This Week at GLOBE
News & Notes | October 23, 2024
Key dates
October 24
Fall sports teams and Orchestra picture day.
GLOBE Games Volleyball in UC gym (K–5).
October 25
GLOBE Games Volleyball in UC gym (Middle School).
October 26
LC and UC Science Festivals.
October 28
Board of Directors meeting.
October 28–November 1
Peace Week.
October 30
Parent Coffee Talk - Gifted at GLOBE - UC - 8:30am
Fall Orchestra Concert, 6:30pm, UC.
November 5-6
Parent/Teacher Conferences.
November 15
GLOBE Trot 2024.
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations
Thank you to all the Spanish track families who came to watch the Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations. You can view a recording of the performances here: Lower Campus | Upper Campus.
GLOBE Games Volleyball Edition
October 24 and 25
Starting tomorrow after school at the UC Gym, we are holding another teachers vs students GLOBE Games event. This time the sport is volleyball. Click the banner below for details and to register.
GLOBE Trot fundraising has begun
GLOBE Trot is set to take place on November 15. This school-wide fun run and exercise-focused event is our biggest fundraiser of the year and all students get to take part!
Tomorrow, GLOBE families should receive an email from QGiv to access your child’s fundraising page. When you access the page you will find that your child's account has already been set up and fundraising can begin! If you run into any access issues, please reach out to Andrew Dahl.
Be sure to check the weekly newsletter for frequent updates throughout October and please check out our awesome event sponsors listed below. Go GLOBE!
Ways to get involved in GLOBE Trot
A special thanks to our 2024 GLOBE Trot sponsors
UltraMarathoner level sponsors
Marathoner level sponsors
Runner level sponsors
Campus Notes
Lower Campus
New Counselor
Please join us in welcoming Mr. Ron Kemp as the new LC Counselor. He most recently served as a Dean of Teachers and Instruction. He also has previous experience as Dean of Students and School Affairs, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Student Support Specialist (counselor), Classroom Teacher, and Team Leader. He can be reached at ron.kemp@theglobeacademy.net.
Peace Week 2024
Once again we are integrating a service project into Peace Week. Lower Campus is partnering with Friends of Refugees in Clarkston. The organization’s mission states, “Help refugees build abundant new lives in America.” In order to accomplish this, one of their greatest needs currently is to replenish their stock pile of baby diapers and baby wipes. Therefore, we will collect unopened packages of baby diapers (any size, any brand) and baby wipes (any brand). Please send them in with your child(ren) any day next week.
Thursday, October 31
We are permitting students to wear a costume to school on Thursday, October 31, with the following guidelines. The costume must not contain a mask, props, loose articles, be gory or violent in nature, or have any other aspect that could disrupt the classroom learning environment. We know, of course, that many costumes come with additional items, just please leave them at home. Costumes are optional; students may wear their uniform or spirit wear instead.
LC Nurse
Please keep in mind that if your child has a fever they cannot return to campus for 24 hours following the resolution of the fever (without the use of fever reducing medications). If a child vomits, they cannot return to class for 24 hours following the last time that they vomited. Please know that if a child that was sent home by a nurse and returns to school the following day, and it has not been 24 hours, arrangements will be made for them to be sent home. This is in alignment with DeKalb County School District guidelines. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Kate. Thank you for your partnership as we work to maintain a healthy learning environment.
Upper Campus
Fall Sports Picture Day tomorrow, Thursday, October 24
Tomorrow we will be taking team pictures of all the fall sports teams, including volleyball, cross country, ultimate, soccer (inc. Coach Drew's YMCA girls soccer team). If you are in any of these 2024 fall sports teams, or in Orchestra, please remember to bring your uniform.
Spirit Week and Thursday, October 31
Next week we will be celebrating Peace Week with different Spirit Days at UC. Students may dress up on Thursday, October 31, for Decades Day. No other costumes will be permitted.
Volunteer for Ms. Gerhardt’s class on Monday, October 28 (8:30am to 10:30am)
Ms. Gerhardt is looking for four volunteers for two hours, from 8:30am to 10:30am, next Monday, October 28. The task is a simple one, to label recorders and folders, and to place the recorders into Ziploc bags. The labels are already made, and the Ziploc bags already have the student names on them. They just need to be put together. If you are able to help, please click here to sign up.
UC Nurse
Scoliosis Screening for 6th and 8th grade students will be conducted before Winter Break. Keep a look out for permission forms being sent home. If your child is being followed by a physician or you don’t want them to be screened you can opt out. Additional information about the screening and dates will be sent out in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Pat. Thank you.
Join the GLOBE Middle School Reading Bowl Team
The first meeting for the Middle School Reading Bowl Team took place on October 8. If you haven’t registered your child, please click here to do so. Students meet in Ms. Braun’s room from 3:30pm to 4:40pm on Tuesdays. For more information on the DeKalb Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, click here. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Braun. To download the flyer, click here or on the image. Go GLOBE!
Connections at UC
Music - Orchestra
Congratulations to Rogers Cauley (harp), Ethan Waithe (violin), Aidan McKeown (cello) and Kevin Soto (bass) for passing the first round of All-State orchestra auditions that took place this past weekend, a huge honor. They will go on to represent GLOBE and DeKalb County at the state-wide auditions in January. GLOBE has never had this many students representing the school at the state level and we are so proud of their extra hard work!
Fall Concert and DeKalb Honor Orchestra
Our Fall Concert will take place at 6:30pm on Wednesday, October 30, in the UC auditorium.
