Arbonne 30
30 Days to Healthy Living Program
Welcome To Healthy Living
This page is divided into 6 Different Parts. Starting with pre-program instructions and helpful preparation tips, and ending with post program instructions for food integration.
Also, your invited to join many others on Facebook in the ARBONNE 30 Forum where you can ask question, and share about your healthy living journey. Come and be encouraged by one another and check out tips, recipes, testimonials and posted questions from our Arbonne 30 community.
Knowledge is Power!
For the past years, we’ve walked people arm and arm through this 30 Days to Healthy Living Program & Beyond. Our focus has been your ACTIONS. That if we teach you HOW to choose proper actions, you’ll get the results you desire and thus your life will be changed. And while for some, this seems to be enough to make LASTING change...for many, it just doesn’t go deep enough. HOW to do it is not the issue.
A few weeks ago, as I was re-reading The Slight Edge (by Jeff Olson, it WILL rock your world. GET IT!!) and was slapped in the face with this truth: “Diets don’t work; they can’t. They’re doomed to fail because most diets dictate WHAT your actions should be. They don’t deal with WHERE your actions come from.”
And while our program isn’t at ALL a ‘diet’, I had this huge ‘aha’: What I’ve been doing & teaching isn’t enough. See, the journey towards change doesn’t start with our actions. Long before we acted in regards to food, we had an ATTITUDE about food. And our attitude about food was shaped by our (deep) underlying PHILOSOPHY about food.
Today, I’m here to tell you, our Program Peeps have seen incredible success, but we haven’t even scratched the surface yet! We ALL desire HEALTH. A true TRANSFORMATION. But without identifying (& maybe changing) your philosophy, SUCCESS WILL NOT LAST. We HAVE to change the way you THINK. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how-to’s will offer a REAL solution. It’s not that the ACTIONS we’re teaching you are wrong (they’re spot on)...it’s that (some) people don’t KEEP doing them. (Some) People don’t persist. Why? Because focusing on the actions (the what-to-do’s and the how-to-do’s) is not enough. It’s the attitude behind the actions that KEEP those actions in place. Unfortunately though, attitudes are fickle. Emotions change. And you can’t dictate how you FEEL. Today you may be excited about getting fit. But what if you’re not tomorrow?
To find true success, we have to back it up ONE more step. We have to get to your PHILOSOPHY. What’s a philosophy you ask?
Your philosophy is what you know, how you hold what you know, and how it affects what you do. A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turn into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle. The only way to consistently control your attitudes, actions and results is to CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS. And your thoughts stem from your PHILOSOPHY. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.”
Your PHILOSOPHY is the source of your success or failure.
Today, take some time to get clear about YOUR philosophy and ask yourself these questions:
1) What do I KNOW about food’s relation to health?
2) How do I HOLD that knowledge about food & health?
3) How does what I know and how I hold it affect what I DO?
Write them down and be REALLY honest with yourself. Is your knowledge skewed? Or maybe you KNOW all the right things about health/food but you hold it too loosely or only do it when you FEEL like it? Or maybe you haven’t MOVED on what you KNOW? Write yours down. It’s for YOUR eyes only. I’m not saying this exercise will be fun. But I am saying it will be FREEING!
Then we’ll walk through how THAT philosophy literally creates your LIFE!!
1) Purge the kitchen & pantry of anything NON-detox friendly. REMOVE TEMPTATIONS! If you cannot remove all temptations due to family, find a cabinet that is yours for the month. Do not visit the other cabinets. In fact, this may sound funny but it works. Put a post it note in the NO NO areas that says NO! In a sharpie pen.
2) Go grocery shopping with your Week 1 list so that you are set up for success. See Files for grocery lists and meal planning. Your guide book has some ideas too. But our files have tons of ideas and a plan for you.
3) Pick up a mini blender & shaker cup so that you have the right tools for your start Monday morning and beyond!
4) Pick up a scale & soft body measuring tape. Measure if you don't have one. You'll want to write down and give your beginning weight and inches to your coach, no later than Monday morning. We ask for a weight update EVERY MONDAY MORNING, so please set yourself a reminder on Monday mornings and please weigh at the same time each week in similar clothes (or no clothes). To measure: do this around your waistline at your belly button & 2 inches below too. You can measure more areas if you wish too!
What's your 'WHY' for saying YES to this program? I know that for some it's not at all about weight loss. So spend some time reflecting and maybe even journal about what you hope to gain from your 30-day journey? And what do you hope to LOSE in these 4 weeks?
