Valentine View
An e-newsletter from Valentine Hills Elementary School
June 3, 2024
Upcoming events at Valentine Hills
Mon, June 3-All Library Books are DUE
1:30 End of Year Celebration-3rd gr students only
Tue, June 4
1:20 5th Gr Track Meet at Mounds View High School (moved from 5/31)
1:30 End of Year Celebration-4th gr students only
Wed, June 5
12:50 5th Gr Celebration-students & volunteers only
10:00 End of Year Celebration-1st gr students only
3:50 5th Gr Clapout-parents are outside only
4:00 Report Cards available on ParentVUE
Future Dates:
- June 6: Last Day of School
- Sep 3: First Day of School
- Sep 26: Picture Day
If you ordered a yearbook, we will be distributing those on Wednesday. We will have a very limited number available for sale in the office. Scholarships may still be available. The cost is $15; check written out to VHES or exact change only.
Fall Checklist for Families
- ParentVUE account set up
- Registered for the bus if needed
- Look in mailbox in early to mid August for back to school mailing
- Check emails for communication from VH & the District regarding busing, goal setting meetings, applying for Educational Benefits & much more!
- Update contact information
Changes in Breakfast Time
Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
We are working with a variety of individuals on smoothing out our parent drop off & pick up procedures. A flyer was sent home last week with more details. The biggest change will be how the circle drive is used. We will have extra staff out front in the morning and afternoon to assist. We are asking all cars to pull all the way up (closer to the back the back gate near the baseball field).
Please refrain from making U-turns on E2 or asking students to run across E2 to get to your car.
Moving this Summer?
If you have recently moved or will be moving this summer, please contact the office at 651-621-7800. There are options to stay at VH when you move. We can walk you thru the process and update your address.
PTO News
Thank You
The PTO would like to thank everyone that stepped this year to help create a stronger community and enhanced school experience. Whether you donated, volunteered, came to a meeting or just shared input, WE APPRECIATE YOU. A special thanks to Kate Olson, Amanda Speake and Vanessa Amaya for their leadership roles on the PTO Board. There is still an opening for co-president role that we would love filled - contact ValentinePTO@gmail.com for more information.
Carnival Survey
If you attended this year's Carnival, the PTO would love your feedback. Please fill out the following survey.
5th Grade Celebration - Volunteers Needed
On Wed, June 6, all 5th grade students will enjoy an afternoon outdoors. We are still in the need of a few volunteers. Sign Up to Help Here. Special thanks to the Valentine Hills PTO for funding this party for the 5th grade students.
Community Playground Build
On Sat, July 13, we will be helping the district build the new playground. We need lots of volunteers and donations. Sign up to Help! Email kzieman@gmail.com with any questions.
Summer Playdates - Save the Dates
PTO volunteers will be hosting playdates for each grade level. We will gather together at the NEW Valentine Hills playground. More details will come out over the summer.
1st Gr-Tue, Aug 20
2nd Gr-Mon, Aug 19
3rd Gr-Tue, Aug 27
4th Gr-Thu, Aug 22
5th Gr-Wed, Aug 21
Stay Connected
The PTO continues to share fun activities over the summer, including August Playdates, and random events happening around town. You can stay connected by following us on Facebook, Instagram or Joining our Email list.