Honeoye Secondary School News
May 2024
Final Weeks of 2024
We are largely very pleased with the growth our students have demonstrated. With a few weeks remaining, we offer words of encouragement for them to get the most out of the time we have left in 2024, as they prepare for their Finals and Regents exams. Regents Prep tutoring will continue through June 13. The Secondary Testing schedule is included in this edition.
Reminder: Students in Grades 7-12 will have their final day of class on June 13. The final day of class for Grade 6 will be June 25. Also, there will be no classes on May 24 and May 27.
Graduation rehearsal will take place on June 28 from 10:00-12:00 with tickets (8 each) distributed to Seniors following rehearsal. That evening at 7:00p.m. the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2024 will be held in the HCS Auditorium. We are very much looking forward to celebrating our Seniors and wishing them well on their chosen paths.
Go Home Early Drill
On May 31st HCS will hold an emergency early dismissal or "Go Home Early Drill". On this day students will be dismissed 15 minutes prior to their regular dismissal time (at approximately 1:50p.m. for students in grades 6-12 on 5/31). This drill is required to be conducted annually by NY Schools. All students will be required to exit the building upon dismissal. Students awaiting extracurricular or athletic events will be readmitted once the building is cleared.
HCS Spring Musical: Willy Wonka
Congratulations, Ms. Hensler!
Congratulations to Ms. Penny Hensler on being selected for the Ontario County Youth Bureau School Employee of the Year award. This is well deserved recognition for Ms. Hensler's continued positive impact on the culture at HCS.
Regents and Final Exam Schedule- June 2024
June 4:
Algebra I Regents (8:00-11:00)
June 14:
English Regents (8:00-11:00)
French- Grade 8 Proficiency Exam (8:00-11:00)
Spanish- Grade 8 Proficiency Exam (8:00-11:00)
Gemini Calculus Final (8:00-11:00)
Gemini Statistics Final (8:00-11:00)
Living Environment Regents (12:00-3:00)
June 18:
U.S. History & Government Regents (8:00-11:00)
Global History & Geography Regents (12:00-3:00)
June 20:
Earth Science Regents (8:00-11:00)
Chemistry Regents (12:00-3:00)
June 21:
Geometry Regents (8:00-11:00)
June 24:
Algebra II Regents (8:00-11:00)
French- Grade 10 Proficiency Exam (8:00-11:00)
Spanish- Grade 10 Proficiency Exam (8:00-11:00)
June 25:
Physics Regents (8:00-11:00)
Each day there will be a bus run to take students home only at 11:15. If your child has a 12:00 exam they should plan to board the bus at the regularly scheduled morning pick up time and will be able to study in the Library until the start of their exam. Breakfast and lunch will be served daily throughout the testing week.
Rotary Student of the Month- Middle School Level
Congratulations Lia Delisanti on being selected as the Rotary Student of the Month.
Rotary Student of the Month- High School Level
Congratulations Chelsie Odenbach on being selected as the Rotary Student of the Month.
Devices to be kept this summer
The Honeoye Central School District’s one-to-one initiative provides every district student with a Chromebook to be used as a learning tool. To encourage ongoing educational opportunities, students in grades 6-11 will keep their Chromebooks, power adaptors, and cases over the summer. Students are encouraged to use their devices to pursue academic learning, hobbies, and other passions as long as those pursuits would be appropriate on a school device. Examples include coding, audio-visual production, reading, writing, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities. High school students should also consider using summer months to research colleges and apply for scholarships.
Device Damage: These devices do not require regular maintenance over the summer and can be safely stored on a shelf with the charger nearby. If your Chromebook is in need of repair over the summer, please complete the Technology Help Request Form or email techhelp@honeoye.org.
We have learned that broken screens are the most common repair at HCS. Please be constantly aware that a Chromebook screen is a sheet of glass. Try and get in the habit of gently placing the Chromebook into a backpack and always keeping it in its case.
Filtering: All Chromebooks will continue to be filtered according to local, state, and federal policies and will remain the property of Honeoye Central School.
Withdrawal: If a student is withdrawing from Honeoye Central School at the end of June 2024, or anytime throughout the summer, the Chromebook, charger, and case must be returned to the Counseling Office.
Important Chromebook Dates
Grades 6-11
During the week of June 3-7: First period teachers will verify each student is in possession of their assigned Chromebook.
Grade 12
On June 13 (During 7th period), each Senior must return their assigned Chromebook, charger and case.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to provide a seamless technology experience for HCS students and families. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Have a great summer,
Erika Asquino
Summer Chromebook Procedures
For your convenience, we are providing the following tips to ensure proper care and use of Chromebooks during the summer break:
Keep Chromebooks away from pets and young children
Avoid exposing Chromebooks to heat, direct sunlight, and liquids
Do not leave Chromebooks in hot cars
Turn on the Chromebook regularly throughout the summer to receive necessary software updates
Do no carry Chromebooks in a bag/backpack with liquids
Monitoring Activity:
Continue monitoring Chromebook use at home, checking the browser, and observing student activity
Content filtering is not a substitute for adult supervision. Please supervise or limit unsupervised time
Summer Repairs/Damages:
Do not attempt repairs yourself
For all Chromebook repairs, please complete the Technology Help Request Form or email techhelp@honeoye.org
Battery Tips:
Do not let the Chromebook battery fully discharge over the summer. Even when a Chromebook is off, its battery continues to slowly lose charge. If left long enough, the batteries might no longer function and can’t be recharged.
Charge your Chromebook at least every 2 weeks
Keeping Your Chromebook Clean
Never use any product containing any alcohol, ammonia, or other strong solvent to clean your Chromebook
Do NOT spray or wipe your Chromebook with any Windex/household cleaner/water/or cleaning wipes
Clean your Chromebook key and screen with a lightly moistened soft cloth
Speaker Addresses Juniors/Seniors before Prom
In the week leading to Prom, Sarah Palermo spoke with HCS Juniors/Seniors providing her true life experience of tragedy caused by an intoxicated driver. She shared the resulting impact, in hopes of saving lives by influencing young people to make the right decision.
Honeoye Junior/Senior Prom 2024- Parish Hill Event Barn
Thank you for your support of HCS & Go Bulldogs!!
Should you have any questions or concerns we encourage you to please call the Secondary School Office at 585-229-5171 X3016.
Principal (Grades 6-12) Nathan Schneckenburger: nathan.schneck@honeoye.org
Assistant Principal (Grades K-12) Mikey Davanzo: mikey.davanzo@honeoye.org
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. The following link will bring you to the incident reporting form.
Link to Community Resource Guide