MacArthur Notes
February 7, 2025
Principals' Update
Dear MacArthur Families,
Happy 101st Day of School! This special week brought so many fun memories for our entire school community. The 100th Day Celebration turned our youngest learners into their “100 year-old selves.” Our 1st graders may have had to delay their 101st Day celebrations for one day due to the wintry weather, but this did not dampen their excitement.
This Week: This week also included an all school assembly on Tuesday focused on goal setting and Habit 2 of Leader in Me: Begin with the End in Mind .Thank you to Mrs. Oatley’s 4th Grade Class and our Student Council for their participation in this assembly.We also gave a special thanks to "Ms. J" during the assembly as we commemorated all of the amazing work that she and her team do at MacArthur during School Counselor Appreciation Week. The students' round of applause on Tuesday definitely reminded her of how much she is appreciated at MacArthur!
We wanted to share our own thanks to Jennifer Jurkiewicz, our School Adjustment Counselor, and "go to" colleague for all she does to support everyone at MacArthur. She is such a tremendous asset to our school community. Ms. J goes above and beyond each day to be there for students, families, and colleagues. We are so lucky to have her as a part of our team! Thank you Ms. J!
TODAY: Our Kindergarten and 1st Grade students are coming home today with their first semester report card. Thank you for reviewing the report card and reaching out with any questions.
Our 5th Grade Coin Drive is off to a great start thanks to all of the donations of our students and families. Thank you for sending in your coins all throughout the month of February to benefit our 5th grade end of the year events. Click here to find out more about the Wild Wednesdays!
Week 1 Wild Wednesday 2x the value for our coin drive Winner was our 5th grade class, following closely behind by our 2nd graders and then our 1st graders. There are still 2 more Wild Wednesdays in February to have your coins worth 3x and 4x’s the value for a special chance for your grade to have a special prize with Mr. Kmiec and Mr. Howes. Coins & Dollars are accepted all days during the week and can be put in the jugs for your grade in the lobby! Thanks very much for your participation to support our 5th grade Class!
Next Week: Classroom teachers will share information with families if any Valentine’s Day activities are planned. As a reminder, we ask that students bring in no edible treats for classmates.
February School Vacation begins after school on Friday, February 14th. School will reopen on Monday, February 24th.
Next Month: Read Across America events are being planned for the month of March! This is a reminder that If you are interested in serving as a guest reader, we ask that you have an active CORI on file in the office. Please visit Mrs. Santana in the office to complete your CORI check at your earliest convenience to be able to read in March.
MCAS Dates: Testing begins in April. Please make sure your 3rd - 5th graders are available to test on their grade level testing days. Thank you in advance! MCAS Dates 2025
In Partnership,
Mr. Kmiec and Mr. Howes
Lunch Menu
Waltham Recreation
Waltham Food Pantry
PTO Notes
New PTO Spiritwear store is open! Use the code Spirit332 (see below) by 2/11/25 for a discount. https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/MA/Waltham/Douglas+MacArthur+Elementary+School
Thank you for all of the support of Movie Night and the Harlem Wizards game!
MacArthur Cookbook
The MacArthur PTO has extended the date for recipe submissions! Please help us make this possible and submit using the form below. https://forms.gle/WU8Xx5KPMHUpq6PK9
Save the Dates!
RaffleMania - Friday, March 28th
2nd Annual MacArthur 5K & Fun Run - Saturday, April 12th
We are looking for a PTO Co-President and a Social Media Coordinator for the 2025-2026 School Year! If you are interested, please reach out to Amanda Walsh at a.schubert54@gmail.com
6th Annual WPS Parenting Awareness Conference! 3/8/25
Join us on Saturday, March 8th from 8:00 - 1:30 p.m. at Kennedy Middle School. Our Keynote Speaker will be Brendan Mahan from ADHD Essentials; his topic is " Parenting as leadership (being a leader instead of a boss)!" Click here to register for the conference! Lots of good learning, food and door prizes!
Confirmed Workshops led by:
- Medjine Lucien from Waltham Partnership for Youth
- Susan Maxwell & Sean Hoxie from Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Emily Torres from the Attorney General’s Office
- Brendan Mahan from ADHD essentials
- Jenn-Ann Caruso, Waltham Public Schools Kindergarten Teacher
- Jessica Herwick from Waltham Fields Community Farms
Confirmed Info tables include:
- Baker Center’s Center for Effective Therapy
- Waltham Boys and Girls Club
- Representative from Congresswoman Catherine Clark’s office
- Foster Care Division of the Department of Children and Families
- Families for Depression
- Opportunities for Inclusion: Adult Family Care
- OUT Metrowest
- Representative from Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell’s office
- Waltham Fields Community Farm
- Waltham Land Trust
- Waltham Partnership for Youth
- Waltham Special Education Parent Advisory Council
- Wayside Youth and Family Support Network
- National Grid
Waltham Public Library
Register here - Events all month! : https://waltham.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/beauty-in-blackness-7/
This Week - Beauty in Blackness: Fun with Slime
Thursday, February 134:00—5:00 PM Lecture HallWaltham Public Library735 Main Street, Waltham, MA, 02451
Celebrate Black History Month with leaders from the Waltham High School Black Student Union! Come have fun with slime! / ¡Celebre el mes de la historia negra con guías de Waltham High School! ¡Diviértete con slime!
- 2/20 Dance with the Africano Diamonds / Baila con los Africano Diamonds
- 2/27 Let's Celebrate! (Food and other fun activities) / ¡A celebrar! (Comida y otras actividades divertidas
MacArthur Elementary School
Absence Line - (781) 314-5722
Email: kevinkmiec@walthampublicschools.org
Website: walthampublicschools.org/macarthur
Location: 494 Lincoln Street, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5721