Cody Kilgore Daily Bulletin
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Elementary Weekly News 2/3-2/8
Please send students to school with coats, hats, boots, and gloves.
Middle School Daily Update 2/3-2/8
- No Girls Basketball practice.
- Boys PAC Tournament-
- Leave time- 7:45 am
- 10 am Game
- Girls/Boys Basketball practice- 3-4:30 pm - Late Bus runs at 4:30 pm
- Girls/Boys Basketball Practice 3-4 pm
- MS/HS FCA Meeting during lunch (Mrs. Mary Kay's room)
- Girls/Boys play Mullen @ Mullen (Playing at the Hill Top)
- Leave Time- 9:45 am
- 1 pm Girls A game
- Girls B game to follow
- A Boys start around 3pm
- B boys to follow
- MS Boys BB vs Crawford @ Cody
- 12:30 pm Boys (1 game) (Boys be here by 11:30 am)
High School Daily Update 2/3-2/8
Parents/Students, please let us know if you will ride the late bus.
- HS Basketball Brady Tournament-
- Leave Time- 9:30 am
- Girls Varsity 2: 30 pm (MT)
- Boys Varsity to follow
- Live Feed- https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/brady/organization/15419/brady-high-school
- HS Girls Basketball Practice 6-7:30 am
- HS Boys Basketball Practice 4-6:30 pm
- John Deere Day-
- Leave time 12:20 pm
- MS/HS FCA Meeting during lunch (Mary Kay's Room)
- Art Club Meeting- During Lunch (Art Room
- HS Girls Basketball Practice 4:00- 6:00 pm
- HS Boys Basketball Practice- 4:00- 6:00 pm
- Bookmobile
- HS Girls Basketball Practice- 4:30 pm- 6 pm
- HS Boys Basketball Practice- 4:30pm- 6 pm
- HS BB vs. Crawford @ Cody
- No Girls JV game
JV boys -(Canceled)
Varsity Girls 3:00 pm - Parents recognized- Please be here at 3: 30 pm (MT)
Varsity Boys to follow - Live feed- https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/cody/organization/20034/cody-kilgore-high-school
- HS BB vs. Minatare @ Minatare
- Leave Time- 9:30 am
- Varsity Girls 2:00 pm
Varsity Boys to follow - Live Feed- https://www.youtube.com/@minatareschools479/streams
Valentine's Day
FFA Floriculture is partnering with Circle C.
Please make checks to Circle C Market
Breakfast- Donuts, Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk
Lunch- Chicken Tetranzi, roasted vegetables, bread sticks, salad bar, fruit, and milk
Breakfast- Tornado's, cereal, toast, fruit, juice, and milk
Lunch- Big Mac sloppy joes, french fries, peas, salad bar, fruit, and milkWednesday-
Breakfast- Pancakes, cereal, toast, fruit, juice, and milk
Lunch- Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, rolls, salad bar, fruit, and milk
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, cereal, toast, fruit, juice, and milk
Lunch- Goulash, green beans, cinnamon bread, salad bar, fruit, milk, and cookies