We will be participating in the DeKalb Honor Orchestra on Saturday, November 2 at Lithonia High School at 3:00pm and 3:30pm. Come out and see them if you can. There are lots of great things happening in the music department!
Fourth and fifth grade music students in Ms. Bryant-Gerhardt’s class are working on paper-bag-puppet depictions of Señor Don Gato and his friends. Once created, the students will make a video using the puppets to interpret Señor Don Gato’s adventures. Check Google Classroom in a couple of weeks to see your children’s work!
We are pleased to share a few images of art projects on display at UC. These papier mache desserts were made by 8th grade students. Tall pink cake: Emma Dargent Cham, Pink torte: Ada Rodehorst, Tall chocolate drizzle cake: Enzo Catinella, Oreo cake: Joshua Subiry, fortune cookies: Booker Manns, Blueberry muffins: Carmina Rho, Cinnamon roll: Paige Witiszek, Apple pie a la mode: Layla Milarker. They look awesomely tasty for papier mache!
Upcoming Parent Coffee Talks
October 30, 8:30am at Upper Campus - Gifted at GLOBE
Kindergarten through 8th grade. Lower Campus families welcome.
All recent coffee talks can be viewed by visiting the coffee talk web page.
Parent Teacher Community Council
Join the Connections Parent Support Team!
The PTCC is trialing a new parent Support Team for Connections. Are you interested in Art, Music, PE, Science or Technology at Lower Campus? Would you like to volunteer in the Lower Campus Library? Is Middle School Band your jam? Email PTCC officers here with your area(s) of interest.
Lower Campus Science Fest this Saturday, October 26
Does your student want to learn about bubbles, bacteria, or blood?
Do they like to make slime? Then, join us for Science Fest on Saturday, October 26, from 10:00am to 12noon in the Village Plaza. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of hands-on STEM-related exhibits that will spark your child’s imagination and curiosity! To make this event a success, please sign up to host and exhibit here.
Spirit Night at the Hawks vs Celtics is Monday, November 4, 2024
Get ready for some family fun and basketball as we celebrate Spirit Night at the Atlanta Hawks vs Boston Celtics game. Will the home team beat the defending NBA champions? Meet us there on Monday, November 4, at 7:45pm at State Farm Arena. Tickets will sell out fast. Download the flyer here. Purchase tickets here.
Staff Gift Fund
The GLOBE PTCC Staff Gift Fund provides winter holiday gifts to all teachers and staff members in appreciation for their dedication to our children. Suggested donation: $50 per child. Donate here.
Volunteer with the PTCC
Calling all parents and caretakers! Please register for the new PTCC website and stay tuned for upcoming PTCC events and volunteer opportunities. You can also email PTCC Officers at any time.
Visit the PTCC Website | Follow us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.
Fall Sports Team Picture Day tomorrow, October 24
Fall sports team picture day will take place tomorrow, October 24. Link to Schedule. Please remember to bring your uniform.
Help with concessions at GLOBE Games tomorrow /Friday
We are looking for helpers set up, run, and breakdown the concession sales at GLOBE Games event tomorrow, and Friday. Click here to volunteer.
Basketball registration is open
Registration for Basketball is now open. Click here for details.
Girls basketball tryouts will be Monday, October 28 and 30, from 3:30pm to 5pm. Boys will be Tuesday, October 29 and Friday, November 1, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
Fall Sports Highlights
Boys Soccer
The boys finished 2nd in the regular season with a proud record of 5-0-2 (ties) and 3rd place out of ten schools after facing a tough loss to Atlanta Classical in the Semi-Finals on Tuesday. Great season!
Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate posted the best season in school history and finished in 3rd place after losing to Peachtree MS in the Semi-Final Playoff game. Great season and many young talented players returning next year.
Cross Country
Girls: Violet Hall finished #1 and Jessel Martin #10 out of 56 top runners in the MAAC Conference on Monday. Violet ran two miles in an impressive time of 12 minutes and 20 seconds to take the title of Top Runner in the MAAC Conference. GLOBE Girls finished 4th overall. Congratulations to the entire team for a great season!
Boys: Grayson Miller led the way for the boys by finishing #3 Overall out of 56 runners! Grayson is the highest placing male runner since the program began two years ago. Lyle Sargent finished #12 as a 6th grade student and Zachery Ouyang also contributed to the boys effort for a 6th place finish.
A Team finished 5th in the MAAC Conference with a 6-4 record. The B Team finished in 2nd place and the C Teams finished in 3rd place. The program is really improving and we are looking forward to what the future holds for these young players.
We are so proud of all of our Fall Sports Teams and the way our student-athletes represent GLOBE!
Visit the athletics website to find out about our athletics program, and watch out for more upcoming events and activities!
Support GLOBE athletics
Visit our Sideline store for GLOBE athletic wear | Join GLOBE Athletic Club.
2024/25 Yearbook
Be a wise owl like Ollie, and click here to reserve your 2024/25 yearbook.
Send us your photos
The yearbook is only as good as the pictures in it. We want your photos!
We especially would like photos of any GLOBE sporting event. If you go to a game during the year, please take pictures and send them to us.
GLOBE's Photo Share site
Sharing photos with the yearbook staff has never been easier.
Click here to go to GLOBE's Photo Share site.
Click "Get Started"
Add your contact information: Use I am a ... to make sure photos end up in the right place. If you choose Student, follow the onscreen instructions to make sure that the photo is tagged correctly.
Check your email for a verification code. Enter it and click Verify to continue.
Review the photo guidelines then select Choose Images to select photos from your device.
Make sure you tag people in the photo.
Have a question?
You are welcome to submit it here, or consult this chart to find out who to contact.
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