Closed
- Districtwide Speak-Up Competition – Thursday February 20, 2025, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- Parkview’s 50th Americanism Parade – Friday February 21, 2025, 12:30-2:00 p.m.
- Student Free Day/Staff Development – Monday March 3, 2025
- Student Report Cards Released – Monday March 24, 2025
- Math Field Day – Friday April 5, 2025, 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Spring Recess – Friday April 18 thru 25, 2025. Schools Closed (Classes resume Monday, April 28, 2025)
- La Verne Family Literacy – Saturday May 3, 2025
- Community Fair: Artist & Writers Celebration – Wednesday May 21, 2025
- Memorial Day – Monday May 26, 2025, Schools Closed
- Last Day of School – Wednesday June 11, 2025
News from the District Office
Superintendent's Message
Dear Mountain View School District Community,
Since our last Principal’s Newsletter in November, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Winter Break and a strong start to the New Year this past January. I want to start with thanking the Mountain View community for the incredible resilience our school communities have demonstrated. The start of the year has not been without hardship, particularly with the impact of recent fires. However, through it all, our students, families, and staff have come together to support one another, reinforcing the strength and unity that define Mountain View School District.
I also reiterate as in messages past that many in our community are facing uncertainty and fear due to the ongoing rhetoric and actions surrounding immigration enforcement. Please know that Mountain View School District remains steadfast in our commitment to providing Safe Schools for All Students and Families. This commitment was reaffirmed by our Board of Education in December 2024 through the resolution emphasizing our unwavering support for every student and family in our district.
As part of this commitment, we encourage you to visit our newly launched Immigration and Family Resources page, where you will find valuable information and support. Additionally, we invite you to attend our upcoming FREE Immigration Law Clinic on Wednesday, February 19th, which will be available both in person and virtually.
At Mountain View School District, we believe that every student deserves to learn in a safe and supportive environment. Our MVSD families are a huge part of making that a reality. Thank you for being part of a community that stands together for the success and well-being of our students.
Raymond Andry, Ed.D.
Do you or someone you know have legal questions? If so, you are invited to attend and sign-up for a 1:1 consultation.
FREE Immigration Law Clinic:
🗓️ Wed, February 19, 2025
⌛ 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
🙋🏼 In Person:
Payne Elementary School
2850 Mountain View Road, El Monte, CA 91732
🅿️ FREE Parking: Off of Mountain View Rd. & Cogswell Rd.
📲 Virtually:
Via Zoom (use this link or SCAN QR Code)
Meeting ID: 834 7488 4388
Immigration & Family Resources Page
In light of recent reports of immigration enforcement activities in California, many families may be experiencing uncertainty and fear.
To further support our families, the District has launched a dedicated webpage with valuable resources, including contact information, proactive guidance, and important updates. Please visit our Immigration and Family Resources webpage for details.
As a District that deeply values diversity and the strength that comes from our shared experiences, we firmly believe that our differences are what make our community unique, resilient, and beautiful. During these challenging times, we want to reassure all students, families, teachers, and staff that we are united in our support for one another.
To ensure the safety and well-being of our community, the District leadership team has reviewed current laws and model practice responses to immigration-related issues. This effort aligns with California State Law, specifically AB 699—the Safe Schools for Immigrant Students Act, which:
Prohibits the collection of immigration status information.
Requires policies to prevent immigration enforcement on school campuses.
Forbids discrimination based on immigration status.
We also remain devoted to our Board’s Resolution, which is committed to the Education of All Children and Making All Campuses a Safe Zone for Students and Families Threatened by Immigration Enforcement.
If U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents or law enforcement were to visit a Mountain View School District campus, students, parents, teachers, and staff are to direct them immediately to the school administrator or a designated responder without granting them access to our school campus.
Our employees have been explicitly instructed not to share any information about students, families, or staff unless authorized by the legal counsel through the Superintendent’s Office or Designee. This policy serves to protect the privacy and safety of everyone in our school community.
