Mrs. Schwartz's Class News
A simple story of our week: October 10th - October 14th
What we learned this week...
- Language Arts: Throughout the week, students will learned about Christopher Columbus as we read the big book In 1492 and discussed nonfiction and realistic fiction titles. Students continued working with nouns as we practiced identifying people, places, things, and animals from various stories about Christopher Columbus.
- Phonics: Students learned all about the shape, sound, and use of the uppercase and lowercase letters K and L. We will be working with these letters throughout the week as we practice manipulating and listening for their sounds throughout our weekly reading.
- Sight Words: This week, students learned two new sight words; a and to. Students will practice reading, writing, and identifying these words in our weekly writing and reading activities.
- Mathematics: Students were introduced to their newest vocabulary; six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Students will then practice writing their numbers as they learn multiple ways to show, model, create, and mimic.
- Social Studies: This week, students will learned all about farms as we prepared for our field trip on Wednesday, October 12th to Cherry Crest Farms. Students made predictions as to what they saw on the farm and any new activities or things they may learn.
Cherry Crest Farms
On Wednesday, October 12th, students took their first field trip to Cherry Crest Farms! While there, students learned how to make butter, learned all about bees, and had a great time as they pet and met some fun farm animals and played at different play centers! For more pictures, don't forget to check out our website, linked in my Bio at the bottom!
Dates to remember...
- Monday, October 17th: Pumpkin sale begins
- Friday, October 21st: Parade of Pumpkins @ 6:30 pm
- Friday, October 28th: PAC Halloween Party/Parade (details to follow)
- Monday, October 31st: Dress Down Day
A Visit from Goshen Fire Company
On Thursday, October 13th, students got a special visit from Goshen Fire Company to discuss fire safety and prevention. While visiting, Firefighter Dave and his partner Firefighter Dave showed students how to put on the fire fighter uniform and gear and showed them around a real fire truck!
Mrs. Marissa Schwartz
Email: Marissa.Schwartz@nlcinc.com
Website: http://www.chesterbrookacademy.com/elementary/philadelphia/west-chester/parents/our-faculty/teacher/marissa-schwartz/
Location: 1190 McDermott Drive, West Chester, PA, United States
Phone: (610) 719-0240
Twitter: @CBAWestChester