Write down your goals and lets get ready to start this journey together!
Complying with the PROGRAM while traveling IS completely possible! Whether you're headed on a plane or car for a business trip and/or vacation - this lifestyle is easy to continue. You do not have to stay home and feel like you're in jail - WE promise!
Here are some tips to keep you on track:
1)Look for a hotel with a kitchenette
2)Scout out grocery stores near your hotel (some even have hotel delivery and can be pre-ordered prior to arriving) Wholefoods will actually grille any chicken, fish, ground turkey or beef there on site while you shop for other items. Ask them to dice it up for you and viola!
3) Bring a re-usable water bottle with you (along with your Fizz Sticks!)
4) Pack food non-perishable items
*Arbonne Protein Powder/Fiber Boost and a Blender Bottle(Shaker Cup)
*Single nut butter packets
*Fresh or dried apples
*Homemade Protein Bars or Arbonne packaged protein bars snacks are great too!
5) Pack perishable items in a cooler bag. Bring pre-cooked food in a cooler bag. Items like homemade protein bars, sliced chicken, quinoa, hard-boiled eggs keep well and can be placed in a cooler bag and taken through airport security. You will need to fill a baggy with ice after you get through security to keep it cold. Solid food is allowed, liquids are not.
*Cooked chicken breast
*Quinoa/veggie stir fry
*Hard-boiled eggs
*Hummus and veggies
6) Just say “no” to free food at meetings and conferences or on an airplane. Just because it’s free doesn’t
mean you have to eat it. It is most likely food packed with a lot of carbs, sugars, soy and very few essential nutrients.
7) Avoid thinking you have to indulge just because you’re on vacation. Grilled chicken, fish, salads with light dressing are all great options to pick at restaurants. Specify that your order is not cooked in butter or heavy oil---especially make sure if you ask for steamed vegetables of any kind. Many times restaurants steam in butter!
8) The key ingredient is your mindset going into any travel with commitment to stay on track. Set yourself up for success by having a plan and working your plan.
Complying with the program while eating out IS completely possible!
Try to limit your dining out during this 4 week period if you are able just to be sure you know exactly what you're eating - you'll be able to get back to it later AND it may help you get more creative in ways to spend time with people that's not focused around food. However, this isn't always an option, so here are a few things to think about:
1) Look at the restaurant website ahead of time
2) Try to pick a restaurant that is gluten - free or has gluten-free options (there are many online resources)
3) When you arrive at a restaurant ask for a dietary restrictions menu (also “gluten free” or "for people with allergies")
4) Think beyond the menu - look at the items they have available and mix and match to create YOUR plate. Most restaurants are happy to accommodate requests. Most of the time their menu is put together with items they think go best together, but that doesn't mean you can't mix it up. Restaurants are getting really used to this!
5) Keep it simple - still focus on 1/2 of your meal being green, 1/4 lean protein, 1/4 healthy carb (there will naturally be some fat since you are eating at a restaurant). You'll get a fish/chicken/beef/veggie protein, a salad or some steamed green veggies and a carb like brown rice/quinoa/sweet potato. AVOID the bread and butter. Just ask them to take it away. JUST BE CAREFUL to mention NO BUTTER when steaming vegetables. Many restaurants do this! Ask if they have to use something that it be olive oil.
6) The most important items to avoid while eating out are gluten/dairy/soy/sugar as those items have the greatest affect on our health and gut. They also take the longest to get out of our system. Don't stress if they use a little vinegar in a sauce/dressing. You can bring along a little braggs liquid aminos in a food spray bottle and spritz that and olive oil on your salad and/or food.
7) Make your water more interesting by asking for some mint, berries and/or lime/lemon
8)Make friends with your server - let him/her know what you are trying to avoid and say you'd appreciate their help in making some suggestions
9) Make sure the people you are dining with know what you are doing and just make light of it. They may make fun of you, but hopefully they'll support you!
The most important thing when eating out is to FOCUS ON THE COMPANY YOU ARE WITH - we've gotten so messed up and made everything about the food rather than about spending time together. Enjoy your friends and family!