Take the 15-minute Assets & Needs Survey today!
YOU can shape the future of our MVSD Schools
Mountain View School District parents and guardians are invited to submit their survey responses to our Community Schools Assets & Needs Survey from now until February 15, 2025.
Our District families' participation in this survey is part of the California Community Schools Implementation Grants that MVSD was awarded in May of 2024.
Our students stand to benefit from the transformational educational outcomes of Community Schools through the establishment of the whole child and family and community connections at each of our school sites.
NOW OPEN - Intra-District Permit Application Window
In January, we announced that the Intra-District Permit application window for the 2025-2026 school year is now open through Thursday, February 27, 2025.
GREAT NEWS! Students who already have an intra-district permit on file WILL NOT need to renew it on an annual basis.
Who does this apply to?
Families newly requesting their students attend a non-resident school within MVSD will need to submit an intra-district permit application on the District website. Read more on our Parent Square post here.
Mental Health Resources - Support is Available!
Mountain View School District continues to foster a culture of health, safety, and well-being for students, staff and families. We’re pleased to offer free mental-health resources through Hazel Health and Care Solace.
Together, we can support every student’s journey to wellness. For more information, reach out to your school or visit our website.
Contact Hazel Health
Hazel Health provides students access to licensed therapists through virtual therapy sessions, available at home or school. Hazel Health therapists are ready to help students with challenges like depression, anxiety, stress and more. To learn more, visit Hazel Health’s website for MVSD families.
Contact Care Solace
For 24/7 support with finding mental health providers, Care Solace connects MVSD families with local care options. Contact Care Solace at (888) 515-0595, email weserve@caresolace.org, or visit caresolace.com/site/mtviewfamilies to speak with the Care Concierge team. Services are free, confidential, and all information is securely stored.
Construction Update - Solar Panels
Many of our students and families may have noticed the addition of solar panels at several of our campuses. We are excited to provide an update, as construction on ALL solar panel projects is expected to be completed by this summer 2025.
A few years back, after careful consideration, MVSD determined it was in the District’s best interest to research and implement a solar panels initiative to support the District’s energy efficiency and renewable energy production with the following goals:
Achieving energy cost reductions
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and
Providing educational opportunities and shade structures to students and staff
Through the use of solar panels to generate electricity, MVSD will contribute to sustainable green energy which will lead to substantial cost savings for the District. At the May 5, 2022 board meeting, the power lease agreement estimated that MVSD's solar initiative could result in reduced electrical costs of up to 35% over the 25-year term. Solar installations across ten campuses are expected not only offset those electrical costs but provide shade and rain cover for students. As part of the power lease agreement the installation and maintenance of the solar structures will be the responsibility of Lumince, the installer of the system.
The ten campuses benefiting from solar energy include Baker Elementary, Cogswell Property (housing our Children’s Center and Warehouse), La Primaria Elementary, Maxson Elementary, Miramonte Elementary, Monte Vista School, Parkview School, Payne Elementary, Twin Lakes School, and the Voorhis Property (the future location of the MVSD District Office).
Save the Dates - Food Pantry New Dates
Our Family Center’s Walk-Up Food Pantry is still going strong with five more dates scheduled through April 2025.
Check out all their dates through the 2024-25 school year. Help us spread the word and read more by clicking here.
Interested in volunteering? Volunteers are always needed! If you or someone you know, such a business or community organization are interested in giving back, please call the Family Center at (626) 652-4077.
January Kick-Off for Disney Imagination Campus Field Trips
It's back!
Year two of the Disney Imagination Campus STEAM field trips kicked-off this January and will continue through March 2025.
Last year, MVSD was one of only four school districts in Los Angeles County to be invited to participate in this outstanding three-year program, exposing our students to innovative and valuable STEAM experience.
During their full-day trip, our MVSD 5th grade students will participate in “Theme Park Design” at Disneyland and our 8th grade students will partake in “The Physics of Roller Coasters” at the neighboring California Adventure.
