Harrison Herald
Weekly Update
The outside temperature kept creeping up this week, but the students were in good spirits! Harrison is back into a full schedule and doing a great job. All students have been able to visit their specials, such as art, music, PE and library! It is a great feeling to be able to move freely around the building and brings us some sort of "normalcy."
Skyward Family Information
Please be sure to verify your personal information, including phone numbers, in Skyward Family Access. We are finding that phone numbers are missing or inaccurate. If you need any information changed, please reach out to the office.
Wednesday, September 1st is an EARLY RELEASE DAY!
Water Bottles
Please be sure to send your student to school with a water bottle. They may be refilled throughout the day at our water stations.
Health Office Information
Any medication that needs to be administered on school property requires the medication administration form completed by a physician.
All medication needs to be dropped off during office hours by an adult, and needs to be in the original package with prescription label attached, if applicable.
Link to medication administration form on HSD 36 website:
Harrison School
Website: https://www.hsd36.org/
Location: 6809 McCullom Lake Road, Wonder Lake, IL, USA
Phone: 815-653-2311
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarrisonHurricanes/