Neshaminy Update
Neshaminy School District / April 2022
Curriculum website redesign improves access, transparency
Parents, students and community members researching curriculum at Neshaminy will have an easier time finding the information they need thanks to a new website design unveiled in March. The project was managed by Neshaminy Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Elementary Education Michelle Burkholder, who said that she struggled to find curriculum information on the old site because it was scattered in multiple sections and in various documents, making navigation difficult.
The new website can be found by navigating to the District home page, www.neshaminy.org, then selecting "Academics" from the menu and "Curriculum" from the sub-menu. The site can also be accessed directly using the simple URL www.neshaminy.org/curriculum.
This will take you to the new curriculum website, which has a simpler, more graphic-oriented navigation than the main District website. The pages are broken down by grade, subject area and individual courses (for secondary schools).
"A parent can quickly learn what a child is learning in school," she said. "All of our teachers have access to curriculum maps, which give a detailed, month-to-month breakdown of what's taught in the classroom. Now parents have access to these as well, increasing transparency."
The new site is a living document, which will allow parents to monitor future changes to curriculum as they are implemented.
"As we update and revise curriculum, the website will evolve with it," said Ms. Burkholder.
The transition to the new website involved the entire Curriculum & Instruction Department. Maura Hope and Kelly Rooney were especially instrumental in gathering and updating documents from the old site and converting them for the new site.
Presentation of new Curriculum website at the March 8, 2022 Board Public Work Session.
Neshaminy music program honored for sixth year in a row
The music program at Neshaminy School District was once again recognized as a "Best Community for Music Education" for 2022 by the NAMM Foundation. This marks the sixth year in a row that Neshaminy has received this award. According to the Foundation, "...the 2022 Best Communities for Music Education program has recognized 738 school districts and 80 schools across 44 states for the outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community leaders and their support for music education as part of a well-rounded education for all children."
“Music educators, administrators, and communities truly rallied to support and sustain music education through a period of intense change and adaptation," said Mary Luehrsen, Executive Director of The NAMM Foundation. "These districts and schools persevered in serving their students and communities and assured that music education was part of curriculum offerings."
Neshaminy Lead Teacher for Music Clarke Stoneback credited his colleagues and the community for their ongoing support and commitment to excellence in music education.
"I'd like to say thank you to our fantastic music faculty for offering our students top notch programs at every level," he said. "Their hard work and dedication is appreciated in a way that can’t be expressed in words. Thank you to our school board and administration for their support and for seeing the value in music education. And thank you to our students, parents and community. Your participation and support is what keeps our programs flourishing.
Tax break available for businesses supporting Neshaminy Education Foundation
Thanks to a program from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, local businesses have the opportunity to support specific educational programs at Neshaminy and receive tax credits through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. Tax credits are available to eligible businesses contributing to a Scholarship Organization, an Educational Improvement Organization, and/or a Pre-Kindergarten Scholarship Organization. The non-profit 501(c)(3) Neshaminy Education Foundation is an approved Educational Improvement Organization for the 2022 tax season, and local businesses can apply to have donations made to the NEF in the same tax year applied for a tax credit. Pass-through entities, such as S-Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs, and C-Corporation are all eligible to apply. Applications must be submitted electronically using DCED’s Single Application for Assistance.
Under the EITC program, donations received must be applied to specific curricular programs and initiatives approved by the Department of Revenue. For the current tax season, donations made to the NEF can be applied in three areas:
- AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination (www.avid.org) is a global non-profit organization that has created a program to provide students with tools and strategies for academic and social success in school, higher education and beyond. Neshaminy has successfully implemented AVID in several grades and is seeking to expand this curriculum to additional schools and grades within the District.
- AMPLIFY SCIENCE: This is the science program at Neshaminy. The core of this new program revolves around the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which have been developed by a national collaboration of science and technology industry leaders and educators. The District adopted the Amplify Science Program in 2016 for the 6th grade, and has since expanded it to additional grades throughout the District. The program blends hands-on investigations and analysis using digital tools to encourage students to think, read, write, argue, and share information like real scientists and engineers.
- SENIOR EXPERIENCE AT BUCKS COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Neshaminy HS seniors have the opportunity to take classes at BCCC for credit as part of their program of studies. Originally, the program was funded by a Ready to Learn grant which covered tuition, books, expenses and transportation to and from the college from NHS. The District is seeking funds to expand the program for additional students and future school years.
The deadline for applying for EITC tax credits is May 17. Interested businesses should consult a qualified tax professional. More information can be found at the links below.
School Board Update
The Board met on Tuesday, April 12 for a Public Work Session (agenda here). The next Board Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm in the District Board Room at Maple Point. The meeting agenda and livestream video link will be posted at www.neshaminy.org/meetings.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
- Policy Committee, Tuesday, May 3, 6:30 pm
- Business Operations Committee, Wednesday, May 4, 6:30 pm
- Facilities and Planning Committee, Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 pm
All committee meetings are held in the District Board Room at Maple Point unless otherwise noted. The public is invited to attend and participate in Board and Committee meetings. All meeting times and locations are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances; please check the District website www.neshaminy.org for any updates.
Long-time Neshaminy School Board member Stephen Pirritano announced his resignation from the Board, effective April 26, 2022. Mr. Pirritano was appointed to the Board in 2013 as a replacement for Board member Kim Koutsouradis from Region 1 who resigned at that time. He was later elected to the position, and served as Board President from January, 2020 to January, 2021. Mr. Pirritano cited increasing family obligations as the reason for his resignation.
During his nine years as a Board member, Mr. Pirritano was an active participant in the District's Facilities Road Map plan and labor contract negotiations.
The Board will consider candidates for a replacement to carry out the rest of his term, which expires in December, 2023. They are required to appoint a replacement within 30 days of the resignation.
At the March 22 School Board Public Meeting, the Board honored two Neshaminy students for separate acts saving the lives of others - Poquessing MS student Andria Okruashvili (left) performed the Heimlich maneuver on a classmate who was choking on a piece of candy in class recently. Neshaminy HS student Cory Hemberger rescued two hockey players who fell through the ice on a pond in Yardley in late January. For their quick thought and actions, Neshaminy is proud to honor them as an inspiration to our entire community.
Supermarket round-up nets a Giant donation
Some visitors from the Langhorne Giant supermarket stopped by District Offices on March 25 with a $14,516 donation from their round-up and points donation program. The money will be used to support our District food pantries and help our families in need of food assistance. (L-R) Giant employee (and NHS grad) Mike LaScala, Superintendent Dr. Rob McGee, Giant Direct Lead Lori Lihotz and Giant employee Tom Leonhauser (another NHS grad!). Thank you, Giant for this great program and to the Giant customers who "rounded-up!"
Sunset Challenge 2k/5k registration
The Sunset Challenge 2k/5k race will be held on Friday, May 13 starting at 6:40 pm at Maple Point! This race offers families, teams and individual runners two great courses: the 2K walk/run will stay on Maple Point property while the 5k will use the new walking trail on Langhorne Yardley Road as part of a circular course that winds through Middletown Community Park and back to Maple Point. The race will be chipped and professionally timed by RunBucks, LLC, each runner gets a t-shirt and medal, and prizes will be awarded in multiple categories and a school banner for the Neshaminy school with the most participants (based on percentage). The evening will feature a DJ (Mr. Gosser!), snacks and drinks for runners, and more.
REGISTRATION DEADLINES: To guarantee a race t-shirt, registration must be completed by Friday, April 22. All registration, including day-of-race, must be completed online.
REGISTRATION: www.sunsetchallenge.org.
Register for kindergarten / 1st grade
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open. Families are encouraged to register their new students as early as possible to ensure that they are able to attend their neighborhood school. The registration process can be started online by visiting www.neshaminy.org/register. A member of the Central Registration staff will contact you to make an appointment to complete the process in-person
neshaminy Pre-K Counts registration open
Registration for the Pre-K Counts program at Neshaminy is now open. If you have a child who will be 3 or 4 by September 1, 2022, and meet the income eligibility requirements, you can enroll in this FREE quality program hosted in two of our Neshaminy schools and the Lower Southampton Learning Center. Pre-K Counts is a Pennsylvania grant-funded program with generous eligibility guidelines (household income as high as $83,250 for a family of four based on 2021 tax returns).
Visit www.neshaminy.org/pkc to find out more and register.
Lunch and Learn workshop offers pre-k support, resources
On April 6, a group of future Neshaminy students and their parents attended a special Lunch and Learn workshop in the District Board Room at Maple Point. The monthly workshops are designed to provide families with positive parenting strategies through discussion and hands-on activities. They are led by Kim Johnson, Neshaminy's Preschool Outreach Coordinator, and Rachel Minton, M.Ed, Family Strengthening Programs Coordinator from Family Service Association of Bucks County. Each workshop has a different theme; today's was "Allowance, Chores and Responsibilities."
There will be another Lunch and Learn workshop on Wednesday, May 4. For more information please visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b49abaa2aa5fa7-lunch1
Familes connect series continues May 12
Over the past couple of months, Neshaminy has had the privilege of hosting two speaker events with accomplished professionals in the fields of family and adolescent growth and development. Both events, one with Dr. Michael J. Bradley and another with Dr. Robert Brooks, focused on ways for parents and students to tap into social emotional skills that will help build resiliency, trust and a supportive home environment. Recordings of these events can be found at: neshaminy.org/familiesconnect
We are excited to announce that the next event will be with Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard. This Family Connect event will be on Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 7-8:30 via Zoom. Dr. Dahlsgaard will be joining us for a live, free virtual session to continue our discussion of resiliency, along with:
- Exploring why structure matters
- Investigating how to model healthy habits for children
- Discovering appropriate expectations that nurture mental wellness
To attend this event, you must register using this link:
Last call for summer stock registration
Neshaminy Summer Stock is back this year with three great workshops for students in grades 2-12! A Neshaminy tradition for over 50 years, the Summer Stock workshops will be held at Neshaminy High School between June 27 and July 24.
This year they are staging two great shows: Phantom of the Opera for students entering grades 7-12 and The Lion King for students entering grades 4-6. Students entering grades 2-3 can participate in the Summer Stock Showcase, which includes music, dance and learning the basics of musical theatre.
This program is open to all students from the area. More information and registration forms can be found at https://www.neshaminy.org/Domain/2822.
Fab lab offers summer camp, saturday classes
Did you visit the Bucks County Intermediate Unit Fab Lab at the STEAM Expo? This mobile STEAM education resource offers classes and technology-related programs throughout the county for students and educators. They also have a new Fab Lab Center in Warminster, where they host after-school clubs, Saturday STEAM-related programs and are hosting a summer camp program for up to 8 weeks! And -- get this -- in honor of the STEAM Expo, right now Neshaminy students can get 5% off the summer camp registration fee! Find out more about this valuable resource and summer camp by visiting their website at https://www.bucksiu.org/fablab.
2022-2023 anticipated employment opportunities have been posted
We are just two months away from summer vacation, but the need for certified and support staff for this year and beyond at Neshaminy is still strong. Anticipated employment positions for the 2022-2023 school year have now been posted. Visit the Neshaminy job website to find out about the many opportunities available around the district, and join us as We Build Futures!
Challenger baseball and softball season opens
The Neshaminy Challenger baseball program opened their season on Sunday, April 3 at Neshaminy HS. They meet every Sunday for an 8-week season (until May 22) from 11 am to 12:30 pm learning the fundamentals of the game, matching players with older buddies from NHS and other schools, and just having fun! No special equipment is needed. If you know a player that might be interested, or if you want to help out, please contact Sandi Spong by email at sspong@neshaminy.org or call 215-828-1597.
Hold on you matter walk at BCTHS May 1
Teams of students from Neshaminy High School will once again be participating in the Bucks County Suicide Prevention Task Force "Hold on You Matter Walk" to be held at the Bucks County Technical High School in Fairless Hills on Saturday, May 1. The goal of the walk is to bring the issue of suicide prevention to the forefront, build awareness and let students know that they can make a difference in the lives of their classmates. For more information about this effort and the walk, please contact Richard Greenberg at Neshaminy HS, rgreenberg@neshaminy.org.