We want to thank all our amazing parent and family Volunteers as well as our dedicated staff for making this experience a reality for each 5th and 8th grade student in our District!
New Furniture & Installations Across the District
See what work was completed over Thanksgiving & Winter Breaks!
We are excited to share that several furniture and structural installations have taken place throughout the District to refresh our schools’ indoor and outdoor spaces!
We extend a big thanks to our Maintenance & Operations staff for their hard work and dedication in completing these upgrades over the Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks.
Additionally, we must thank our amazing teachers and staff for the time they spent preparing and setting up their learning spaces before our students returned to class.
We heard that our students returned to school after each break to find their spaces newly refreshed, with new classroom furniture, cafeteria tables and other, providing an inviting and comfortable environment for learning, eating and playing.
We appreciate everyone’s efforts in making these school enhancements possible throughout MVSD.
New Classroom Furniture
Lunch Shade Structure
Cafeteria Tables
National School Counseling Week
February 3-7, 2025
MVSD joined schools across the nation in highlighting the crucial role of school counselors in U.S. education systems. At Mountain View School District, counselors collaborate to create a comprehensive counseling program that supports students' academic, social-emotional, and career development.
In an interview, Ms. Lira, a Monte Vista School counselor, shared her passion for the profession saying, "I became a counselor because I love working with kids. It's rewarding to watch students progress from setting goals at the beginning of the school year to achieving them. I enjoy measuring their growth throughout this process."
When asked about what makes counseling at Mountain View unique, Ms. Lira emphasized: "I appreciate the strong support our counseling team provides to one another. Mountain View has also given us the opportunity to participate in the Hatching Results program, which has enhanced our knowledge and helped establish a district-wide counseling program."
We are very grateful for the invaluable service our School Counselors and comprehensive student support staff bring to our students everyday!
Coming Soon on February 19th!
Kindergarten/TK Enrollment for 2025-26
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins February 19. MVSD is proud to offer excellent full-day Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten programs at our outstanding schools.
Children who will be 5-years-old on or before September 1, 2025, are eligible to register for Kindergarten and children turning 5-years-old between September 2, 2025 and June 2, 2026 are invited to register in Transitional Kindergarten (TK), which is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and gives young learners a head start, providing them with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their academic and social needs.
To access the online student enrollment process, click this link https://mountainviewesd.asp.aeries.net/air/.
MVSD Preschool Programs Newsletter
2025-2026 Preschool Enrollment
Our District’s Preschool Programs serve our community by offering valuable educational and family support services to expectant mothers and children ranging from ages 0-4 years old!
Free for eligible families
Full day, year-round services
Healthy meals and snacks
Services for children with special needs
To learn more call (626) 652-4250 or visit the MVSD Children’s Center at 2109 Burkett Road, El Monte, CA 91732. Enroll today at preschoolprograms.mtviewschools.com.
Quick Overview:
- Early Head Start Home-based Programs at Baker and Monte Vista support expectant mothers and children 0-2.9 years of age.
- Early Head Start Center-based Programs at Cogswell and Baker support children 18 month-2.9 years.
- Head Start and State Preschool Programs at Baker, Cogswell, Children’s Center/Kranz, Maxson, Miramonte, Monte Vista and Parkview support children 3-4 years of age.
For more information on MVSD’s excellent Preschool Programs, click here to view the MVSD Preschool Programs Principal Newsletter.
Jacqueline Saldaña - President
Adam Carranza - Vice President
Veronica Sifuentes - Clerk
Christian Diaz - Member
Cindy Wu - Member
Raymond Andry, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Darrin De Knikker, Ed.D. - Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Strategic Planning
Mercedes Gomez, Ed.D. - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Roberto López-Mena - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Twin Lakes School in El Monte, CA serves the educational needs of students from the third to eighth grade.
Our school is a proud member of the Mountain View School District community, which is committed to each student attaining academic success by Inspiring Each Student to Succeed Every Day.
It's great at the Lakes!