Healthy Snacks List
-Almonds (or any nut except peanuts)
-Green Apple or celery with almond or nut butter (except peanut butter)
-Hard boiled egg
-Raw veggies and hummus (no canola oil, added sugar, or vinegar in the hummus)
-Bakes or roasted veggies
-Tomato or cucumber with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste
-Tomato or cucumber with lemon, salt and pepper to taste
-Rice cake
-Rice cake with hummus/avocado and chopped tomatoes or guacamole and tomatoes and /or salsa
-Rice cake with nut butter or add nut butter and berries
-Rice cake with egg salad (made with hard boiled egg, mashed avocado & a little olive or avocado oil, then pepper or paprika sprinkled on top)
-Chia seed pudding
-Arbonne Protein Bars
-Arbonne Fit Chews
-Arbonne Energy Fizz Stick
*All organic whenever possible
Check-ins and Measurements
2) INCHES at belly button
3) INCHES at 2” below belly button.
If you want to measure the other 3 areas noted, go for it! The only THREE numbers we need are the TOP 3. EVERY MONDAY thereafter, we’ll ask you to send your WEIGHT ONLY for the week. As for those inches, no need to recheck those until the end. I LOVE the surprise of seeing how much your body changes over 4 weeks...you will too! Truth is that measuring # is just as exciting as a weight #. So, we won’t ask for a change in inches until the finale!
Please, please, please, DO record both weight and inches before we start on Monday morning. This helps us evaluate your personal progress, measure our program effectiveness. I recommend weighing first thing in the morning with as few clothes as possible and weigh at the same time each week, in the same amount of clothing. But again, I know how Monday mornings can be! If Sunday nights are better, that’s fine too... just be consistent in when you choose the day/time!
1) LOTS of water!!
2) LEMON is a natural detoxifier and alkalizes your water and thus your body. So, at home or out, ADD LEMON!
3) You have enough for a detox tea a day throughout your 30 days. Drinking Detox tea will help you flush toxins & negative withdrawal symptoms faster. A great aid in supporting your system on body cleanse days
4) Except for the Body Cleanse, you should be using ALL supplements in your Arbonne arsenal. Remember, ALL supplements have their own function and set of benefits. We need ALL pieces for our 'recipe' to turn out right!
5) Designate an hour in the kitchen early each week (or the weekend before) to do all your food 'prep' – chopping veggies, grilling meats, cooking brown rice/quinoa, etc... that way dinner time is quick & easy throughout the week!
6) The only time you should be stepping on the scale is MONDAY MORNINGS!! And report your findings to your coach! ;) Do not obsess with NUMBERS. We don't lose weight to get healthy. We get healthy and then (most of us) naturally lose weight. The way you're going to FEEL is the CAKE. Weight loss is simply ICING.
Little gentle reminder: If you have NOT recorded and given your beginning weight and measurements (belly button & 2" below) to your coach, please do so ASAP.
You’ve got this! Here we go…
On day 2 of your program you will be adding your Body Cleanse to your routine. I can’t wait for you to try the NEW Lemon-Ginger Flavored formula!
Starting on day 2 and every other day until the seventh packet on Day 14 you will be adding the cleanse to your daily routine.
Complete Body Cleanse Schedule:
(Program Day, Cleanse Packet)
DAY 2, Packet #1
DAY 4, Packet #2
DAY 6, Packet #3
DAY 8, Packet #4
DAY 10, Packet #5
DAY 12, Packet #6
DAY 14, Packet #7
Have a quick look at the directions for mixing up the body Cleanse, and if you have any questions comment below. We are all here to support each other and share!!
HOW TO USE: Add 32 fl. oz. of warm water to 1 packet of Body Cleanse. Shake vigorously to mix. Drink mixture throughout the day. Natural ingredients may settle at the bottom of the container. Shake as needed. Only take one packet a day and sip throughout the day. Drink LOTS of water and continue to eat meals and shakes as designed on the program.
What You May Experience with the Body Cleanse:
While your first few days/week of the program may have been euphoric and your sheer motivation and excitement drove your energy, just know it's very normal for days 3-6 or beyond to be some of your hardest. And the more toxicity you have been storing (or the more you typically eat of the foods we are removing), the worse you may feel as you experience a bit of 'withdrawal'.
Good news - it will pass and you'll be through this phase in no time!
Expect any or all of the following: cravings, moodiness, irritability, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, nasal congestion, GI changes, interruptions to sleep pattern just to name a few. You may even find you are more constipated initially, but your regularity will improve overall.
No worries though - ALL good signs that your body is purging those pesky toxins. Be reassured, this is all part of the process!
Every body is different and detoxes differently. While it may feel like a challenge while smack dab in it, we encourage you to keep rolling with it and know that it's your body doing a great thing for you and getting rid of the junk!
