Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ October 26, 2015
Ask the Superintendent Blog
Starting next week, you will be able to access a new tool on the Oak Grove school website. It will be entitled, "Ask the Superintendent." You will be able to e-mail a question to Dr. Lemon and he will do his best to respond and post the answer to the website.
Obviously, questions must be appropriate and you will be asked to leave your name. Your e-mail address will not be published. We hope you will enjoy this new tool on our website!
Red Ribbon Week
Beginning October 26th through October 30th, Oak Grove students will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week by participating in a variety of activities. The red ribbon symbolizes a commitment to a drug free, healthy lifestyle, no use of any illegal drug and no abuse of a legal drug. The school will be decorated throughout with the red ribbon message. We at Oak Grove are joining the community in educating our children about the dangers of drugs and encouraging them to lead healthy, successful lives.
Red Ribbon Week Activities
“Respect Yourself: Be Drug Free”
October 26 - October 30
Monday October 26
- Pass out Red Ribbons and pins
- Please encourage students to wear all week
Tuesday October 27
- Grades K-8 “Crazy Sock Day”- “Sock it to Drugs” by wearing your craziest socks
Wednesday October 28
- Wear Red Day- Wear as much red as you can to show your support to leading a Drug Free Life
- Hand out Red licorice
Thursday October 29
- Let’s “Stick it to Drugs”- Pass out “Respect Yourself: Be Drug Free” stickers
Friday October 30
- Grades K-8 “Team Up Against Drugs” - Wear your favorite team jersey or T-shirt.
- K-5 can change into their Halloween costumes in pm
- 6-8 can wear their sports attire all day
Attention 8th Grade Parents
On October 28, 2015, Libertyville High School will be at Oak Grove taking snapshot photos of our 8th grade class during study hall and lunch/recess. These photos will be used for Freshmen Orientation at LHS.
Halloween Parade & Costumes
On Friday, October 30 the Halloween Parade for grades K-3 will begin at 1:15pm. Parents may watch the parade on the Elementary Playground. If the weather is bad, the parade viewing will be in the Patrick Patt Gym. The parade will be recorded and available for viewing at a later time, so if you can’t attend, feel free to visit our website for information on watching the parade.
Weapons of any kind (plastic swords, plastic guns, tasers, etc.) cannot be brought to school as part of a costume. The parade is outdoors unless it rains. If your child has a short sleeved or sleeveless costume, you might want to send a T-shirt to wear underneath the costume. Since the parade route is about a quarter mile long, high heels (often worn with princess costumes) can also be a challenge! Students should not come to school with makeup on or dyed hair.
Students in grades 6-8 do not change into costumes. As part of Red Ribbon Week, we are encouraging students to wear their favorite sports jerseys. They are also allowed to wear hats (that are not a distraction) at school that day.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Thank you to the parents who have offered to participate on the TAG committee already! We truly appreciate your interest in assisting in our program development.
Here’s one last reminder that we are looking for a few parents of general education students to join our Talented And Gifted (TAG) action team. Our meetings are generally monthly on Monday nights, from 4-6 pm. Many of our original committee members have agreed to continue the work we’ve started but we are also looking for a few new parents to join the team.
Specifically, the committee is currently looking for 3 parents of general education students:
- A parent of an elementary student (K-2)
- A parent of an elementary student (grades 3-5) currently not in TAG
- A parent of an intermediate student (grades 6-8) currently not in TAG
Please email your interest and information to Sarah Cacciatore at cacciatore@ogschool.org
Information should include your name, grade of student(s), and any unique background, experience, or perspective you would bring to the committee. All applicants will be reviewed prior to establishing the committee. Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, October 30th and the first meeting will take place prior to the start of the new year.
Social Emotional Learning
We continued to dig deeper into our bullying unit. In kindergarten through third grade we focused on learning to report bullying. We wanted the children to know the difference between bullying and a conflict, but also we wanted to acknowledge that it is always okay to confide in an adult even if it is a conflict. When someone is mean to you it STILL HURTS and when you share it with your parents and friends they have empathy and it hurts them too. The actions are very similar in bullying and in conflicts. You report this to an adult. You figure out what to do and you check in to make sure things improve. I wanted the students to know that even though we know the definition of bullying, these actions that we are learning about are life long skills. We will all be hurt by someone at some point and it's important to know how to handle it in an assertive way.
Enjoy the photos of our Eagles in BLUE on Oak Grove's Bully Prevention Day.
Mrs. Kiefer
Student Council News
As promised, KidStuff Coupon Books 2015-2016 are here and for sale! With the help of Liz Howard, the Student Council is selling these books to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. A flyer is in the Virtual Backpack with details and information on ordering these through our school RevTrac online payment system. Orders will be placed and delivered to classrooms/ homerooms. The classroom/ homeroom with the most orders will receive a special treat courtesy of Student Council. So, order a great coupon book today and help a local child's wish come true!
