Panther Press
Empathy and Engagement
Friendsgiving Celebrations
This year, we hosted Friendsgiving at Ellery, Gotham and FBTH. Parents were also invited to dine with us at Ellery, and in partnership with Fam is Key Auto club, we gave out over 100 turkeys to families.
These celebrations are important on so many levels-for our families that experience food insecurity, who might be in shelters , for students in foster care, the list is sadly too long. School is often the one place that many of our kids are honored, seen, and safe.
I am so thankful for all of you and the hard work you do every year to make sure our kids feel loved.
Ellery, Gotham and FBTH
Gotham Best Buddies
Upcoming Dates
December 10th - Flatbush Town Hall makeup picture day
December 12th - Ellery St safety meeting
December 13th - Snowflake Dance, new teacher mentor tracking is due
December 16-20th - Holiday Road staff competition
December 20th - Holiday Extravaganza Seminar, new teacher mentor tracking is due
December 23-January 1st - Winter Recess
To our FBTH crew, who've demonstrated recently how working collaboratively and respectfully as a team benefits our students in crisis in such a profound way.