Spartan Scoop Jan 6

Spartan Spotlight
What Every Spartan Needs to Know
Musical Auditions
ALL MHS Students are eligible and encouraged to audition for the school musical! This year's production of "The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical" will be at the end of April. Auditions are MONDAY, Jan 13th, at 4pm in the choir room. Sign up for a time by scanning the code outside the choir room or in the cafeteria. Let's see what you got McFarland!
Term 2 Student Parking Information
Welcome to the 2024-25 Term 2 Parking sign-up. Below you will find the eligibility requirements. This year we have 110 parking permits available for students.
Instructions & Timeline
Login information emailed to seniors on January 6, 2025.
Sign-up Genius open from 6:00 AM - 11:59 PM on Friday, January 10th.
Students are allowed to purchase 1 permit. They may not sign up for another student.
Parking permits are NON-TRANSFERABLE; they cannot be sold or given to someone else.
Seniors who miss the initial sign-up will have to enter into the lottery with the underclassmen.
Students will be notified of approval for parking on January 14, 2025.
Fees will be entered into IC and parking rules and regulations google form will be emailed to approved students on January 14th.
Only students will be able to access the form using their school google account. Parents will not receive this email nor will they have access to the form. The student must complete the form and agree to abide by the parking rules and regulations.
Students must pay the $35 fee and submit the google form prior to picking up the parking pass. NO EXCEPTIONS.
ALL passes must be picked up or arrangements for pick up made no later than January 23rd at 3:30 PM. Passes will not be held past 3:30 PM on January 23rd unless the fee has been paid AND the form has been completed.
Any passes not picked up or stalls not signed up for will go into a lottery for underclassmen.
Sign up by underclassmen for any remaining stalls will be done via a google form starting January 14th. Watch your email.
If there are any stalls left for the lottery, the random drawing will take place on Friday, January 31st, at the end of the day.
As stated in the MHS 2024-25 Family Handbook:
Student parking at MHS is by permit only and parking stalls are allocated as follows:
Parking permits are issued twice during the school year, in August valid through semester 1, and in January, valid through semester 2.
A parking permit can be revoked at any time by the administration for behavioral referrals, multiple SBs (significantly below standard expectations) in Conduct and Effort grades, and/or unsafe driving in the HS parking lot.
Students may purchase a permit in accordance with the following criteria:
No outstanding referrals.
No unexcused absences for the previous semester.
Students who have questions regarding their number of unexcused absences may inquire in the MHS office. Parking permits are $35.00 per semester, and seniors meeting the criteria may purchase permits online on a first-come-first-serve basis. Specific information regarding online sign-up will be sent to parents via Infinite Campus.
CTE Career Expo
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the McFarland High School Career Expo a smashing success!
Make sure to follow our Career and Technical Education Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/McFarland-Career-and-Technical-Education-100542728008408
Contact MHS Career and Technical Education Coordinator Penny Thompson at thompsp@mcfsd.org with any questions or for more information.
Youth Apprenticeship
McFarland Youth Apprentices won an ice cream party for their fabulous performance in the Goose Chase Contest. Thanks Dane County School Consortium.
Upcoming Events
Student Services
Advising Night
All students and families are invited to MHS Advising Night, Wednesday February 5th from 4-7pm at MHS. Course registration information for next year, over 50 colleges and employers at the college and career fair, and presentations on financial aid, planning for life after high school and more! It's the biggest event of the year. See you there!
Parents, PLEASE REPORT ALL ATTENDANCE IN INFINITE CAMPUS. You are able to enter your request directly into IC at any time of day, even for short notice or late requests. (Instructions). If you are concerned that the office staff is not receiving your IC absence request, please make sure you allow push notifications for the Infinite Campus app on your phone. Once the IC request is processed you will get a notification.
As a back-up, you can leave a message on the attendance line, 608-838-4657, or email mhsattendance@mcfsd.org.