Despite these symptoms being normal, do not hesitate to post here on our Healthy Living & Beyond page with questions, concerns or just to say ARGH. That's the point of being in this with others. Share & Support!
REMEMBER...the goal is to release built up toxins in your system which is causing you to hold on to excess weight and causing other health problems, symptoms and feelings. When you release toxins stored in the fat cells they have to go somewhere before they follow natural elimination.
Toxins are being released and floating around in your system and it stands to reason that this can manifest in the form of symptoms like cold, headache or other aches and pains. Do something that will get the toxins out! Keep on program and these symptoms will soon dissipate and you will feel better than ever. Good-bye nasty stored toxins - hello new healthy, vital self!
Why Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
Pea Protein and Workout Recovery:
For more information follow this link:
It is a real vice for many and it may have been a real hurdle for you to get over when you started. Understanding more about the effects of excessive sugar on our overall health (well beyond just weight gain) can be very helpful in motivating you to keep consumption at bay long-term.
It's so important to understand the WHY behind the efforts we're making. When we truly understand the GOOD we are doing for our health, it really keeps us motivated to KEEP GOING. When we go through our avoid categories many people expect the most benefit (and the most difficulty) will come from eliminating gluten and dairy because it's what we hear a lot about these days. But, many don't realize the challenges that come with, and what it means for our health, when we eliminate artificial sugar and reduce overall sugar consumption
Sugar, especially highly processed and artificial sugars, can have destructive effects on the human body, including but not limited to, damaging, altering and disrupting proper function of the nervous system, endocrine system, metabolic system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and immune system as well as primary organs like the liver, kidneys, colon and pancreas. The list of health problems associated with excessive sugar consumption is enormous and too large to go into completely in one article, but some of the most common INCLUDE:
mood swings
depletion of mineral levels
anxiety or panic attacks
chromium deficiency
depletion of the adrenal glands
type 2 diabetes
candida overgrowth
high cholesterol
anti-social behavior such as that found in crime and delinquency
anger control issues
decreased immune function
neurotransmitter deficiencies
high blood pressure
heart disease
attention deficit
chronic fatigue
hormone imbalance
Over-consumption of sugar is considered to be one of the three major causes of degenerative disease in America. Regardless of whether you're trying to improve your health or protect it, significantly reducing sugar in your diet is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself. That, and the avoidance of environmental toxins.
GOOD NEWS! We have 100%/TOTAL/COMPLETE control over what we put into our bodies. Making better choices in food has a significant impact on our level of health, emotionally, physically and spiritually and it doesn't require expensive lab work, prescriptions, remedies or trips to the doctor.
Reducing sugar in your diet is not as easy as you think, because sugar creeps into foods we often don't expect. It is also found in most commercial, processed foods...like ketchup, morning cereal, spaghetti sauce, soup, salad dressing, peanut butter, milk, bread, yogurt, you name it and it probably has sugar in it.
What we CAN do is exactly what you are doing. Shifting to a more "whole food" approach, reducing our reliance on processed food, learning how to SWEETEN without highly processed and artificial sugars, and learning to read labels. These changes alone are significantly reducing your sugar intake and improving your health.
There is a cycle to our sugar consumption/addiction and YOU ARE BREAKING THAT CYCLE RIGHT NOW!
Eliminate & Avoid
Foods to Include
Week Two
True Hunger vs Emotional Eating
Hunger: True & Emotional
When faced with the sensation of “hunger” during your program, consider the possibility that it might not be true hunger. In our Western culture, what we call hunger is often the physical manifestation of an emotion that is asking to be “numbed” or comforted. If left alone and quietly observed, emotional hunger becomes an opportunity for immense growth. When that “hunger” sensation arises, mindfully keep your attention on it, and ask yourself: What am I really feeling? If it’s boredom, restlessness or any other emotion, truly allow yourself to feel it. You don’t have to wallow in unhappiness or negativity, but simply recognize what the true feeling is, and put a name to it. Am I truly hungry or am I feeling anxious / nervous / sad / upset right now? With a little effort, this exploration can help bring awareness to the difference between true hunger and emotional hunger. Understanding this distinction on a personal level can help stop the cycle of bad habits that lead to food cravings, weight gain, and poor health.
Here is a useful way to determine if what you are feeling is TRUE hunger.