District Calendar for 2022-2023 posted
STEAM Expo is back on track
The annual Neshaminy STEAM Expo drew thousands of Neshaminy students and their families to Neshaminy High School on Tuesday, March 29 for an evening of technology-related activities, demonstrations and games. Started in 2015, the Expo missed the past two years due to the pandemic, but returned this year with bigger crowds than ever. The Expo has become a showcase of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) curriculum at Neshaminy, as well as an opportunity for elementary and middle school students to explore the variety of classes and activities available to them once they reach the high school. A number of community groups ranging from nature and arts centers to engineering firms and museums were on hand to make connections with the "real world" applications of STEAM concepts. Thanks to all those that once again made this a success!
Kindergartners program Bee-Bot robots to visit their zoo habitats
In the video above, kindergarten students in Amy Neff's class at Tawanka ES coded Bee-Bots to tour their Zoo Habitats. As part of their Defined STEM activity, the children selected an animal of their choosing to research on their Chromebooks. Then they planned, created and shared about their Zoo Habitats, making sure food and water would be available for their animals. Last, with the help of Mrs. Phelan, they programed Bee-Bots (small mobile robots that resemble bees) to be tourists at the zoo! Although some Bee-Bots may have bumped into a habitat or two, fortunately no animals escaped their enclosures! Several Tawanka students also brought their Bee-Bots to the STEAM Expo at Neshaminy HS.
Walter miller es artist represents neshaminy at county gallery
Walter Miller ES student Britney Alvarez attended a special ceremony on April 6 to honor her for a stunning artwork that she created that was selected to represent Neshaminy School District at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit Student Art Gallery. This project took her several weeks to complete in class with guidance from her art teacher, Samantha Rola. All her hard work paid off -- congratulations, Brittany!
Hydroponics is a growing field for third-graders
The third grade scientists across the District have been busy in their classrooms. They studied about growing plants hydroponically and then got to work growing their own lettuce plants. Starting with a simple mason jar, the eager students took care to make sure their seeds had the light and water they needed. They took care to add nutrients as needed as well as graphing the growth of their individual plants. Above are photos of students in Claire Lysun's third-grade class at Pearl S. Buck ES with their finished product - which they used for a fresh salad party!
Ferderbar class explores college and career choices
Fourth-graders from Mrs. Mednick's class took a career questionnaire and then researched colleges that offered their major. They made banners to hang in the hallway as well as wrote a business letter to the college explaining what they learned about their school. Many colleges have responded to them and sent some swag for the students to show their school spirit.
glow golf is another ultraviolet hit
After recently completing a unit of Blacklight Bowling, our elementary students are now trying out a different sport under the ultraviolet light - Glow Golf! Herbert Hoover ES Physical Education teacher Emily Wells assembled the video above of her students enjoying this unique activity.
Tawanka adds a buddy bench
Just in time for spring, a brand-new "Buddy Bench" was installed at the playground at Tawanka Elementary School. This bench (and ones like it at other schools) is an inviting location that encourages students to reach out to meet new friends.
Poquessing collection is one for the animals
Fifth-grade teachers Deb Thierjung and Michael Raivitch at Poquessing MS started a community service project by having students start a collection to help Women's Humane Society (pet shelter). The kids brought in donations for shelter animals during the month of March. They collected dog food and treats, cat food and treats, cleaning supplies, towels, toys, and other items to help the animals. The items were delivered the week after the collection.
Maple Point community collects items for Ukrainian refugees
In March, students and staff at Maple Point MS gathered items and $750 in donations that were sent to local groups helping Ukrainian refugees. The drive was organized by the MPMS music department and a collection bin was set up a concert.
avid classes visit college campuses
The 8th grade AVID students at Carl Sandburg MS had an amazing day visiting Arcadia University on April 7 The campus tour kicked off at the famous and stunning castle where students learned the difference between colleges and universities, and they also learned about public vs. private institutions. Next they had an enlightening Q&A session with Arcadia Student Ambassadors and discovered that time management, along with the skillful use of a microwave oven for ramen, is the key to success at college. The tour finished strong with a finale feast in the cafeteria where students got to experience what lunch is like as a college student.