ACT Prep Plus - Registration Open
McFarland Music Booster Chipotle Fundraiser - January 14
E.D. Locke Library Weaving Workshop - January 24
E.D. Locke Library Teen Crochet Party - January 30
E.D. Locke Library Teen Dungeons and Dragons One-Shot Adventures - January-April
E.D. Locke Library VolunTeen Program - January-April
E.D. Locke Library Teen S.T.E.A.M. - January-April
E.D. Locke Library Teen Hangout - January-April
E.D. Locke Library Teen UnBook Club - January-April
E.D. Locke Library Teen Snack & Chat - January-April
Free Triple P Positive Parenting Online Program for WI Families
McFarland Schools Equity Collective
MSEC is a collaborative group that meets monthly to provide feedback to the district with the goal of enhancing positive experiences for all students and families. If you’re interested in advocating for improvements to our school community or learning about important district topics, we invite you to join our upcoming meeting on January 15th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at WIS in the Multi-Purpose Room. Everyone is welcome!
Representatives from each buildings student services team will be joining us to provide share how they support our students.
To receive more detailed information about MSEC, join our mailing list by completing this form.
For upcoming meetings, check out our calendar of events for the year.
Health Services
Cold and Flu Season
With the cold and flu season in full swing, please review our Guidelines for sending your child to school. Remember, if your child is sick please keep them home and seek medical evaluation as needed. Students will be sent home with the following symptoms:
Temperature above 100.4°F
Vomiting or diarrhea
Frequent uncontrollable cough
Your child should remain at home until fever, vomiting/diarrhea has stopped for 24 hours without the use of medication. If they have been prescribed antibiotics, please see the MSD Health Services Handbook and DHS Wisconsin Childhood Communicable Disease guidelines for when they may return to school. As well, please notify the School/Health Office if your student has tested positive for a communicable disease such as: Pneumonia, Influenza/Flu, RSV, Covid 19, Strep Throat, Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
Thank you for your partnership as we work to keep our students and staff healthy and safe each day!
Food Allergies
Does your child have a food allergy? Reminder, if they take hot lunch please visit NutriSlice for menu/ingredient information. Menus are subject to change based on product availability but families will be notified in advance. Please reach out to School Nutrition with any questions.
If your child has a Life Threatening Food Allergy and EpiPen Prescription please send their Epipen to school. This can be kept in the health office or if your student is in grades 6-12, they can self carry it. All prescription medications, including emergency medicine, must have an MD order and Parent Signature, even if self-carrying. Consent forms are required every year and are available here, in the health office and on the District website. An Emergency Health Plan is then created and shared with all staff, including the Kitchen staff. Please reach out to Health Services with questions.
Medical Attendance
Is your student missing school due to illness, injury or health-related appointments? Providing a medical note or appointment card will prevent these types of absences as counting towards your students' allotted 10 days of excused absences for the school year. Please reach out to School Nurse, Lauren Neesam at NeesamL@mcfsd.org or mhsattendance@mcfsd.org if you have additional questions about this process. You can also find more information about absences and attendance in the MHS parent handbook located on the school website.
Spartan Nation Update
Girls Basketball: Competed well at their holiday tournament over the break playing DeForest and Middleton, and competed well on Saturday against conference opponent Reedsburg.
Boys Basketball: Had a nice non-conference win over Monroe during the holiday break and a nice conference win over Stoughton on Friday .
Boys Hockey: CONGRATULATIONS for taking 1st place in their holiday tournament in the Dells over break. They had a thrilling shootout win in the Championship game vs. Baldwin Woodville.
Girls Hockey: Had a tough loss to the Badger lighting but came back over break and had a very good win over Northland Pines.
Boys Wrestling: Took 5th overall at the Badger state invite over break and some wrestlers finish in the top 5, they also took 6th at Mid states over the break.
Girls Wrestling: Took 5th overall at the Badger state invite over break and some wrestlers finish in the top 5
Boys Swimming: Had very strong performances over the break and this past Saturday. They took 2nd place at the Verona invite over break, and set multiple meet records, They also took 3rd place at the Marquette Invitational on Saturday again setting meet records.
MHS Dance: Had some dancers perform at the Citrus bowl over the break which was a great experience, and they are getting ready for their next competition on Jan. 11th
School Nutrition
District News
MRAP Sparks Grant
MRAP recently received the 2024 Sparks grant! Part of the grant process is to examine our programming and find ways to make it more inclusive and accessible to our community.
🎓McFarland School Board
District Recognition Days
January is...
- Reflection and Motivation