The Dragon's Tale
The Biweekly Newsletter of the Kaohsiung American School
2020-2021, Issue #11: January 25, 2021
Our administrative team is always happy to meet with parents by appointment, and now we are also offering office hours each week at a predictable time. This is so families know a predictable time that they can count on us to be available. Currently we still need advance notice so that we can follow our COVID-19 procedures, but in the future when we have a fully open campus these office hours will be available on a drop-in basis. These office hours are offered in addition to our ongoing willingness to meet by appointment at other times.
Parent Opportunities in the weeks ahead
IB Bits
Ms Deborah Haines, IB/AP Coordinator IB/AP召集人
From Harvard University, Marilyn McGrath Lewis, Asst Dean of Admissions:
Marilyn McGrath Lewis, 哈佛大學招生部副主任
"Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Program on the transcript."
“IB課程的成功與哈佛的成功息息相關。我們總是很高興在成績單上看到IB文憑課程證書。在大學招生中,GPA並不像 IB 那麼重要。如果學生必須選擇,請選擇 IB文憑而不是保護 GPA分數。”
Myth: An IB Diploma with 4 HL courses is more impressive to universities than an IB Diploma with 3 HL courses.
Truth: Universities look at total IB points. Many IB schools do not allow 4 HL courses. IB set the Diploma Program up for students to take 3 SL and 3 HL. A student taking 4 HL courses will most likely score fewer total IB points than if the same student took 3 HL courses.
Myth: An IB DP English SL course is like an ELL course (for students not fluent in English).
Truth: In most IB schools both SL and HL courses are considered honors classes. Many high schools and colleges weight both SL and HL IB courses.
迷思:IB DP 的英語 SL 課程就像是 ELL 課程 (針對英語不流利的學生的課程)。
事實:在大多數的 IB 學校裡,SL 課程與 HL課程均視為優異的課程。許多高中與大學都重視 IB的 SL 與 HL 課程。
KAS Student Learner Outcome #1:
KAS Students are critical thinkers and problem solvers.
What is critical thinking? According to Michael Scriven & Richard Paul, at the 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, critical thinking is “self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way.” There is much to think about in this definition, and I want to point out that critical thinking is not an answer to be memorized, but original, self-guided thinking that must come from the student. At KAS, students are given many opportunities to practice this type of thinking. When students are given open ended questions, or projects that are of their own invention that they must design, problem solve, and evaluate, their thinking falls into the category of higher order thinking skills. For some students who have anxiety over not giving the “right answer” or being afraid to not receive an A+, this can be nerve-wracking. It’s trial and error. There’s failure. There’s try again. The more of this type of thinking and problem solving students do, the more experience they gain, and the better thinkers they become. And in a world where millions of facts are at each student’s fingertips, memorized facts and equations are no longer as valued as the ability to come up with original solutions, and higher level thinking skills to sort through what is true.
KAS 學生成果 #1
什麼是批判性的思考?據Michael Scriven 與 Richard Paul於第八屆批判性思考與教育改革國際會議上的觀點,批判性思考是 “自我引導,自律的思考試圖以公正的方式進行最高品質的推理。” 在這個定義上有許多要思考的問題,我想指出的是,批判性的思考並不是要記住的答案,而是來自學生原始,自我引導的思維。在 KAS裡,學生有許多機會練習這種思維模式。當學生得到開放性或自行設計的問題時,解決問題與評估自己的設計,他們的思維就屬於較高層次的思維技能。對於一些給不出正確答案而焦慮不安或害怕不能獲得A+的學生,這可能會令人不知所措。反覆試驗。錯了,再來一次。學生思考和解決問題的方式越多,他們獲得的經驗就越多,他們的思辨能力就更好。世界上,每個學生都可以碰觸到數百萬個事實,熟記與表述事實不再像提供原始解決問題的能力和更高能力的思辯能力去分類真相那樣受到重視。
Athletic Corner
Dear Parents,
We would like to congratulate our High School Basketball Teams together for such a accomplishment at the TISSA 2020-21 basketball tournament this past weekend:
Boys Varsity Team: 1st Place (男生A級第一名)
Girls Varsity Team: 2nd Place (女生A級第二名)
Boys Junior Varsity Team: 1st Place (男生B級第一名)
Girls Junior Varsity Team: 3rd Place (女生B級第三名)
Our next sports seasons for Elementary and MS Volleyball, HS Boys Volleyball and Girls Soccer are getting underway, and we look forward to another fulfilling season with all our student-athletes right here at KAS Athletics!