The AVID classes at Poquessing Middle School visited Delaware Valley University in late March. They also had the opportunity to explore the Doylestown campus and meet students to learn about college life.
Teachers, coaches host basketball clinic
Three Maple Point MS teachers (Wes Emme, John McFadden and Nicholas Reisig) recently started the Neshaminy Academy of Basketball, a community program designed to teach kids in our district the fundamentals of the game and how to be a great teammate. They held a free clinic for all kids K-8 during the spring break at Maple Point. The 5th & 6th grade clinic was run by NHS Head Boys Coach Mark Tingle, and the 7th & 8th grade clinic was run by NHS Head Girls Coach John Gallagher. For more information about the Academy, please visit their Facebook, Instagram or Twitter social media pages.
Future problem solvers are finalists at state tourney
The Poquessing team: Coach Sunaina Gohil, Sy Kavitsky, Veer Patel, Jack Eickstaedt, and Asher Senior.
The sixth-grade Poquessing MS Future Problem Solvers team finished as a finalist in the Future Problem Solvers State Bowl in late March. That included a second place victory for the interactive stage performance of their constructed action plan to solve their presented problem. The team competed along with the Future Problem Solvers team from Neshaminy HS (shown in the group photo with the Poquessing team at right), who also took home several awards.
Word of the Year project inspires reflection, goal-setting
Sixth grade students at Poquessing Middle School recently completed a Word of the Year project in their English classes. They chose one word that symbolizes a goal connected to being their best selves. Using writing, students reflected on those goals then students crafted bracelets featuring their word which they can wear as a reminder of those goals.
sandburg students explore the old west
Over the past two and a half weeks, the students, in Colleen Thompson's social studies class at Carl Sandburg MS competed in a friendly westward expansion based competition. Through engaging in video games, simulations, skits and primary source documents, the "families" were able to discover how the United States acquiesced many of our present-day western states. Along this journey, the students gained first-hand experience, about the hardships of traveling west, through "moving their wagons" along the Oregon Trail.
MP classes host a rubik's Cube competition during WIn period
Kati Burke's Academic Enrichment students at Maple Point MS organized a Rubik's Cube Competition during the WIN period this week. The tournament was opened to all grade levels, featured time trials for entry, a single-elimination bracket, and a prize for 1st place. Teachers Mr. Roth and Mr. Kauker both entered the competition but were swiftly eliminated by the second round (but this video submitted by Mr. Roth!)
Schools celebrate autism acceptance month
"Be Kind" mosaic at Tawanka Elementary School
April is Autism Acceptance Month. This is an update to Autism Awareness Day, which has been celebrated in early April since 2008. The concept has expanded in scope since then - autism acceptance emphasizes that autistic people deserve welcoming communities, inclusive workplaces and schools, and equal opportunities. Neshaminy is proud to be one of these communities, and this month our schools are holding a number of activities, lessons and theme days to emphasize these important concepts.
Sandburg celebrates inclusion with rock your socks day
On March 21, students at Carl Sandburg MS celebratedRock Your Socks day to bring awareness for World Down Syndrome Day. Every year, on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks. March 21 is symbolic because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome. Socks were chosen because the karyotype of Ds chromosomes actually looks like mismatched socks!
NHS celebrates unity week with theme days
Anything but a Backpack Day at NHS
The Neshaminy HS Interact Club and Spectrum Club sponsored Unity Week at NHS in early April. Each day had a theme, such as students were encouraged to dress in superhero gear (Monday), wearing yellow for Sunshine Day (Thursday), and wearing red on Friday to support the anti-bullying "Day of Silence." Wednesday was "Anything but a Backpack Day," where students were encouraged to use their creativity to come up with various ways to carry their books, Chromebooks and other personal items around school throughout the day. The photos above demonstrate that the students took this challenge pretty seriously!
