LMS Welcome Letter
Lincoln Middle School
Website: https://www.lincolnps.org/
Location: 152 Jenckes Hill Road, Lincoln, RI, USA
Phone: (401)721-3400
Twitter: @lincolnmiddleri
Dear Lincoln Middle School Families,
On behalf of Lincoln Middle School faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024- 2025 school year! We are really excited for the upcoming school year and look forward to working collaboratively with you to provide the best educational experience possible for our students.
Looking forward to a great school year!
Most Sincerely,
Lincoln Middle School Administration Team
Mr. Williamson, Principal
Mr. DeLeo, Assistant Principal
Ms. Casali, Dean of Students
Welcome New Staff Members!
Grade 8 Science: Ms. Bubar
Special Education Teacher: Mr. Clark
School Social Worker: Mr. Barnes
SRO: Officer Sexton
Long Term 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher: Mr. Vitrano
Reading Specialist: Ms. Dos Santos
Long Term 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher: Ms. Ryall
LPS Calendar
LMS Daily News
LMS Handbook
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available on Skyward Friday, August 23rd. Any schedule adjustments will be handled in person through our guidance department during the first two weeks of school. A paper copy of the student schedules will be handed out on the first day of school and will contain information about the schedule change process.
Your child’s guidance counselor is either:
Mrs. London, londonj@lincolnps.org for students with last name (A-K)
Mrs. VanNieuwenhuize, vannieuwenhuizea@lincolnps.org for students with last name (L-Z).
Skyward Access
For any family that needs information as to how to log onto Skyward, please review our “Parent Skyward Account Access Directions Sheet“
School Lunch & Breakfast
Students can purchase breakfast upon arriving to school. Students can buy school lunch or purchase al la carte items during their grade level lunch time. Students are also welcome to bring their own lunches.
Meal benefit applications for free or reduced school meals can be found on our website (here) or you can apply online (here).
Important: Benefit applications need to be filled out at the beginning of each school year. This needs to be completed each year, even if you have filled one out in the past.
For information on setting up an electronic meal account through MyBucks please click (here).
School Breakfast & Lunch Menus can be found on our LMS Daily News (here)
Health & Wellness Policy (here)
Student Expectations and PBIS
All students at LMS are expected to live up to our motto of being "Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn". All members of our community share in the responsibility to create a safe and supportive school environment. We at LMS value hard work, service, scholarship, and kindness.
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports". Each student has the opportunity to earn "Lions Bucks" from LMS teachers and support staff, which can be entered into a weekly raffle where students can win gift cards to popular restaurants/stores such as Amazon, Starbucks, Chili's, Target, Chipotle, etc...
The more respectful, responsible, and ready to learn that students are, the more Lions Bucks can be earned!
Bullying is NOT tolerated at LMS. Any student found to be in violation of our bullying policy will face disciplinary action.
To report bullying, please reach out to any member of the Administration Team or click here for the LPS Bullying Allegation Form.
Busing Information
Lincoln Public School Bus Information:
- All information regarding busing and routes can be found here. Please contact the bus company directly with any questions or concerns: 401-334-0565.
- Students are expected to be respectful, contribute to a safe riding environment and be in compliance with bus rules and student behavior code of conduct. Bus privileges can be suspended if these expectations are not followed.
- Lincoln Bus Issue Flowchart if in Need of Assistance
Parent Drop Off (7:45 am)
When entering the school premises, please go right and around the parking lot to the drop-off loop near the side entrance of the middle school. Students can be dropped off at 7:45 am. If you arrive earlier than 7:45 am, you are welcome to park and wait with your child. We just ask then when your child exits the car it is in the drop-off line and on the passengers side. This will prevent students from crossing in front of cars. We will have several people outside to assist with the process during the first week of school.
Please pull all the way around the loop when dropping off your child(ren)- this will enable more students to be dropped off at one time and reduce congestion on Jenckes Hill Road.
Please do not pass another car that is dropping off a child.
Please pay close attention to the child(ren) and cars around you.
Please make sure all students are dropped off on the passenger side of the car & walk along the sidewalk. Students should not be passing in front of other cars.
Please yield to buses when leaving the parking lot.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures (Parent Pickup)
Dismissal will begin at 2:28 pm. Students will be dismissed at staggered times to avoid congestion in the hallways. Announcements will be made over the intercom dismissing each floor. Faculty and staff will have a presence throughout the school to ensure supervision of students during dismissal.
Parents picking their child(ren) up at the end of the school day will be guided to the side entrance parking lot. Parents will pull around the small circle next to the gym (same location as drop-off).
We asked that students:
Be on the lookout for their ride while outside
Walk along the sidewalk
Do not walk in front of cars
Use the passenger side when getting into vehicles
We ask anyone picking up students to:
Be patient- Unfortunately, Lincoln Middle School only has one entry/exit
Pull all the way around the circle and have students enter/exit through passenger doors
Be respectful to other people picking up their children and faculty/staff assisting the process
Recommendation- to reduce congestion in the parking lot LMS suggests the following arrival times for grade level pickup:
Grade 6 - 2:22
Grade 7 - 2:27
Grade 8 - 2:32
We understand that you may be picking up students in more than one grade and in these cases, we suggest that you follow the student in the higher grade.
Early Dismissal During the School Day
If parents/guardians need to dismiss students early, please send a note in with your child. Students should take the note to the main office in the morning to receive a dismissal pass.
Dismissals that are called in by phone will not be given a pass. We will wait until you arrive to dismiss your student from class.
Parents and/or emergency contacts should ring the buzzer at the front entrance of the school, and provide the child's name and the purpose for the visit. Parents/emergency contacts will need to show an ID at the main office. Students will not be released to any emergency contacts without permission from the student's parent/guardian on the day of dismissal.
Chromebooks & Technology
- Students who were issued a Chromebook & bag last year will continue to use the same device and bag. 6th graders & new students will be issued a new Chromebook & bag.
- Lincoln Public School uses GoGuardian to keep our students safe and promote responsible digital citizenship.
- LMS Families will be required to complete the attached waiver in order to have full access to our Lincoln Public Schools devices & network. Click here to access the waiver: Lincoln Public Schools Annual Computer Network and Internet Access User Permission and Waiver Form
Grade Level Supply Lists
Grade level supply lists have not changed since the beginning of the summer. The lists can be found on the middle school website.
Important Dates!
Grades 7 & 8 Open House Thursday, September 5th, 6-8 pm @ Lincoln Middle School