Equipping the Domestic Church/ISSUE 132/2.11.24
A common theme for our Lenten readings is a focus on God's mercy and light. God offered his light to us freely in his son, Jesus Christ, and we learned from Jesus how to be light for others and share God's mercy with the world. This edition of The Family Zone will focus on the Lenten pillar of ALMSGIVING. We will take a closer look at why and how we share God's light with the world!
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
Beholding the Lamb of God
Would you like to better understand the Real Presence in the Eucharist? This brief article from the McGrath Institute for Church Life takes a deep dive into the Agnus Dei and Fraction Rite.
The readings for Mass each week can be found at:
Have a family faith sharing conversation!
What IS Almsgiving?
Almsgiving is the term we use, during Lent, to refer to the act of sharing one's time or resources with the poor or most vulnerable. It is a concrete way of embodying what Jesus taught us: "Love your neighbor as yourself;" when we give to others, we give to God. An important part of Lenten almsgiving is that we take the time to consider our blessings, to reflect on those who are most in need and to consider meaningful ways we can show love to those in need. It should not just be writing a check, and it is a great opportunity to learn more as a family about the principles of Catholic social teaching or the Corporal Works of Mercy. As we grow in our discipleship, our Lenten almsgiving opens our eyes to the suffering of others and helps us to grow in selflessness! To learn more about Catholic social teaching or the Corporal Works of Mercy, click on the links below!
St. Ignatius Prayer for Generosity
Dear Lord teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward, save that of knowing that I do your will. Amen.
To learn more about this prayer, listen to the Tightrope podcast from Ascension Press by clicking on the link below.
Giving to Others Out of Sacrifice
Growing in our own holiness is the goal during Lent. How can we serve others in a way that helps us to draw closer to Christ? Think about stretching yourself in a way in which you are giving to someone in need without just giving from your excess. Often this means sharing our time, which for many is a priceless asset!
Here are a few ways to consider Lenten almsgiving in a new way:
1. Offer free babysitting to a family at church or a neighboring family who seems to be overtired, overstressed or overworked. Even an hour of time to get something done without tending to children could be an amazing gift to that couple!
2. Work at a soup kitchen or clothing closet instead of just dropping off goods; get to know the people in need and listen to their stories.
3. Offer to share a skill you have mastered, free of charge, to the local senior center or nursing home.
4. Make a healthy meal for an elderly friend who lives alone; bring it over and share the meal and company with them!
5. Help a single parent with yard work or home maintenance.
Make ALMSGIVING a family tradition all year long!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester
Editor: Leslie Barkin
Debtor in PossessionEmail:
Location: Diocese of Rochester, Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3210