October at McReavy Elementary
Saddle Up!

A Note From Your Principal
Howdy Mustang Families!
Our clinic has been busy, busy! We want to remind families that our clinic is ready to support our students who become ill at school and treat urgent concerns. We know the cold and flu season is coming! We’ll be using the 7 B’s chart in our classrooms as we support your students at MES. Nurse Moody will see students who present with symptoms at school, but if illness or injury occur outside of school please assess and seek treatment with your physician. If students have fever or vomiting, we ask them to stay home for 24 hours. If students do not have exclusionary symptoms, we hope to see them at school each day! We do have an October attendance challenge with two other campuses and hope to WIN!!!
Thank you for your support!
Melissa Crosby
From Your Assistant Principal
Dear Mustang Family,
We hope this message finds you well! Over the next few weeks, you may notice changes to our car rider procedures as we implement new accessibility features in the front drive. These enhancements are designed to provide better access for all students and their families during drop-off and pick-up times.
You may see purple cones in the front area, indicating that families with accessibility needs will be utilizing these new features. We are also piloting a new system to improve access to and from the building. We appreciate your patience as you may observe vehicles with purple tags moving in different patterns that we currently have established.
For the safety of all students and visitors, we kindly ask that you do not pass cars that are loading students. Your understanding and support during this transition are greatly appreciated as we work to refine our arrival and dismissal processes.
If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please feel free to reach out to Alyson Faulkner.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Saddle Up in October!
We’re in the midst of an epic attendance competition against a few other schools in WISD, and guess what? We are the reigning champions of the highest attendance rate! 🏆 But to keep our title, we need your help!
This is not just a competition; it’s a chance for everyone to shine! If we win, we’re rolling out an exciting school-wide incentive that everyone can enjoy! 🎊 So, let’s rally together and make sure that every student who is healthy and able is in school every day!
Remember, our attendance time is 9:35 AM each morning. Let’s show everyone the incredible Mustang spirit! We believe in you! Let’s do this! 🌟💪
Counselor's Corner
This October at McReavy Elementary School we are focused on the character trait Responsibility, from our Character Strong Guidance Curriculum. Responsibility is "taking action and understanding the impact of our choices."
All month long we will highlight college awareness through wearing college gear every Tuesday.
We are also taking a stand to be drug free through our "Red Ribbon Week" activities and school dress up days.
This month's counselor guidance lesson is focused on friendships and positive interactions with others. Ask your child about how they can be a good friend to someone new.
Important Dates:
- GT Testing Continues through October 11th.
- Red Ribbon Week October 28th - November 1st.
- College Gear Every Tuesday, All October!
Red Ribbon Week!
Semana del Listón Rojo!
Waller ISD Parent University
Waller ISD Continues to offer Parent University! Parent U is designed to help empower parents, gaurdians, and adult leaders as student advocates.
More information, Zoom links & en ESPAÑOL: LINK
Volunteer at MES!
Interested in volunteer opportunities at MES? Our McReavy VIPS would love to have you. You can start by filling out the volunteer interest form below. All volunteers must go through the district application process. You can find that application HERE.
For more specific questions, you can also email McReavyVIPS@gmail.com
We Are Looking For a Few Volunteers...
Seeking SHAC Volunteers...
Waller ISD is seeking parent/guardian volunteers for SHAC (Student Health Advisory Council). SHAC was established to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction. To be considered, individuals must be able to commit to attendance at 4 required meetings during the year on Oct. 29, 2024, Dec.3, 2024, Feb. 4, 2025, and April 1, 2025. All meetings will be held online via Google Meets at 4:15 p.m. More information on SHAC is available by clicking here. If you are interested in serving all students in Waller ISD by participating in SHAC, please contact Principal Melissa Crosby at mcrosby@wallerisd.net by Monday, September 30th.
Calling Mustang Dads!
Dads at the Door
Starting in October we are excited to be inviting our Mustang Dad's on campus on Friday mornings to greet and welcome our students as they arrive.
We love finding ways we can get our families involved and hope that our D.A.D.s will equally enjoy being some of the first faces our students see before they start their day at MES!
Please click the link below for more information and to sign-up! We can't wait to see you!
MES Helpful Hints:
- School arrival time is from 8:00-8:35 am. For safety reasons, students are not to be dropped off before 8:00 am unless it is for Extended Day Academy or a designated school activity.
- Students will be released to the classroom at 8:15 am
- Students who arrive after 8:35 am are counted as tardy. These students will need to be brought in by a guardian and signed in at the receptionist desk.
- Transportation changes need to be communicated to the front desk prior to 3 pm that day.
- The car rider drive will open at 2:30 pm each day.
From the Cafe
Lunch Times
Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:35 AM and is free to all students. Visitors are not allowed during breakfast.
Meal Prices:
- Breakfast: Student: Free Adult: $2.25
- Lunch: Student: $2.10 Adult: $5.00
PreK: 11:20-11:50 AM
Kinder: 10:40-11:10 AM
1st grade: 10:40-11:10 AM
2nd grade: 12:05-12:35 PM
3rd grade: 11:15-11:45 AM
4th grade: 12:05-12:35 PM
5th grade: 11:15-11:45 AM