Principal's Page
Blackbird and Shay Elementary
Please click on student's respective school to order pictures online
Blackbird Elementary
Shay Elementary
Conference Link for Blackbird and Shay
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be VIRTUAL this year on Wednesday, October 21 from 3:30-6:30 p.m. and Thursday, October 22 from 5-8 p.m. All conferences must be PRE-SCHEDULED. Please click on link below to schedule meetings with your student’s teacher. Closer to the date, your child’s teachers will send you a Zoom link for your conference. Use that link to enter the waiting room a minute or two before your scheduled conference. Once the teacher finishes the previous appointment, they will allow you into your conference.
Learning Tennis Basics
Free Lunch/Breakfast for all Students
We are pleased to announce that Harbor Springs Public Schools will be providing free lunch and breakfast to all students regardless of family income. This is because the USDA has extended National School Lunch Program waivers for all schools that participate in the program. The program is effective immediately and will continue until December 31, 2020 or until the funding runs out. Any breakfast or lunches charged to student accounts will be credited back to those accounts. The program is available to students who are enrolled in face-to-face or online learning, community members 18 and under, as well as individuals receiving special education services up to age 26. Online students (and/or parents) or other non-school community members who qualify may come to the loop at the Middle School daily from 9:30-10:00 AM to receive the lunches.
Mailing out our Flat 4th Graders project
Medication at School
Please continue to use the Student Health Screening Checklist daily. If your child has symptoms on the list, please call the school and follow the instructions by clicking on the link to the document below.
School Nurse added to Rams Wellness Program
The Ram Wellness Program (RWP) is happy to announce they are now providing nursing services as well as mental health services. Jennie Dodge is joining the RWP as an established RN with many years of experience and dedication to her profession. Jennie is excited to join the program and looking forward to meeting the needs of all students here in the Harbor Springs Public Schools. You can reach her at 231-526-4816 or by email at jdodge@harborps.org. Please join us in welcoming Jennie to our team!
For questions regarding mental health or physical health services please call 231-526-4734. Check out the RWP facebook page for program updates and valuable information: https://www.facebook.com/Harbor-Springs-Ram-Wellness-Center-102963631547573
In need of snow clothing/gear for your child?
Snow Clothing Request form
Let It Snow!!
Dear Parent/Guardian:
A local service group, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281, has contacted our schools to ask if we have any families who need assistance with providing winter snow clothing (coats, snow pants, hats, gloves/mittens, boots) for their children. If you are interested, please fill out the form below and return it to your child’s teacher or Ms. Drader, school counselor, by Friday October 23rd.
I give permission for Harbor Springs Schools to release my name and the following information to American Legion Auxiliary and their volunteers.
Parent/Guardian Name:_____________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________
Best contact Number____________________________
1. Child’s Name________________________________________
Age___________ Boy or Girl____________
SNOW Clothing need:
o Coat/Jacket Size_____________
o Snow Pants Size_____________
o Hat
o Gloves
o Mittens
o Boots Size_____________
2. Child’s Name________________________________________
Age___________ Boy or Girl____________
SNOW Clothing need:
o Coat/Jacket Size_____________
o Snow Pants Size_____________
o Hat
o Gloves
o Mittens
o Boots Size_____________
Please put additional children and information on the back.
Joelle Drader, counselor 231-526-4528/jdrader@harborps.org
Please click link below to view 2020-2021 HSPS Calendar
Kindergarten to Black Barn Farm
Some Recess Fun!
Fire Station Visit
Looking ahead to Thanksgiving and Christmas-forms being sent home this week and next.
First Presbyterian Church of Harbor Springs
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281
Harbor Springs Public Schools
If you are interested in receiving a Thanksgiving food card and/or Christmas clothing, gifts for the children, and a food card, please return this form to Joelle Drader (counselor) by Friday, October 23, 2020. Due to Covid, we are not able to host a holiday shopping night this year. The gifts for your family and Christmas food card can be picked up at the First Presbyterian Church on December 15, 2020 from 4:00 – 8:00 pm. Later this fall, you will receive additional information about scheduling a specific time to pick up your items. In order to keep everyone safe, it is important to stick to the time you select.
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________ Phone __________________
Address _________________________________________________ City __________________________
_____Yes, Thanksgiving Food Card
_____Number of Adults _____Number of Children
_____Yes, Christmas Clothing, Gifts, and/or Christmas Food Card
_____Number of Adults _____Number of Children
Child’s Name________________________________________ Gender_______ Age____________
Favorite Color___________________ Shirt Size_______ Pants Size_______ Shoe Size________
Please tell us two gifts your child would like:
1. ___________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
Child’s Name________________________________________ Gender_______ Age____________
Favorite Color___________________ Shirt Size_______ Pants Size_______ Shoe Size________
Please tell us two gifts your child would like:
1. ___________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
Child’s Name________________________________________ Gender_______ Age____________
Favorite Color___________________ Shirt Size_______ Pants Size_______ Shoe Size________
Please tell us two gifts your child would like:
1. ___________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
Child’s Name________________________________________ Gender_______ Age____________
Favorite Color___________________ Shirt Size_______ Pants Size_______ Shoe Size________
Please tell us two gifts your child would like:
1. ___________________________________ 2. _______________________________________
Please contact if you have any questions or concerns: Joelle Drader, jdrader@harborps.org, 526-4528
Thank you to Carolyn Whittle (526-5555) and Kaye Frang (526-9966) from First Presbyterian Church & American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281