Wasco Weekly
September 10, 2021
Dear Wasco Families,
Wasco Elementary is happy to announce an Open House for parents on September 23rd and 30th. Our staff is looking forward to an opportunity to share our school environment with parents and our building leadership team has created a thoughtful agenda that will enable all of our parents an opportunity to experience their child’s classroom.
This is a parent-only event. All participants are expected to follow our safety and health guidelines by maintaining social distance and wearing a mask inside the building. Parents will be entering at the grade level entrance doors and PTO will be outside for a Meet and Greet as well. While in the classroom, parents can interact with the teacher, write a note to their child, take a picture of the Wasco Expectations to discuss at home with their child, and take a selfie.
We invite you to use the link below to sign up for your family's session.
Save the Date:
Grades 1, 2, 4 Thursday, September 23rd, 5:30-6:30
Grades K, 3, 5 Thursday, September 30th, 5:30-6:30
Kind regards,
Principal Brennan
Principal phone number: 331-228-6294
Email: stephanie.brennan@d303.org
Main office phone: 331-228-2900
School Hours are: 8:00am to 3:00pm
(student supervision starts at 7:45am, please do not drop off before that time)
Important Upcoming Dates
September 23 Open House for grades 1, 2, and 4
September 29 Eary Release at 2:10pm
September 30 Open house for grades K, 3, and 5
Early Release Dates- Grades K through 5
September 1 & 29
October 27
December 1
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
Release will be at 2:10 p.m.
Quarantine Information
We hope it doesn’t happen to your family, but we do want to share the D303 Quarantine Information page for your review. If you have questions about the procedure, or if we can help your family, please contact the Wasco Health office or Principal Brennan.
i-Ready Results
The results of student’s i-Ready tests will be sent to your home on September 10th (1st-5th grade) and September 24th (Kindergarten). If you have questions about the test results or how they are used, please contact your child’s teacher or the principal.
Looking To Buy Some Wasco Spirit Wear?
Many Options To Choose From!
The sale will end on September 13th!
Drill Practice
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night Resources are still available for your reference. You can use the link below or it is posted on the Wasco Elementary Website.
Your family is provided with videos of the grade-level instruction and instruction during our Specials. Also included are videos about all the services offered at Wasco. We hope that you will grab some snacks and a relaxing place to sit as a family and let the viewing begin! We are hoping the co-viewing will incite enthusiastic conversation within your family about school and school activities.https://wasco.d303.org/
We appreciate your partnership and know how important it is to have a connection with the teacher. Please contact us with any questions or feedback about your child’s progress.
St. Charles Public Library
Did you know, ALL D303 students may receive a student loan card to checkout and access books from the St. Charles Public Library?
Click on the button below for more details on how to get one for your student!
Upcoming PTO Meeting
Monday, September 13th at 7:00PM via Zoom.
Topic: September Wasco PTO Meeting
Time: Sep 13, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 818 4774 4508
Passcode: 132854
2021-2022 PTO Executive Board
Scott Von Essen - Co-President
Shannon Von Essen - Co-President
Alison Sweet - Vice President
Heidi Hastert - Treasurer
Misti Floyd - Secretary
Shannon Martin - Executive Fundraiser
Let's Get To Know...
Joseph Secor
Physical Education Teacher
What makes a ‘good day’ at school?
Mr. Secor: When students listen to instructions and enjoy themselves in P.E.
So many students admire you. How do you make those connections?
Mr. Secor: I love when students show passion for certain things. Whether it be school-related, sports, or video games, when you show that you are interested in what they are, they tend to open up and are easier to develop rapport with.
What is one of your hidden talents?
Mr. Secor: I can solve a Rubik’s cube.
Upcoming Parent University Dates
October 6, 2021 - SOS for Parents in the Trenches, Zoom Webinar, 6:30 p.m.
Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
(Recording will be available after the event)
When parents are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and burned out, it’s hard to show up in a way that best supports their child’s development, especially if/ when our kids are struggling, too. In this practical and actionable talk, Debbie shares ten powerful “tilts,” a.k.a. practical ideas to help parents shift their thinking, responses, and actions in a way that will help them feel more confident and peaceful as they parent their unique children.
October 13, 2021 - Supporting Kids Who Learn Differently: Back-to-School Edition, Zoom Webinar, 6:30 p.m. Debbie Reber, NY Times bestselling author
(Recording to be posted)
School always presents certain challenges for students who learn and think differently (kids with ADHD, dyslexia, giftedness, autism, anxiety, or other neuro-differences). But the COVID-19 pandemic has created even greater obstacles. Debbie shares ideas on how parents can best prioritize and plan in the pandemic-era school landscape. She also offers advice on how to support differently wired children’s cognitive, social, and emotional needs during this atypical time, while also taking care of one’s own emotional health and well-being.
Previous News and Helpful Links
Arrival and Dismissal
You can use the map link above to identify your child’s entrance and exit door. Upon arrival, students should enter the building through their designated door, where they will be greeted by a staff member. At the end of the day, students exit through the same door and proceed to a designated area sorted by their transportation home. Our students who ride the bus line up with a peer and staff bus monitor. Students who are picked up by car stand on the front sidewalk and wait for their ride to arrive. This is the same pattern we used last year. We appreciate it when you extend cooperation and consideration for others in our school community. The kids learn from all of us and we are a team working together to help children build lifelong skills and positive community habits.
About us
Email: heather.kudabeck@d303.org
Website: https://district.d303.org/
Location: 4N782 School Street, Wasco, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2900