It gradually arises
You’re open to different food options
Doesn’t have to be fulfilled immediately
You stop when you’re full
You feel good when finished vs. stuffed
Whereas with EMOTIONAL hunger…
It arises suddenly
You crave one particular food only
You find you must eat RIGHT NOW
You keep eating even when full
You feel guilty, shameful, or unsatisfied
Emotional Hunger Tips
Hydrate: Drink water or have a cup of tea instead. Hydrating yourself during your program is important because it keeps the bowels moving and helps flush out released toxins. It is also the most important nutrient to your body and will often satisfy the physical desire.
Switch it up: Get up and go for a walk, call a friend or write a letter to a loved one, finish a work project, or simply stay with that feeling and let it rise up and then fall away naturally (which it will inevitably do), without having consumed any food. You may even feel the negative sensation change to a very pleasant one. The sense of empowerment that comes from this change can be amazing.
True Hunger Tips
Eat mindfully and in a serene and distraction-free environment. Check in on your daily caloric intake: While we not big fans of calorie counting, noticing how many calories you’re eating can be useful. Often, people new to the Healthy Living program will under-eat, and this can cause cravings, anxiety, and poor sleep. The amount of nutrient-dense food a person needs each day depends on their level of activity, but a good benchmark is eating a minimum of 1200 calories and 50-80 grams of protein each day.
10 Signs You Might Be Gluten Intolerant
Be sure watch all 3 segments to get the full story!
NO Dairy - Why?
• Added hormones
• Most cows are fed inappropriate food
• Added pesticides
• Dairy products, when metabolized, are acid-forming
• Dairy products are mucous forming
• Research links dairy product with arthritis
• Most milk is homogenized which denatures the milk’s proteins, making it harder to digest
• Cow’s milk is intended for baby cows
• Most diary cows live in confined, inhumane conditions
• Studies show that dairy causes some degree of inflammation in the majority of people
What substitutions have you found for dairy during your 30 Days to Healthy Living?
POST HERE in the Comments Below. Some of our favorites are Nutritional Yeast in place of Parmesan cheese.
Week Three
10 things you can do to help “Stay The Course”:
2. Focus on how your life feels instead of how it looks.
3. You can do anything for 30 days and you’re already half way there.
4. Imagine yourself six months from now if you keep at it.
5. Choose progress over perfection.
6. What you do daily is more important than what you do once in a while.
7. You might not be there yet, but you’re closer than you were yesterday.
8. The difference between who you were and who you want to be is what you do today. Keep going!
9. You’ll never regret reaching your goal. You will only regret giving up.
10. Focus on change instead of results.
GMO VS. Organic
nutrients, but naturally LOW in calories. Because of this, our bodies are satisfied, we aren't hungry and we don't even snack sometimes. In order to keep our metabolism humming (like it did this past week), we HAVE to be in what I call the
'sweet spot'. If you do NOT get adequate calories (>1200), your body will go into 'starvation mode' and you will STORE FAT (not lose weight, maybe even gain). The body says "I don't know when s/he will feed me next, so I better hold on to this!"
Make sense?
So, here's the deal, track your calories today and tomorrow...just to get a good average. If you exercise, track calories on an exercise day and a non - exercise day.
FOOD calories minus EXERCISE calories = NET calories.
NET calories need to be 1200+.
Ex: I ate 1200 calories and burned 400 in my exercise class. My NET is 800. Will I lose weight? NOOOOOO!!! If I want to keep my metabolism up and keep burning calories, and I know I'm going to burn 400 in the gym, then I need to EAT at least 1600.
Make sense?
Again, because your shakes and clean, whole foods are naturally low in calories, this is going to mean adding snacks, and more healthy calories to your shakes. Nuts, nut butters, seeds & avocados are all high healthy fat and a quick way to
pack in the calories.
Please holler if you have questions. This is SO crucial and I want to make sure you all STAY in that toxin - releasing, fat- burning zone!! PS - I love myfitnesspal.com (or smartphone app) for tracking calories (both food & exercise)...and all your
Arbonne supplements are already in the database!
Your body can fluctuate SEVERAL pounds within a day and the ONLY true way you will know if you are actually losing weight is if you weigh yourself ONCE a week, at the same time each week and wearing (or not wearing!) the same amount of clothes. Anything else (up or down) WILL NOT be accurate. So put the scales away and only bring them out at your scheduled time to weigh each week.