PTO News
October 26, 2015
A Message from PTO Co-Presidents Lisa Perrone and Mia Hughes:
Lunches this Week
Monday - Quesadilla/Hot Dog
Tuesday - Panera
Wednesday - Pasta
Thursday - Culver's
The directories have been distributed. A big thank you to Jen Klainos for all her hard work getting it together and to Pam Brennan, Nikki Krakowski, Cynthia Gleason, Kathy Arnold, and Lisa Perrone for helping with distribution!
Red Ribbon Week
Today starts Red Ribbon Week. Thank you so much to Dana Huennekens for your help with this event!
Fannie Mae Candy Sales
Many thanks to Cristina Buelow and Carlene Lichter for their work on the Fannie May fundraiser!
8th Grade Lunch Tradition – Just a reminder regarding the policy for 8th graders purchasing remaining food items at the end of hot lunch days. Any 8th grader may purchase hot lunch items if available. The cost is $1 per main item for those who receive that hot lunch day and $5 for those who do not receive that hot lunch.
Schwan's Home Delivery
Thanks to those who have already placed an order. Introducing Schwan’s Home Delivery benefitting the Oak Grove PTO. Schwan's™ Home Service offers mealtime solutions delivered right to your door. Choose from more than 350 family favorites, all flash-frozen for freshness and flavor.
The PTO will receive 20% of the sales placed from October 1-November 15. We will also receive $10 for every $25 gift certificate purchased. So please consider placing an order today. It’s all online and they deliver to your door. Visit the website below to be linked to our fundraiser campaign:
Eagle Extravaganza
Mark your calendars for the 4th Annual PTO Eagle Extravaganza!
Saturday, December 5th 9am-12pm
Bring the whole family for shopping, food and fellowship!
There will be local vendors (LHS items, jewelry and more!) for your holiday shopping, a gym filled with gifts priced at $1-$5 for your kids to do their holiday shopping, and a fun breakfast to purchase for all! Presented by the Oak Grove School PTO! Vendors sign up at: https://oakgroveschooleagleextravaganza.shutterfly.com/.
Heinen's Teaming up for Education
Heinen's Grocery will donate up to 1% of qualifying purchases from Oak Grove participants. It's easy to participate. Just sign up for their preferred card and enroll in their Tasteful Rewards program. This can be done in store or online at heinens.com. You then select Oak Grove School PTO as a school. Then make sure you use your rewards card every time you shop. Please note, you need to re-select the school every year.
Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team Assembly Fun
What a great first assembly we had this month!
The Chicago Boyz Acrobatic Team showed us how hard work & dedication pay off! Coach Tim Shaw truly inspired the students & teachers alike.
Administrators & teachers even got into the act! A good time was had by all. Thank you to the OGS PTO for sponsoring our assemblies again this year. Thank you Principal Fenton for your behind the scenes coordination & unprecedented stage performance!
Oak Grove School Education Foundation
Gala 2016 is off & running! Fun auction items are beginning to roll in. Thank you to the Foltz family for donating Cubs tickets. They are sure to go all the way in 2016!
We are looking for tickets of any kind. Are you a season ticket holder or do you know someone who
Is? Who wouldn’t love to support OGS Foundation? No offer too big or too small!
Stay tuned to the Oak Grove News for future auction item highlights.
Snowflake 2015
Yoga for Kids - November Session
1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students, join us for after school yoga in November!
Take a break from our “hurry up” world and try yoga. It’s a fun and easy way to feel healthy and happy. Yoga promotes balance, relaxation and strength, all in a noncompetitive atmosphere.
When: Tuesdays, November 3,10, 17 and Dec. 1 (4 Weeks) from 3:20-4:00pm
Where: Professional Development (PD) Room, OGS
Instructor: Certified Yoga Instructor: Ruth Ann Grant, RYT
Teacher Sponsor: Mrs. Saia
Cost: $28 for the 4-week session
Session Maximum: 10 studentsPlease see the Virtual Backpack for permission slip.
Chess Club
The game of chess is both magical and fun. Chess-Ed will provide instruction, chess puzzles, game playing and more. A professional team of United States Chess Federation certified instructors from Chess-Ed will provide this exciting program. The class will be held on Wednesday afternoons 3:30 - 4:30. It is an ongoing program throughout the 2015-2016 school year. Instruction will include the basics for the beginning player and then move through opening game theory, middle game combinations and ideas, plus endgame patterns for the continuing and advanced player. This is a parent paid fee-based program. Register TODAY at: www.ogchess.eventbee.com or click on the Virtual Backpack for more information.
Poster Contest Winner
Congratulatieons, Tanmai!
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120