Ottawa Area Center Parent Link
May 20, 2024
OAC Administrators
Julia Plaggemeyer
Assistant Director
Chelsea Dykstra
Assistant Director
Ottawa Area Staff
Important Upcoming Dates at OAC
- May 23 1/2 Day
- May 24 & 27 No School
- May 29 - Whitecaps Field Trip - Select Classrooms Attending
- June 6 - Graduation
- June 7 - 1/2 Day
- June 10-21 - No School for students and staff
- June 28 - OAC Festival of Arts - Last Day of 23/24 School Year
What is Happening at OAC
24-25 OAC Final Draft Calendar
We are pleased to share with you our final draft 2024-2025 OAC Calendar. The calendar will be final after it is approved by the OAISD Board of Education. Thank you for your patience during this process.
Sibshops - Summer 2024
Sibshops are a nationwide program specially designed to support siblings of those with special needs. Siblings often have the longest relationship with those who have a disability and tend to take on the role of caregiver to their brother or sister with special needs as adults. They also take on a lot of the stress and worry as children too. Sibshops are a fun, safe, and supportive opportunity for sibs to spend time having fun with other sibs who “get it”. We are blessed to have a gifted Sibshop facilitator here in Ottawa County, Andrèa Vugteveen. Families can contact her with questions, to register a sib, or to discuss scholarships at: amvugteveen@gmail.com or 616 460-3781 .
Housing Search Packet - Good Samaritan
Searching for housing, facing eviction, living in a car, in a shelter, or on the streets makes life even more complicated. The Good Samaritan housing team created this Housing Search Packet to give you some tangible leads toward finding solutions to your housing crisis.
OAC Social Work/OCSN Parent Resources
This is your one stop location for parents/guardians to go for community supports and resources. Please check out this resource at Social Work/OCSN Resource Warehouse. Bookmark this resource on your computer and refer back often. It will be continually updated with fresh and new information.
2023-2024 School Hours
Full Day – 8:37am-3:03pm
½ Day – 8:37am-11:50am
Early Dismissal – 8:37am-1:35pm
Student AM Bussing begins at 8:27am
Student PM Bussing begins at 2:53pm
About Us
Email: bseymour@oaisd.org
Website: www.oaisd.org/schools/ottawa-area-center
Location: 10160 96th Avenue, Allendale, MI, USA
Phone: (616)738-8960
Facebook: facebook.com/OttawaAreaCenter/