Week Four
The first thing I want you to do is TRACK YOUR CALORIES. We talked about this previously, but please make sure you are in that 'sweet spot' so that your metabolism stays up and you keep burning those fat lbs. The target zone is 1200 - 1400 calories/day. Too much OR too little WILL halt your efforts and pack the pounds back on (YES, eating too little will cause you to gain weight – it’s called Starvation / Store Mode). Drink 64+ oz water and continue your detox tea DAILY. I cannot overemphasize this importance in weight loss. You can NOT lose the weight until you lose the toxins. Detox tea keeps ya peeing them out! And ladies -please don't forget that once a month, you are also going to have 'that time' of the month and can expect some water weight gain (and re- emergence of some cravings, possibly. Hold strong!)
Lastly, GIVE IT ENOUGH TIME!!! Everyone responds different and I've seen some have THEIR biggest loss week AFTER the 30 days!! SO just keep doing what we KNOW works! I heard from one of my former gals recently and she's still going and down 48 lbs!!!!!!! I'm so proud of her!!
Our last OFFICIAL week of the PROGRAM, NOW WHAT!?!?
Also, please know that if you are EAGER to share what you've learned & experienced with family members, coworkers and friends, now is the perfect opportunity! We have an AMAZING REFERRAL program for you! We start another 30 Days to Healthy Living Program on the SECOND Mondays of every month.
So, whether YOU want to join us again for 30 days because you've got more goals to smash or pounds to lose OR you want to share this incredible program with those you love, we can show you how to get your products at a greater discount. YES!!! Just by you sharing the gift of HEALTH, VITALITY and ENERGY with those you love, we'll put PRODUCT in YOUR pantry at a deep discount!!
We have some AMAZING SPECIALS right now so please let YOUR consultant/coach know how we can SERVE you as we continue to journey together!
Post Program TIPS
What does this look like? This would mean keeping the program meals going and adding in ONLY sugar for 3 days. The next 3 days ONLY coffee. The next 3 ONLY dairy, etc, etc. With WHEAT (gluten) being the last thing you RE-introduce. This is CRUCIAL as gluten can be the very destructive to the GI if you have a sensitivity to it and to re-introduce it first may cause you to not notice other sensitivities or allergies.
Side Note: One mama failed to re-introduce one-at-a-time with her youngest daughter and it cost her 17 days of suffering for her daughter and heartache for her. But this is when/how they discovered Riley’s SEVERE gluten, dairy and egg allergies.
Re-introducing the avoid list one-by-one will quickly show you which food(s) you may be allergic or intolerant to. Your body is very smart and will tell you within the hour of eating it. Make NOTE of how the food makes you feel and if anything happens to your weight with each food (1-3 lb weight gains over the 3-day re-introduction phase is a sign of intolerance)- due to inflammation and more!
While some people do not continue this program to a "T"...many people DO choose to follow what we call 80-10-10 Rule. Trust Your Gut In identifying what your gut reacts to! It could be dairy. It could be gluten. The plan after 30 days: Test using one or the other (not both at the same time) with normal healthy living meal .
80-10-10 Rule:
10% you do the best you can in the situation your in. No healthy carb options, ask for a cup of berries to supplement your meal for the healthy carb instead of eating the bread basket w/butter.
10% you LIVE! Have that ONE MEAL that is off program, with the glasses of wine etc - JUST GO RIGHT BACK to 80% healthy living the next meal forward. The biggest mistake people make is using that "cheat" meal a an excuse to toss the whole weekend away with bad meals. One meal off and right back on!
Take a scoop of fiber and hot detox tea together after that meal and drink(s) when you get home. It will flush your system and grab the sugar like magnets and push it through your digestive system. It works great to never have hang overs, loss sleep from the sugar in the alcohol, also neutralizes, and assists being "bad" without feeling it the next day!
1) Weight
2) Measurement at Belly Button
3) Measurement 2” below Belly Button.
I can't wait t hear the results!! I know the numbers are going to be incredible!!! So proud of you!!
Nothing Tastes As Good as HEALTHY feels!
Disclaimer: Please note that I/We am not a licensed medical professional. I/we do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness or health issue. The information or advice provided here should not be construed as medical advice. If you chose to use any of the natural remedies or advice discussed here, you will be taking responsibility for your own health and wellness. The statements and information in this course have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Your program administrator, coach, Arbonne Independent Consultant, and Arbonne International, shall not be held liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this course material or on the Facebook group or for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or application of any food, supplement or food source discussed in this course material. All original content and photos cannot be used or copied without permission.