Neshaminy's got talent show exceeds fundraising goal
On April 7, The Interact Club at Neshaminy HS, with the help of the NHS Dance Team, produced the 16th annual Neshaminy's Got Talent show. The crowd was great and named John Freitas & Colin Russell the "Fan Favorites" for the evening. The traditional judges, Mrs. Bauerle, John Spina and Miss Mountain Laurel scored Chloe Thompkins in third place, Ilysia Krzywonos in 2nd place and Ella Zavorski and Cullen McCormick in 1st place.
The real winners were the Sunshine Foundation "Dreamers" that the club is supporting - Leani and Milen. Leani just returned from her dream visit to Disney and LegoLand and had a great time. All of the performers and crew came onstage at the end of the show to shout, "Hey Milen, you're going to Universal Studios!" After expenses, the show raised $2140.44 for the Sunshine Foundation. They only needed 1066.50 to complete their Sunshine Foundation goal, so now they have $1,073 towards next year's dream!
student journalists win editorial awards
Neshaminy HS students Emily Meyers, and Kurt Disarapong placed in two recent statewide editorial competitions. These two young journalists each wrote two uniquely compelling pieces that they submitted to the competition, sponsored by the Pennsylvania News Media Association.
In a “Stop Cyberbullying" category, students were asked to write a persuasive editorial about online bullying. Emily Meyers placed second place with her essay “Words." Her piece, both inspirational and eye-opening, demonstrated the harsh impact that words have on people. Kurt Disarapong took third place for his editorial in the “It Can Wait” category. In his entry, "Disaster in the Blink of an Eye," Kurt eloquently captured the harsh reality of distracted driving and the dangers of not knowing when to put your phone down.
Congratulations to both winners! The Playwickian and Neshaminy are so proud. Please check out Playwickian.com to read more of their work and support these amazing students.
Handcrafts in the hall is a spring success
Once again, the Handcrafts in the Hall craft sale drew a huge lunchtime crowd on Thursday, April 7. Tables full of student-made crafts ranging from potted plants to soaps and candles were swiftly purchased by students and staff alike. This semi-annual sale is a classroom exercise that teaches crafting, management, business, accounting and customer relations skills.
Important dates for the Class of 2022
Some important dates for the Class of 2022 and their friends and families:
- Friday June 10: Last student day for Seniors/ Senior Picnic
- Monday June 13: Graduation rehearsal 8:00 am
- Tuesday June 14: Graduation rehearsal rain date 8:00 am
- Wednesday June 15: Graduation Ceremony 6:30 pm
- Thursday June 16: Graduation Ceremony rain date 6:30 pm
- Friday June 17: Graduation Ceremony Second rain date 6:30 pm
NHS hosts 29th annual jazz festival April 29
The Neshaminy Secondary Jazz Festival was held on April 5. Congratulations to all of the Jazz members from Carl Sandburg, Poquessing and Maple Point Middle Schools that performed tonight at the festival! The annual Neshaminy Jazz Festival will be held on Friday, April 29 at 6:30 pm and will feature guests from area high schools along with our own Neshaminy HS Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Band.
Secondary Jazz Festival
NHS musicians performing at disney world
Our Neshaminy HS musicians are off to Disney World! After months of preparation, fundraising, organization, practice and more practice, the NHS Music Trip to Disney finally took to the road (and sky) on April 21. Vocal and instrumental musicians will be performing in adjudication, and the Marching Band will have the opportunity to march in the Disney Magic Kingdom Parade on Monday, April 25. Safe travels to all and have a magical time!
Color Guard holding clincs for new members
Do you know somebody interested in joining the award-winning Neshaminy HS Marching Band? The Color Guard will be holding a series of clinics for new members in grades 8-11. This is a great opportunity to learn about this energetic, creative, fun activity and meet some of your future best friends!