接下來國小、 國中、 高中將各有排球與足球的球季接續進行。我們期待所有參與球隊活動的同學們,能在每個體育活動中有最大的收穫與成長。
Thank you all again for your support to our KAS Athletics Programs, as we continue striving for our student-athletes' success both on and off the court at all times. Let's Go Dragons!
感謝各位對KAS體育部門與活動的持續支持與鼓勵,我們會持續努力培養孩子們在場內與場外建立積極的態度來面對各種學習。 Let’s Go Dragons!
Mr. Ken Su, Athletic Director
Cerise Roth-Vinson
College Counselor
Jill Newman
College Counselor
As February begins, we are celebrating over 65 acceptances to universities so far for our Class of 2021. There are many more to come to great schools all over the world. The majority of decisions will come in March and early April. Congratulations on the offers coming in for our seniors!
Initial meetings with juniors are underway and we are enjoying the opportunity to learn about their goals and college plans. Parents, we invite you to meet with us anytime to discuss college planning. Thank you to all the parents that attended the recent G11 parent information session meeting. Thank you for your support!
How do we anticipate COVID-19 will impact college enrollment and admissions next year?
Universities in the U.S. are planning in advance for summer and fall enrollment and housing, but these plans are still uncertain. Recently, the University of California system, for example, announced they intend to open for primarily in-person instruction in Fall 2021.
Here are a few considerations we anticipate for college planning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Selective universities are reporting significant increases in applications, up to 30 - 50% without test scores (特定大學的申請人數增加,約多出30-50%不含考試的成績。)
Some universities are operating under a hybrid plan of partial online and partial in-person instruction that may continue in Fall (有些大學的課程部份線上進行以及部份面對面教學的方式,秋季仍會持續。)
Many summer enrichment programs and camps are planning for virtual instruction.(許多暑期的課程或活動也正計劃以線上方式進行。)
A-level and GCSE exams for British-system education have been canceled this year(英國系統的A-level和GCSE考試今年已取消)
Teacher and counselor recommendations and essays will get a much closer read and have more significance. Academic performance in G9 and G10 will also be reviewed more closely(老師和申請顧問的推薦信及論文等都將被更仔細的審視,9年級和10年級的成績也都會列入更多的比重。)
- Virtual visits from colleges will continue in Spring and Fall 2021 (2021年春季和秋季預計都還會持續線上的大學代表參訪模式。)
SAT and ACT testing will likely be optional (SAT 和 ACT 考試應該還會是選擇性的)
- SAT Subject tests and SAT essay are being discontinued after May 2021 (SAT 科目考試及作文在2021年5月之後就不會再繼續了)
You’re Invited! Join us at a Parent Information Session on KAS College Planning for G9 and G10 parents
Parents of G9 and G10 are invited to attend a College Counseling Information Session on February 17, 2021 at 2:00 PM in the Lecture Hall, 3F. Translation will be provided, and the meeting will last 1 hour. Meet the counselors and learn about college counseling services for your child at KAS.
Please sign-up using this form to enter campus. Parents from other grades are also welcome to attend.
G9和G10的家長們,我們邀請您在2月17日下午2:00到學校3樓演講廳參加大學規劃說明會,現場提供中文翻譯,預計會在一小時內結束。和大學申請顧問見面並大概了解一下KAS的大學申請內容。請填寫此表格 以進入校園。其它年級的家長也歡迎參加。
Find your student’s college counselor. Last name letter starts with:
A - L Cerise Roth-Vinson,
字母A-L Cerise Roth-Vinson,
M - Z Jill Newman,
字母M-Z Jill Newman,
We invite you to meet with us in person to answer questions and plan for higher education.
We Are KAS
KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens.
Kaohsiung American School (KAS) is a private, non-profit, co-educational Pre K – 12 institution offering an American, college preparatory program leading to a US high school diploma and the opportunity for an IB Diploma.
KAS is located in the northern area of Kaohsiung city, the second-largest city in Taiwan with 1.5 million inhabitants. Kaohsiung American School was established in 1989 as an elementary school serving the needs of local and expatriate families with children.
Location: 813, Taiwan, 高雄市左營區翠華路889號
Phone: 07-586-3300
Twitter: @kaohsiungas