Youth Services News
February 16, 2018
FEMA Seeks Applicants for Youth Preparedness Council
FEMA announced last week that it is seeking applicants for the Youth Preparedness Council, which brings together teens from across the country who are interested and engaged in community preparedness. Council members are selected based on their dedication to public service, their efforts in making a difference in their communities, and their potential to expand their impact as national leaders for preparedness. Students in 8th through 11th grade are eligible to apply.
The Youth Preparedness Council, formed in 2012, offers an opportunity for youth leaders to serve on a distinguished national council and participate in the Youth Preparedness Council Summit in Washington, D.C. During their two-year term, the leaders will complete both a local and national-level project and share their ideas regarding youth disaster preparedness with FEMA leadership and national organizations.
Youth interested in applying to the Council must submit a completed application form, provide two letters of recommendation, and academic records. All applications and supporting materials must be received no later than March 18, 2018, 11:59 p.m. PT in order to be eligible. New council members will be announced in May 2018.
To access the application materials, read about the current Council members, and for more general information about the Youth Preparedness Council visit
Public Library Association to offer diversity-focused youth internship program in 2018
CHICAGO — The Public Library Association (PLA) is now accepting applications from public libraries interested in participating in PLA's Inclusive Internship Initiative (III) for the summer of 2018. Last year, PLA piloted III, an internship program designed to introduce young people from diverse backgrounds to careers in librarianship. The project was a tremendous success, and PLA is proud to offer III once again with the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (grant RE-00-17-0129-17).
Through III, PLA will sponsor paid, mentored summer internships at public libraries for 50 high school juniors and seniors. With individual guidance from a mentor, each intern will engage with multiple facets of library life, from administration to programming to user services, while also completing a connected-learning project on behalf of their host library.
In addition to identifying an appropriate intern, participating libraries must:
- Assign a staff person to serve as a mentor
- Develop a connected learning project in conjunction with the intern
- Offer approximately five hours per week of one-on-one mentoring and coaching
- Attend a June kick-off event in Washington, D.C. and a September wrap-up event in Chicago
- Be comfortable sharing successes, challenges, opportunities across the III cohort, within the library, and to community stakeholders
- Comply with applicable nondiscrimination laws, including but not limited to those in the Assurances and Certifications, throughout the grant award and the intern application and selection process
"Participating in the 2017 cohort was an eye-opening experience for both the libraries and the interns. The libraries discovered how much passion, talent and enthusiasm the teens can have for their work, and the interns discovered the powerful contributions that libraries make in our communities," remarked PLA President Pam Sandlian Smith, director of Anythink Libraries (Adams County, Colo.).
All public libraries, regardless of PLA membership, are eligible. Small, rural, and tribal libraries are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Central Time on Sunday, March 25, 2018.
PLA will host an “office hours” webinar on Monday, Feb. 26, to give interested libraries a chance to learn more and ask questions. Information about III, including an application for libraries interested in participating, can be found at
Youth Resources for Crises and Loss of Life
ALSC’s Comforting Reads for Difficult Times
CCBC’s 50 Books about Grief and Loss
CCBC’s 50 Books about Peace and Social Justice
From Facilities to Trauma: Disaster Planning and Community Resiliency at Your Library
presented byMichele Stricker, Deputy State Librarian for Lifelong Learning, New Jersey State Library
presented by Ileen Henderson for Early Childhood Investigations
Libraries and Compassion Fatigue
presented by Elissa Hardy from the Denver Public Library for the Massachusetts Library System
Resource Lists & Toolkits
DE Division of Libraries LibGuide:
Helping Children Cope with Tragedy
Youth Services Programming During a Time of Crisis. Capstone Project of Jamie Gilmore, Grace Morris, Erica Trotter, and Alexandria Wardrip. Library of Michigan, Michigan Department of Education. Information School University of Washington, sponsors.
Las Vegas PBS:Resources to Help Families Cope
Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health:
Resources for Coping with School Shootings and Other Traumatic Events
The American School Counselor Association:Helping Kids after a Shooting
Contributions from State Library Youth Services Consultants
Compiled by Cathy Lancaster, Youth Services Coordinator Library of Michigan and Linda Williams, Children's Services Consultant Connecticut State Library
Help Support RIDE's SurveyWorks
Last year, more than 113,000 students, parents, and educators participated in SurveyWorks, a school culture and climate survey that helps illustrate what is working and what can be improved in Rhode Island schools.
Are students engaged in their learning? Do parents feel welcome in their school community? Are teachers included in decision-making with school leadership? These are the kinds of important questions asked through SurveyWorks, and this year, we want to engage even more Rhode Islanders in the discussion.
In particular, we’re focused on increasing family participation, because parent voices are too often left out of the discussion when it comes to their child’s education.
That’s where our public libraries come in.
Attached are flyers in English and Spanish that we hope you may consider displaying in your library. On the flyer, you’ll note that it encourages parents to visit your Reference Desk for help. If you are willing to support this effort, we can provide you with instructions on how to access and navigate the SurveyWorks website, as well as a customized list of school codes for your community. Each school in the state has a unique code for SurveyWorks, and we are happy to generate a list for your city or town, if you are willing to help local families complete the survey in the library.
The SurveyWorks window will be open from January 16 to March 30, 2018. Schools will select two-week windows in which to more heavily promote the survey, but parents can complete the survey at any time during the full survey window. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes from start to finish, and is available in English and Spanish. Schools have a very limited number of paper copies available, but with your help, we are hoping to transition to an almost entirely online administration. If you have any library events in that survey window at which you think it could be helpful for RIDE to attend and promote SurveyWorks, please let us know and we can work with your team.