The clinics will be held in Gym 1 at Neshaminy HS on Monday, May 2 ,5:30-8:30; Wednesday, May 11, 5:30-8:30; Monday, May 16, 5:30-8:00; Saturday, May 21, 11:00-1:00 and Thursday, June 6 from 5:30-8:30 pm.
Interact club produces driver safety video
The Neshaminy HS Interact Club produced a 30-second video as an entry in the Transportation Management Authority (TMA) Bucks Teen Driver Safety Video Challenge. Their entry will be judged along with those from other Bucks County high schools and the winner awarded a $500 prize.
Scholar bowl team excels at competition
The Scholars Bowl team made up of Lukas Smolskas, Teddy Duffell, Max Lokhmatov, and Henry Vasilyev competed at Central Bucks East and finished in 3rd place. They were coached by Mr. Stoner. Congratulations on a job well done!
NHS Sports Page
Fifteen alumni added to all sports hall of fame
- Kara Boches, NHS Class of 2008 (Bowling)
- Kevin Steinberg, NHS Class of 2008 (Track & Field)
- Lauren Baugher, NHS Class of 1992 (Field Hockey)
- Chris Tenaglia, NHS Class of 1995 (Baseball)
- Margaret Stefan, NHS Class of 2005 (Track & Field)
- David T. Walton, NHS Class of 1971 (Soccer)
- Steve Hallman, NHS Class of 2006 (Cross-Country)
- Jill Benningfield Painter, NHS Class of 2004 (Softball)
- Paul C. Mulherin, NHS Class of 1975 (Gymnastics)
- Cathy D'Ambrosio MacDonald, NHS Class of 1996 (Indoor Track)
- Tom McEowen, NHS CLass of 2006 (Football)
- Martina Drew, NHS Class of 2010 (Cross-Country)
- Dexter Lederer, NHS Class of 2007 (Wrestling)
- Bridgette Kelly Orr, NHS Class of 2009 (Soccer)
- Timothy Bech, NHS Class of 2007 (Indoor Track)
Congratulations to all of this year's All Sports Hall of Fame inductees!
Track star wins state championship
Congratulations to Sanaa Hebron - who will be running track as a student athlete at the University of Miami next fall! Sanaa is wrapping up a stellar track career at Neshaminy, most recently winning the 400m Championship at the Adidas Track Nationals in Virginia Beach. She won the state title in the 400m at the PTFCA Indoor State Championships in February, and is also the current PIAA Class AAA 400m state champion from the outdoor track season last fall.
Bowling team heading to national competition
The NHS Girls Bowling team has qualified to compete in the he U.S. U.S. High School Bowling National Championship in Louisville, Kentucky on June 18-20, 2022.. This event showcases the best boys and girls high school bowlers from across the country. Previously the team won the state championship, and the following team members swept the top 4 spots in the Suburban One League singles, qualifying all of them for regional competition: Amber Barnes, Shelby Wolstenholme, Mackenzie McMullin and Riley Ratcliffe.
Girls basketball all-stars
Congratulations to Lola Ibarrondo and Reese Zemitis for being named to the PIAA Basketball Second Team All Stars. What an outstanding accomplishment!
our Scholar-athletes are ready for spring!
The NHS Softball team took time out in the Library Media Center before getting ready for a pre-season practice!
Neshaminy Update is published monthly during the school year and distributed to the Neshaminy community via email and web. To submit comments, suggestions or news items for consideration, please email Chris Stanley, Community Relations Coordinator.
Neshaminy School Board of Directors
John Allen - President
Tina Hollenbach - Vice President
Cyndie Bowman
Adam J. Kovitz
Alicia Lafferty
Steven Pirritano
Paul Saraullo
Kellen Sporny
Marty Sullivan
Neshaminy School District
Rob McGee, Ph.D.
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Elementary Education
Michelle Burkholder
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Secondary Education
Jason Bowman
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Pupil Services
Anthony Devlin
Business Administrator
Donald B. Irwin, Jr.
Director of Human Resources
Kelly Kozik
Assistant to the Superintendent / Director of Educational Operations
Paul Meehan
Neshaminy School District
2001 Old Lincoln Highway
Langhorne, PA 19047