Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center

Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Mar. 4-7 - Read Across America Week /Kinder Visits (schedule below)
Mar. 5 - Parent Connection Friend's Time
Mar. 5 - EHS Socialization 10am & 3:30pm
Mar. 7 - Policy Council Meeting
Mar. 8 - No School / Staff Dev. Day
Mar. 26 - Parent Meeting
Mar. 28 - No School / Staff Dev. Day
Mar. 29 - No School / Good Friday
Hello Bright Beginnings Families!
We are so happy to be preparing for spring! We are excited to be able to get outside and play in the fresh air. There is a lot happening in March.
Kindergarten Visits are scheduled this month. You have the opportunity to attend the tours of the buildings and determine which building is best for your Kindergartener. You will meet the principals and teachers in the buildings and receive a goodie bag of items for your child. You are encouraged to attend. Kinder enrollment for the school district happens March 20-April 19th, 2024. If your child will be 5 before August 31st, 2024, you can schedule an appointment to enroll your child and choose which school you would like your child to attend.
Spring Break and Easter break are both during the month of March this year. Between breaks we will have tons of learning opportunities. Along with the blooming flowers, your child will blossom as well. You can keep learning during the breaks with the monthly calendars with activities to complete at home. We will begin our data collection during this month to show all the growth your child has made this year.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your child in our program!
Bianca Alvarez
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
7:50 am
11:50 am
- EHS Impaired Parent Protocol
- Federal Reporting of Standards
- 2024 Poverty Guidelines
- KEHS Home Visit Grant Review
- KEHS Child Care Partnership Grant Review
- Monthly Fiscal Report
The next meeting will be March 7, 2024 at 11:30 am. in the Policy Council room (basement of building A). If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or Brenda Carmona for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council. We are so excited to share our program information with parents and have our parents guide our program decisions.
Parent Meeting on Mental Health & Kids Cognitive Development
Check out our Bright Beginnings page if you don't follow us there yet! We posted pictures of the event there and we always post important information. https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
March Parent Meeting / Safety and Community Resource Fair
- Genesis Family Health
- Dodge City Public Library
- Kansas Family Advisory Network
- Harvest America
- Ford County Health Department
- DCPD/ Ident-A-Kid
- Dodge City Fire Department
- Russell Child Development / Triple P
- Ford County / Dodge City Development Corp
- Dodge City Public Transportation
- ESOL Migrant Program
- and many more! We will also be raffling 2 bikes! Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024, 05:00 PM
Dodge City Civic Center, 2100 1st Ave, Dodge City, KS 67801, USA
Wow! Your children are working and learning so much in their school families on making choices, making new friends, and learning how to play with one another. As these friendships become close, natural conflicts occur as they learn how to problem solve with big emotions.
As children hear the stories of Shubert and Sophie, they will learn how to work through the upsets that occur with these feelings. (see the videos below) We will focus on what may be causing the upset. We want to look upon our children and students with positive intent; to see the best in others. Children are attempting to respond to things without the strong skills to do so. As we work on ways for children to go from upset that may include hurtful choices to calm, next we will practice noticing what they may need from us. The phrase, “You wanted _________ (fill in the blank). You may not _______ (fill in the blank, ex. hit) ________ (fill in the blank ex, hitting) hurts. When you want ________ (fill in the blank. Ex. a toy) say, my turn please.” These key phrases can help children share what they are needing and wanting by showing and telling rather than hurtful choices.
Practice these phrases adding wants and words/actions to in the blanks. Adding these phrases consistently allows children to adapt to the feelings that occur in conflict. It also allows us adults to calm and respond to their upset in change.Giving them safe choices to ask for what they need/want.
Also notice the I Love You Connection of 3 Nice Mice. This one allows us to celebrate relationships especially when learning how to disagree. I Love You Connection moments include eye contact, touch, and playfulness. Enjoy these precious times with your children throughout the day.
Thank you for being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family. You got this family!
Wishing you Well this March!~Miss Melyssa
February Focus is the Power of Acceptance and Skill of Empathy
Come Join us on February 6th for our Parent Connection Group by the benches following Dismissal or March 6 and 16 /6 y 16 marzo Parent Connection Friends Time In between morning and afternoon sessions 11:15 and 11:45 Come hear a Story and join in an activity!
Some notes from our Nurse:
March is Nutrition Month.
At Home:
- As a family, commit to trying a new fruit or vegetable each week during National Nutrition Month.
- Give family members a role in meal planning and let them pick out different recipes to try.
- Plan to eat more meals together as a family during National Nutrition Month.
- Let everyone help with food preparation — a skill for people of all ages. If you have kids, there are age-appropriate tasks they may enjoy learning how to do.
- Practice mindful eating by limiting screen time at mealtime — including phones, computers, TV and other devices.
- Below is an updated list of available Doctor's Offices
- Healthy Eating information Flyer
Kendra Tieben BSN, RN
Health/Nutrition Facilitator~School Nurse
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
BB 620-371-1227 T/Wam/R
EHS 620-371-1260 M/Wpm/F
Don't forget your work out clothes!
We are Hiring!
- Would you like to work with young children in a preschool setting?
- Do you want a flexible schedule that follows the school district calendar?
Please share this out with anyone you know that you think would be great fit for Bright Beginnings!