Richmond Elementary E-News
October 25, 2024
Richmond's Chess Club starting soon!
The Richmond Chess Club is being held again by Mr. Born. Students will learn chess vocabulary, how each chess piece moves, basic tactics and chess strategy. The club will meet on Monday’s before school (8:20am - 8:50am) starting on October 28th and will run through March. Please note the club is only open to 3rd - 5th graders and parents will need to transport their child to the club Monday mornings.
Precision Fitness
Precision Fitness Club is a morning fitness program that meets before school two days a week. It is free and available to all Richmond students. Precision Fitness has been in existence for many years. It was started and maintained with grants from Fuel Up To Play 60, and The Greater St. Charles Education Foundation.
Beginning on Friday October 25th, Precision Fitness Club at Richmond will be starting in the gymnasium every Friday morning (on days when school is in session) from 10/25/24-3/21/25. Students will be able to enter the school at 8:20. This program is optional, free, and students can join at any point throughout the school year. Attendance will not be taken, so even if a student is signed up, attendance is not mandatory. Students must have a permission slip turned in to Mr. Lubas before they come to their first session. Please feel free to email Mr. Lubas with any questions you may have at walter.lubas@d303.org.
Richmond Leadership Opportunity for 4th and 5th Graders
Dear 4th and 5th Grade Students,
Are you ready to lead, inspire, and make a difference in our school? We are excited to announce an amazing opportunity to become a Richmond Tiger Student Ambassador for our school community!
As a Richmond Tiger Student Ambassador, you'll represent our school, welcome new students, and help create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. You’ll have the chance to be a role model, develop leadership skills, and make our school an even better place.
If you are interested please complete this application and return it to Mrs. Renner, our Assistant Principal, by Monday, November 4, 2024. Paper copies of the application also went home to 4th and 5th graders in their backpacks today.
Erin’s Law Presentations
Erin's Law (Illinois Public Act 097-1147) requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for all children in grades pre-kindergarten through twelfth annually.
At the elementary level, instruction is provided by social workers and psychologists in partnership with classroom teachers. Please click HERE for a more detailed letter regarding Erin’s Law.
Veterans Day - Please note time change to start at 9:15 (instead of 8:15 a.m.) followed by all school assembly at 10:00 a.m.
Richmond will be observing Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th. We invite our Veterans (and 1 family member/guest) to come to Richmond at 9:15 a.m. to enjoy a complimentary breakfast, followed by an all school assembly at 10 a.m. We will put together a video that we will show at our assembly and email out to families after the assembly. We need your help! We would love to include pictures of our Veterans in our presentation. Please reach out to family members and direct them to this FORM to be included in our video!
Please fill out one form for each veteran attending. You can also call the main office at (331) 228-2800 to RSVP.
Trunk or Treat
Thank you to our amazing PTO and to everyone for participating in Trunk or Treat - what a successful event! Thank you for all of your donations and decorated trunks! What a great time!
Richmond Costume Parade and Fall Party Info - October 31st
At Richmond, students have the opportunity to walk in a parade around Richmond (and outside on 12th street) before their fall parties in their costumes on Halloween. The parade will run outside from 2:25 pm to 2:35 pm. Parents may line up along 12th Street to watch the parade.
Classroom parties will run from 2:35 pm to 3:15 pm after the parade
Room Parents will be allowed to go to classrooms at 2:15 pm for party set up and to assist with costumes after they have checked in at the office
In the event of inclement weather, there will not be a parade
Costume & Party Guidelines: Students should bring costumes in a bag. Costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should not be violent or scary in nature. No blood, guts, or weapons. No masks. Make-up is discouraged because it is difficult to apply. Students may be asked to remove or put away any parts of costumes based on teacher judgment.
Room Parents who are assisting with the parties should not wear disguises that would make it difficult to recognize them as a safe person
Only parents signed up to assist at the parties are able to attend the parties
No food treats will be eaten during the party
Work with the teacher on any non-edible goody bags to be sent home. NO CANDY!
Room Parent Guidelines:
No more than 4 parents per classroom. Sign-up for Room Parents is through our PTO.
Complete the D303 volunteer form if you have not already. Contact Darlene Buffano at darlene.buffano@d303.org or call at (331) 228-2800 if you have questions about procedures.
Work with the classroom teacher on activities/games for the party
Work with the teacher on any non-edible goody bags to be sent home
CogAT Testing
CogAT Assessment
3rd and 5th graders will take the CogAT test the week of November 11th. Please click HERE for a more detailed letter. Teachers will share exact dates of testing as we get closer to the date.
PTO News
D303 Pathways Night at Compass Academy
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.