Thank you for your support, and if you are willing to help us in this effort, please contact Meg Geoghegan at for more information and for a list of your local school codes.
Grant and Award Opportunities
Governor's Workforce Board Grant Solicitation for Real Skills for Youth (2/26)
Talk Story: Sharing Stories, Sharing Culture Grant (3/1)
Brightly 2018 Children's Books 2018 Preview Sweepstakes (3/23)
*new* PLA Inclusive Internship Initiative (3/25)
Better World Books Literacy Grants for Libraries (3/31)
Bank of America Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1st - 15th of each month)
Professional Development Opportunities
Graduate Certificate of Professional Studies in Youth Experience
applications accepted until February 16
Spring 2018 Mini-Conference at Bank Street:A Celebration of Bilingual Books and Latinx Communities
March 3, 9am-1:30pm
March 12, 1pm-2pm
Extending the Book Experience: Strategies That Promote Language and Literacy Development in Dual Language Learners Webinar
March 14, 2:00pm-3:30pm
March 21, 2:00pm-3:30pm
application for cohort 2 training in RI due 6/14/18
Upcoming Library & Reading Themed Events
Read Across America Day (March 2)
Teen Tech Week (March 4-10)
RI Library Day (April 14)
National Library Week (April 8-14)
Money Smart Week (April 21-28)
School Library Month
National Poetry Month
Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) Month
Star Wars Day (May 4)
Children's Book Week (April 30-May 6)
Free Comic Book Day (May 5)
Kids Reading Across RI (May 19)
RI Latino Books Month
National Foster Care Month
Upcoming OLIS CE
Save the Date: OLIS/United Way Mini-Conference on April 4th
- typical/atypical development
- summer learning
- service learning
- using play to help stressed children
Registration, including a full program description, will be available at the end of the month. In the meantime, plan to join us Wednesday, April 4 9am-2pm at the Barrington Public Library!
How to Teach Coding (When You Don't Know How to Code)
Tuesday, Feb 20, 2018, 09:30 AM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, United States
Cross Cultural Competency: The Language
In an effort to make our libraries more welcoming and inclusive spaces for our diverse communities, the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) is partnering with Dorcas International Institute to provide a series of workshops on the topic of Cross-Cultural Competency. This first in a series of three workshops will provide an introduction to the language of cross-cultural competency, as well as break down the vocabulary, definitions, and contexts.
Brandon Lozeau, Community Relations Manager at Dorcas International Institute, will lead this discussion. Dorcas International Institute provides refugee resettlement, U.S.Citizenship, ESOL, adult education classes, and other programs designed to build a stronger and more connected community in Rhode Island.
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018, 09:30 AM
East Providence Public Library, Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI, United States
Outreach to Children
How do you offer outreach in your community? We'll discuss what works (and what doesn't) and share tips for successful partnerships that have supported your outreach efforts. Please come prepared with an example of your current outreach model or ideas you have for a new endeavor.
We will also hear from State Archivist Ashley Selima and the Department of State’s Education and Public Programs Coordinator Lane Sparkman, to learn more about the new Teacher Resources from the RI Department of State.
Thursday, Mar 8, 2018, 01:00 PM
Fuller Creative Learning Center, Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI, United States
Behavior Management
Join us for a viewing of the YALSA webinar Repair the Harm: Restorative Approaches to Behavior Management in Libraries followed by a group discussion of behavior management.
Webinar description: When we welcome teenagers into our library spaces, we can expect a certain number of behavioral challenges. There are many approaches we can take as practitioners to guide and manage behavior in the library. Learn how libraries can make use of restorative practices to help teens learn from their behavior, in meaningful and transformative ways, and maintain access to their library.
Thursday, Mar 15, 2018, 09:30 AM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, United States
Strange Tech: Lending Non-traditional Technology Materials
More libraries are finding themselves lending out technology devices ranging from kindles to cameras, mobile hotspots to electromagnetic field detectors (for ghost hunting, of course!). As you venture out into this strange new world of library lending, what challenges can you expect to face? What lessons can be learned from other libraries' experiences with lending devices? And how can you build policies that make your materials available to your patrons while protecting your library's investments? This webinar will explore these questions, as we hear from a few RI libraries and how they manage their technology lending.
A link to the webinar will be sent out to registrants one week before the event.
Thursday, Mar 29, 2018, 03:00 PM
Cross-Cultural Competency: Digging a Little Deeper
Brandon Lozeau, Community Relations Manager at Dorcas International Institute, will lead this discussion. Dorcas International Institute provides refugee resettlement, U.S.Citizenship, ESOL, adult education classes, and other programs designed to build a stronger and more connected community in Rhode Island.
Materials from Session 1 - Cross-Cultural Competency: The Language will be made available before this workshop for those unable to attend the entire series.
Friday, Apr 6, 2018, 10:30 AM
Tiverton Public Library, Roosevelt Avenue, Tiverton, RI, United States
Virtual Reality in the Library
Tuesday, Apr 17, 2018, 01:30 PM
Newport Public Library, Spring Street, Newport, RI, United States
Teen SRP 2017 Highlights/Summer Reading Program Forum
It's time to revisit summer 2017 as we finalize planning for the 2018 Summer Reading Program. What favorite program from 2017 will be reappearing on your 2018 calendar? Or are lessons learned from 2017 inspiring you to completely overhaul your program? Please come prepared to share.
The last hour of the meeting will be reserved for a discussion of the Office of Library & Information's (OLIS) support of the Summer Reading Program (SRP). What do you value about how OLIS currently supports the SRP? How can OLIS help strengthen your program? Please share your SRP challenges and fresh ideas for OLIS support!
Tuesday, Apr 24, 2018, 09:30 AM
Greene Public Library, Coventry, RI, United States
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri