The Herald
District News & Updates - September 29th
Dear Hoboken Public School District Families,
This edition of The Herald highlights a number of accomplishments across the district and upcoming events that will be taking place. Our students and staff are engaging in such wonderful academic, co- and extra-curricular activities.
Congratulations to Morgan Walia-Peters (Girls Varsity Volleyball) and Benjamin Gabriel (Boys Varsity Soccer) for being named HCIAL Players of the Week. I also want to give a shout out to the Girls Varsity Tennis Team. They are winning matches upon matches and are ranked 4th in the NJSIAA Central Jersey Group 1 State Tournament. Way to go Hoboken Middle School Tigers! Our student athletes are competing hard and enjoying their first year of Fall Season competition in Volleyball, Soccer, and Cross Country.
Please enjoy reading news from each of our schools. Take a moment to learn more about our early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school programs by looking at each of their weekly updates, as linked below:
Also, if you are not already following us on social media, please do so:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HobokenPublicSchoolDistrict/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hobokenpublicschools/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hobokenpublicschooldist
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBeIpvP_DOKu3nNUs3t0baQ
In closing, I want to thank all of you for your steadfast cooperation, patience and partnership. All three ingredients make for an incredible school district. I could not ask for a more committed collection of guardians and parents. You are truly amazing and I am honored to serve the Hoboken Public School District.
Christine A. Johnson, D.Litt.
Superintendent of Schools
Public Screening of the Movie, Till and Q&A on Tuesday, October 1st
Sign Up For A Gather & Grow Session With The Superintendent of Schools
Free Fall Soccer Clinic
Hoboken Theatre Fundraiser
Shaping the Future of STEM
Hoboken Public School District Upcoming Events
Hoboken HS Cupcake Wars
Do you have the best cupcakes in Hoboken??
Saturday, October 5, 2024, 2:30pm
Hoboken HS Gymnasium
800 Clinton St. Hoboken, NJ 07030
$5.00 Admission, $2.00 per Cupcake
(Contestant do not need to pay Admission Fee)
5 Competitor categories - one winner from each.
Adult & Student Catergories
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Adults, and Fan Favorite.
Judging will be done by 3 celebrity judges. (Judges TBA)
Contestants must bake and decorate 3 dozen cupcakes for the
competition. Judges will be scoring based on
One Flavor per registration Only.
$20.00 registration fee to compete
All contestants must be registered by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 .
You will receive an email containing instructions for the competition.
You can pay registration fee by Cash, Check, or Money Order.
Checks or Money Orders can be made payable to Hoboken HS Class of 2025.
You can mail all Checks or Money Orders to:
Hoboken HS Class of 2025
Attention: Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
or you can drop off registration fees in an envelope with your name with the subject: Cup Cake Wars to the Security Desk at Hoboken HS.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Munoz at Christopher.Munoz@hoboken.k12.nj.us or call (201) 356-3738.
Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSeVcQ32lj4.../viewform...
Alice and Wonderland Auditions
Hoboken Field of Heroes
Dear Hoboken Community,
In honor of Veterans Day, the Hoboken HS Student Government would like to invite you to participate in a special program to honor our heroes. The front of our beautiful Louis M. Taglieri Jr. Stadium will be decorated with American Flags. Each flag will represent and honor members of our Armed Forces, past and present.
Please consider honoring these great men and women by purchasing a flag for their service.
Each flag costs $5.00 and will represent an honoree for their service.
To honor a hero, fill out the form and return it along with your donation in the form of a check or money order made out to: Hoboken HS Student Council. The cost is $5.00 a flag.
All forms must be completed and returned by Friday, October 25, 2024.
Thank you very much for your support of our Hoboken Heroes.
Christopher Munoz
Hoboken HS Student Activities Coordinator
Mail to: Hoboken High School
Attn: Christopher Munoz, Student Council
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Hoboken Public School District: Fine & Performing Arts
Art at Wallace School
Then on Friday we had Ms. Nattini’s 3rd & 4th Grade class rocket high in the sky with lovely color application on their work of art.
Art at Brandt School
This week in Art, students continued working on their Jen Stark inspired Drip/Pop art project. Students did such a great job designing their sneakers using bold colors, lines, & patterns. They also began working on the drip art aspect of the project and it is all coming together and looking amazing!
We will take a pause on this project the next two weeks to work on our Square 1 Art Fundraiser, which is always something our students look forward to!
Music at Brandt School
Third grade dabbled this week in conducting learning the patterns for 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 time. They conducted their way through “The Notre Dame Fight Song,” “My Favorite Things,” and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”. There may even be some future NYC Philharmonic conductors among us!
Fourth grade learned the “Triplet Song”. This established the feel of triplets and how three notes fit into one beat. They even created their own lyrics to the song using three syllable words.
Meanwhile, in fifth grade, we made musical fruit salads after reviewing steady beat on the drums for the first time. Be sure to ask your child about this fun activity!
Music at Wallace School
Music department spirit tee shirts will be available to purchase from department music teachers soon. Stay tuned for more details.
Music at Connors School
In Ms. Arciero’s class it was time to make some funky music. In the Connors music room, you can find a lot of percussion instruments. One of the ways to use these instruments is by having a drum circle. This type of ensemble incorporates a percussive ostinato with freeform solos. The students have so much fun composing various rhythms and taking their turn showing off their skills as drummers. Here is Lynje after she just finished her turn at being a backbeat star!
Bright and early in the morning we have a ukulele practice session every week that is a huge success. The students work on their technique and learn how to play various songs. Here are the early, early risers with their ukuleles, learning their first chords. You rock!
Pre AP Dance at Hoboken MS
During the warm-up activity, 6th grade class students are working together to finish their sentence through movements.
7th grade students were working on their ballet performance.
8th grade students are learning about heme and variation and they're practicing a Polka dance.
Theatre with Ms. Rotondi
This week in theatre we had very special guests come in to work with our 5th graders! Pat and Alaister will be working with our students for the next few weeks to create original songs for our theatre performance! Our marking period showcase will be November 22nd at 10:00!
More information about our showcase will be sent out soon.
Pre-AP Visual Arts at Hoboken MS
Pre AP Theatre at Hoboken MS
This week in Pre-AP Theater students across all grade levels learned this week's warm up game Splat! 6th graders resumed their table read of West Side Story. Many students have demonstrated that they are enthusiastic about reading by getting into character and varying their vocal tone. 7th grade students experimented with Story Theater through a variety of activities. "10 Second Images" was the class favorite by far!
The 8th grade students continued their exploration of Commedia Dell'Arte by acting out scenes using gibberish dialogue. Next week we look forward to wrapping up the first learning cycle.
Rockin Redwings Take First Place
This past weekend the Rockin' Redwings started off their season with a bang, securing a first place trophy at their opening Tournament of Bands competition at Jefferson High School. The band set a school record for their first performance of the tournament with a score of 79.45, besting last year's score by 4.5 points.
The Rockin' Redwings are currently ranked first in Region 10 (Northern New Jersey) and 6th in the state in Group 1-A. This weekend, they set out to West Morris Central and look to continue their phenomenal start to the season.
Ms. Amatucci's Artists at Hoboken HS
Students in Art III got back into action after summer break by applying their observational skills by drawing and shading still life objects. Students concentrated on shading and highlights to grab every shape of a shadow,midtone, or highlight.
Students in Art II are also working on their observational skills by recreating a photograph through a grid process. They are also learning how to use and apply various grades of drawing pencils.
The Elements of Art students are learning color theory by mixing primary colors to create all other colors and placing those colors into a unique composition.
Hoboken Public School District: On Social Media
Grade & Content Level ~ What Have We Been Learning?
Joseph F. Brandt School
1st Grade at Brandt School
In ELA, first graders are continuing to review their letter names and sounds. They dove into the genre of fairy tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We continue to identify and spell sight words as well as middle short vowel sounds.
In Math, students are learning and applying various strategies to solve addition facts 1-10. They are engaging in games that require them to add number cards and compare them to a partner’s amount to determine who has more.
In Social Studies, students continue to explore strategies on how to handle emotions by practicing Move This World recommendations. We are also continuing to learn about influential people throughout Hispanic Heritage Month such as Cesar Chavez and his wife, Helen.
3rd Grade at Brandt School
This week in Math, students continue to practice adding and subtracting within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations and relationships between addition and subtraction.
In ELA, third grade students studied the genre of Narrative Nonfiction. Students identified that texts in this genre tend to have these characteristics:
- Characters are involved in events that could happen.
- Characters live in places that are real.
- The characters seem like real people with real issues solved in a realistic way.
Students were able to identify these characteristics using the text, “Gary the Dreamer,” in which Gary learns how his actions contribute to his community.
We also continue to study influential Latino people of Past & Present. Students learned about the powerful influences and contributions made by Celia Cruz, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Frida Kahlo, and Dolores Huerta, just to name a few. Students in Ms. Rodriguez’s class analyzed Abuela by Arthur Dorros. Students were able to give examples of how the story had some elements of realistic fiction and fiction. Alexander Z said, “ I noticed there are elements of fiction when the author writes Rosalba and Abuela flew over the factories” Students in Ms. James’ class designed posters to share all they have learned about their influential Latinx person.
Using Move this World, students are learning the 10 Emgoers and how to use them to express how they are feeling effectively. These are the strategies that we learn that help us navigate personal and interpersonal challenges. There are lots of ways we can use each of the Emogers.
5th Grade at Brandt School
In ELA, we have continued reading Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan. As we have been reading, we have been exploring character’s rights threatened throughout the book. As for our writer’s workshop, we have begun digesting the writing prompt. Students are making a connection to another story called A Diary of a Teenage Refugee by Amira. As they make the connections between the two refugees, they are finding similarities and differences among the two.
In Math, we wrapped up on Unit 1 Investigations 2, which dealt with two digit by two digit multiplication. As we began Unit 1 Investigations 3, we are shifting to long division. Students are beginning to explore different methods for division such as the area and standard algorithm model. Our mathematicians are also creating story problems using key terms to produce long division problems.
In Social Studies, we continued highlighting Hispanic Heritage Month. Students have dedicated their research to one assigned Hispanic Heritage figure. Students are completing a pennant banner for their figure.
Physical Education at Brandt School
Students in grades 3-5 practiced their amazing soccer skills this week. Students participated in number soccer (modified 5v5). Students alternated between offensive and defensive roles each round to ensure everyone was able to contribute to the game in various roles.
Students in first and second grade practiced their dribbling skills. They participated in a game called cookies in the oven. Students had to use their feet to flip a cone (flat cone) right side up. They then balanced while trapping the ball to grab the cone and then dribbled it over to the over (a tall cone). Students took turns each round until all cookies were placed in the oven.
Our kindergarten friends practiced dribbling in open space. Students gauged their own ability to either walk or jog while dribbling the ball. The goal for the student was to keep the ball close to their body and trap the ball if it got away.
Thomas G. Connors School
1st Grade at Connors School: Ms. Vayda, Ms. Severino, and Ms. Sheridan
Math: This week during Investigations Math, first grade students are practicing how to add and problem solve by listening to a story problem and retelling it. Students are learning many different strategies that they can use to show their work. We know that mathematicians always show good strategies and follow up with an equation to show the final answer of a story problem. Students are using number lines, counters, and pictures to show their work. In first grade we have been working hard in Math Workshop. We have been introduced to new games such as Roll and Record, Five In a Row and One or Two More/Less. We are learning how to work in small groups and with partners to help each other along the way and continue learning our math skills!
ELA: This week we finished our Reading Wonders Smart Start review. Our essential question was, "What happens during my day?" We focused on understanding non-fiction texts and making connections. As a group, we practiced asking and answering questions after reading a story. We focused on visualizing while reading. Students listened to a non-fiction text about school and then wrote what made that text non-fiction. We are working on learning our daily routine when using our Red Word books, 3 part drill, and more. Our goal is to independently check over their own sentences using CUPS(capitalize, understanding, punctuation, spelling). This practice will help strength their overall writing. This daily practice will help build their writing stamina and self- editing skills. Students also learned how to use sound boxes as part of our phonological awareness warm up practice. Next week we will begin Unit 1 week 1 in Reading Wonders. Students will work in centers to complete fun learning activities to help them master new skills.
3rd Grade at Connors School: Ms. Hall, Ms. Schmidt
Math: This week in math third graders continued to expand their knowledge of place value. Students reviewed subtraction strategies and learned various addition strategies, including standard algorithm and expanded form addition. Through this understanding of place value, students learned how to fluently add and subtract within 1,000.
ELA: This week, the third graders continued reading our core novel, The Littles by John Peterson. They worked as detectives to identify clues within the text that helped them to ask and answer questions, as well as analyze characters. The third graders also began reading a historical fiction short story, Sailing to America. They began exploring the concept of immigration through the lens of this important text structure. The students compared and contrasted both types of texts in order to deepen their understanding of the fiction genre. Additionally, they learned more about narrative writing by exploring how to incorporate sensory details and dialogue into their own narrative writing.
Social Studies: This week students honored and celebrated hispanic heritage by learning about various hispanic influences, such as Frida Kahlo, Selena Quintanilla Perez, and Cesar Chavez. By exploring the impact of hispanic activists, artists, and musicians, students are celebrating the power and influence of hispanics and latinos!
Third Grade Thrill: This week third graders visited the pop up library! With Ms. Valerie's help, students were able to learn how libraries function and everyone was able to start the process by checking out one book. Students loved exploring all of the newest and coolest books in the Hoboken Public Library's collection. Once students are done reading their books, they can return their books to any of the drop off locations throughout Hoboken or bring them back to school when the pop up library returns.
5th Grade at Connors School: Ms. Yoo, Ms. Schultes, Ms. Ortiz, and Ms. Arciero
Math: This week, our mathematicians were introduced to multiplication starter problems. This was a strategy where students break apart multiplication problems in order to solve them. I was blown away by their ability to use this strategy. It can be a bit difficult but students truly were able to apply it and incorporate it into their problem solving. Students also took a quiz on multiplication and multiplication cluster problems. The students performed wonderfully and I am so proud of their abilities to apply multiplication strategies to each problem. Students were able to extend their learning through IXL skill plans on each lesson that we worked on and through peer teaching. We also began working on multi step word problems which is a skill that can be difficult for students.
Social Studies: Students have been working hard on researching different Hispanic countries and gathering valuable information to present to their peers. We have been learning so many fun facts about Hispanic cultures and traditions! To continue our celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we are learning about notable Hispanics- who they are and how they helped to shape and influence the world!
Physical Education at Connors School
For our fitness activity this week classes participated in the Fastest Class Challenge where they had 5 minutes to complete as many laps as possible around the gym and I’ll be revealing the results next week, another great week!
Wallace School Elementary School
1st Grade at Wallace School
ELA/SLA: This week in ELA our essential question was “What Happens During My Day?” We explored informational texts like “Work, play and work together". Students identified the characteristics of informational texts. Our phonics focus this week was on Short U, Consonants W, C and K. The focus in the dual language classrooms was letter G.
We also explored modes of transportation (medios de transporte) and shared our favorite transportations. During centers students enjoyed working in groups to play Wonder Games, using their tablets for IXL/RazKids, completing practice book phonics pages, and meeting with the teacher for guided reading.
Math: Our first grade mathematicians continued Unit 1, which explores building numbers and solving addition and subtraction story problems. Our focus this week was on subtraction within 30. Students solved subtraction story problems using their strategies counting back (contar hacia atras), using their number line (linea numerica) as their tool. This week we also played many math games during centers to practice our strategies counting back (contar hacia atras) and counting on (seguir contando).
Social Studies: In Social Studies, students discussed the concepts honesty (honestidad), compassion (compasion), courage (valor), respect (respeto). As a class we shared different ways in which we show these values in our community.
3rd Grade at Wallace School
We have been diving deep into our first novel of the year, The Littles, By, John Peterson. We have also been learning about different types of sentences and paragraph structure; using dialogue to entertain our readers and make our stories more engaging, We have also been citing text evidence when practicing our reading comprehension strategies, sequencing events in order of beginning, middle and end. Our spelling skill this week has been final e.
In Math we are finalizing our chapter on three digit addition and subtraction, multi-step word problems, place value to the hundreds and rounding to the nearest ten. We have been practicing multiplication and division skills in the form of addition and grouping.
Social Studies
As we wrap up our last research project on communities, we now will begin to learn and research influential Hispanic Americans. Over the course of the next few weeks we will learn all about several Hispanic Americans who impacted our history. We will be researching famous dancers, actors, athletes, politicians, and so many more.
5th Grade at Wallace School
In Language Arts, our 5th graders are focused on developing their reading and writing skills. For reading, they are engaged in learning to analyze texts by focusing on "tough questions" and "aha moments," which help them understand literary elements more deeply. They are also comparing and contrasting primary and secondary sources, and practicing how to identify cause-and-effect structures in nonfiction texts. In writing, our students are learning to engage with narrative writing by reviewing rubrics and participating in peer assessments. They are practicing how to finish a story prompt by watching videos, referencing rubrics, and contributing ideas to group discussions about what makes for an entertaining and effective narrative.
In Social Studies, our historians are learning about the Industrial Revolution and how it transformed various aspects of life, such as food, housing, work, and leisure. They are exploring how technological innovations during this time impacted society and culture in America. Students are tasked with analyzing major technological advancements and discussing which invention from the past ten years has had the greatest impact on the world. Through these lessons, they are encouraged to think critically about the role of innovation in shaping social and cultural changes.
Hoboken Middle School
6th Grade Science at Hoboken MS
This week in science we started learning about specific organelles, the different types of cells, and the similarities and differences between related organelles. We started off on the outside of the cell: the cell wall and cell membrane. Students made a venn diagram to compare and contrast these two. To further demonstrate this, I dissolved the shells of eggs and put them in hypertonic and hypotonic solutions to demonstrate the semi-permeability of a cell membrane. We then compared the chloroplast to the mitochondria: the powerhouses.
We explored how although they both make energy for the cell, only plant cells have chloroplasts (which make energy from sunlight), but all eukaryotes have a mitochondria (which make energy from sugar). We closed out the week with our Plant vs. Animal Cell Lab. For this lab, students were given a plant sample (aloe plant) and an animal sample (mouth smear, frog blood, etc.). Students examined these samples under the microscope and labeled important organelles such as the nucleus, chloroplasts, cell wall, and cytoplasm.
Students also had their first science writing task this week! For this writing task, students read two texts and watched a video about zoos and wrote a multi-paragraph response to a response with text evidence.
7th Grade Science at Hoboken MS
The classes were able to gather their information and create a reference sheet that they will be able to use for future Physics in a Box projects.
8th Grade Science at Hoboken MS
This week 8th grade science focused on the relationship between current and voltage in a circuit which contained resistors in series. Using the handy electronic kit ‘Physics in a Box’ a few circuits were built by the students and the effect of increasing and decreasing the resistance using a variable resistor was tested. Namely, when the resistance increases the current will decrease and vice versa.
Transformers and electromagnets were also discussed and a compass was brought in and used to verify the presence and direction of a magnetic field on a copper coil with 5V applied to its ends. As predicted the compass was affected by the magnetic field of the coil and the red (north) point of the needle followed the predicted path of the flow of the invisible magnetic field as it was moved around and above the electrified coil, much to the surprise of the students. The compass proved to be very useful in making an invisible field become real as the students watched.
Hoboken Middle School Athletics
Hoboken MS Co Ed Cross Country Track
This past Thursday, Hoboken Middle School students participated in the schools first ever Cross Country meet! Running amongst a dozen other schools in Maywood, HMS boys and girls had an awesome showing. Dax Cohen and Emraan Gasal lead the way for HMS in the boys race, while Eva Warner, Jayla Davis, and Grace Shoemaker had strong performances for the girls.
Our next meet will be October 10th at Tenafly. Come out and support the HMS Cross Country team!
Hoboken MS Sports Update
The Hoboken MS Girls Volleyball team celebrated their first win of the season, dominating in 2 well-played sets against Passaic MS. Meanwhile, the Boys Soccer team faced off against Weehawken MS, and the Hoboken HS Girls Soccer team took on Dwight Englewood MS.
Everyone played hard and showed incredible support for one another. The Tigers are off to a fantastic start, and there’s much more action ahead!
Tiger Pride!
Hoboken High School
English Department at Hoboken HS
Screenwriting-Ms. Malenda
Last year, Ms. Malenda's ELA 11th grade classes read Barbara Kingsolver's novel The Bean Trees. Many students fell in love with the story and its characters.
So everyone wanted to know: Where is the movie? My class reached out to ask Ms. Kingsolver through social media. And she replied! Ms. Kingsolver explained that she rejected all the previous screenplays because they didn't stay true to the heart of her novel. And an idea was born! Why don't we write the movie? And so with the blessings and encouragement from the author we are writing a movie! Our mission is to remain true to the heart of the novel. Follow us on our journey!
Social Media Sites for the Barbara Kingsolver project.
Please follow us, like, share and engage!
Let's get Ms. Kingsolver to Hoboken High!
Insta: @we_are_writing_a_movie_hhs
TikTok: @werwritingamovie
YouTube: @Wearewritingamovie
Physical Education at Hoboken HS
We would like to remind our students to wear proper athletic attire and shoes, bring water bottles to class, respect our equipment and facilities, and most importantly stay active Redwings!
Science Department at Hoboken HS
Mr. Lebegue's Pre AP Biology
Students in Pre-AP biology class honed their skills in working with the metric system by completing a lab conducting scientific measurements of mass, volume, temperature and length. They utilized Archimedes’ principle of displacement to calculate the density of irregular solids in order to identify unknown materials. They then took their measurements and used newly learned skills of dimensional analysis to convert their measurements from one unit to another.
Their next lab involved designing a scientific investigation. They were each given a scientific question and had to identify any observations that caused that question to be asked, the independent and dependent variables, the alternative and null hypothesis. They created hypothetical data and graphs and wrote conclusion paragraphs and produced posters.
The students also performed an experiment using yeast. They tested protein, glucose and water to determine the nutrient preference of the organisms. They measured the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the yeast by measuring the height of the air bubble that the yeast produced for each treatment. They produced lab reports of their findings.
Mr. Lebegue's AP Biology
Students in AP Biology learned how to perform standard deviation and put error bars onto their graphs and how to perform chi-squared analysis. These techniques can be used to determine if the difference between two groups is statistically significant or not but cannot be used interchangeably. The students learned which situations to use each in and practiced their calculations. They flipped coins and rolled dice to practice chi squared and then used these skills on a lab about organismal behavior. An organism will choose one of two sides of a container, similar to how a coin could flip between heads and tails. Is the position of the organism related to a preference or avoidance of an introduced nutrient?
The students used pill bugs, mealworms and planaria worms as their test subjects. They chose a control versus glucose, syrup, salt or other variables to test the nutrient preference. They used chi squared analysis to compare their observed and expected values and form a conclusion as to whether the difference between observed and expected was due merely to chance or due to an observed phenomenon. The students produced lab report posters of their findings.
History Department
Social, Political, and Economic History Class at Hoboken HS: Hoboken Immigration Project- Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School Explores the Rich Tapestry of Immigration
This week, students in the Social, Political, and Economic History class at Hoboken High School embarked on an exciting new project: the Hoboken Immigration Project. This initiative aims to explore the diverse immigrant groups that have shaped the city’s unique identity.
Focusing on key groups including the Dutch, Germans, Italians, Irish, and Puerto Ricans, students will investigate the arrival and contributions of these communities throughout Hoboken’s history. Each group has played a vital role in crafting the cultural and economic landscape of the city, and students will delve into stories of resilience, innovation, and community.
As they research, students will uncover how these immigrants not only enriched Hoboken’s cultural fabric but also contributed to its economic growth and social development. This project promises to provide valuable insights into the interconnected histories that define our city today.
Stay tuned for updates as students share their findings and celebrate the diverse heritage that continues to shape Hoboken!
Math Department at Hoboken HS
Ms. Tank's Mathematians
They also reviewed all the lessons on Polynomials and took a test on Friday. AP Calculus students learnt how to identify the types of discontinuities, apply squeeze theorem to find limits of a given function. They also reviewed the entire chapter of Limits and continuity and took a test on Friday. AP Calculus BC students learned how to integrate by parts and had a quiz on the same.
AP Statistics-Ms. Clark
AP Statistics students have been finding proportions using Normal approximations. They also learned how to do inverse Normal calculations to find missing data values, means and standard deviations. They will be having their Chapter 2 test tomorrow.
Pre-AP Statistics students learned how to find the midpoint and distance between two points in the coordinate plane. They also learned how to partition a line segment in the coordinate plane. They'll have their Chapter 1 test on Monday.
Life Skills/Vocational Skills ay Hoboken HS
Ms. Sivo's Vocational and Life Skills Program
We have mastered brushing our teeth and have moved onto flossing with our "Magic Wands!" Before we took a trip to our RedWings Collaborative Bathroom, we practiced using our "Magic Wands" with the beads we strung during our Fine Motor Practice earlier in the week. Each student had to floss in between each bead giving them a visual of what they were to do before brushing their teeth.
In addition, we took a trip to Shoprite using our shopping lists to buy fruit for our Fruit Salad Recipe. As we shopped, we spoke about the best ways to buy the best fruit. Such as, smelling the pineapple to see if it smelled sweet and pulling on its leaves to see if they come out easily showing they are ripe.
Next, we visited our RedWings Collaborative Kitchen to wash and cut the fruit. We also had some fun while we worked by trying some whipped cream in a can!
Do you like pickles?
Some of us did! This week we also learned about our taste buds, where they are in our mouth and how to sort food into each category of "Sweet, Salty or Sour?" After a mini lesson and some center sorting activities, we put our taste buds to the test! Each student received a plate of sweet, salty and sour snacks which they then had to place in each category. Then they had to taste test and see if they placed them in the correct category! We had so much fun with this activity and learned about each person's tongue map and which category was strongest for them.
This week we reviewed and discussed the key vocabulary words in preparation for our first novel, A Dog' s Way Home by W. Bruce Cameron. Many of the words we discussed had multiple meanings resulting in some real world connections, examples and deep conversations.
Early Childhood Education Highlights
Wallace Preschool Wildcats
The class also enjoyed learning about the new season, Fall, and creating some Fall-themed crafts!
Preschool at 770 Jackson
At the end of this activity, everyone made detailed drawings of their observations. For this activity in particular the class used the outline of a body shape to help facilitate the process. Students added the details of their faces, as well as their hair and clothing.
Preschool at Brandt School
Students are also learning about apples and sorting them by color, counting them, and creating apple art.
Preschool at Calabro
Calabro classroom 301 read the book “Leaf Man” by Lois Ehlert, which inspired
them to become creative with nature. After enjoying the story, students went outside to
collect a variety of leaves and sticks.
Back in the classroom, they used the leaves to
create their own unique leaf people. It was a fun and engaging activity that allowed
them to combine their love for reading and hands- on crafting.
Happy Fall everyone!
Preschool at Connors
Students have helped to transform thecenters to the following: Blocks: Garage, Dramatic Play: Family Room, Art: Kitchen, Science: Bathroom. The class enjoyed completing Graphics Practice and making raindrops that don't touch. Children say "rain" each time they make a dot.
Preschool at Jubilee
The children created beautiful All About Me posters and they learned so much about each other. It is fun to learn about each others similarities and differences.
Preschool at Rue
Classroom 4 is having a great time with their new classmates!
Students fed the babies in the dramatic play center, went fishing in the science center, and built a huge castle in the block center. The class even went to the playground, which is always a fan favorite. The students (and teachers) have all been practicing using their "walking feet".
Students sure are having fun in class with Mr. Mike, Ms. Maria, and Ms. Nakeeah.
Preschool at St. Francis
Students use lips and ears mediator cards to help them know which role they are doing. After completing their role the students will switch cards so that both friends are able to read and listen.
ECE at Brandt School
Students are kicking off the School Year right in room 111. The class is thrilled about their new jobs. So far, they have enjoyed the responsibility and are all helping each other out. It's been fabulous to watch.
The class is enjoying the first days of fall. This week, students created some fall trees. They cut up red, green, and yellow pieces of paper and glued them to a tree trunk. The class just finished reading the book "The Leaves Are Falling One by One" and students will be going on a fall leaf hunt very soon!
ECE at Wallace School
Room 115 has been having so much fun as they complete Tools of the Mind activities! Students enjoy working on Graphics Practice. While completing this activity they are practicing self regulation, fine motor skills, prewriting, and language skills!
Students have been doing so well transitioning into their new PreK 4 classroom’s routine.
Redwings Volleyball
Congratulations to Morgan Walia-Peters!
Congratulations to Morgan Walia-Peters on being named NJ.com’s HCIAL Player of the Week!
Walia-Peters’ sister, Madison was named HCIAL Player of the Week in Week 1 of the season, and now Morgan earned one herself not much later. She led the conference in kills this past week with 45, doing so in five straight-sets victories. She collected season-highs of 12 kills and six aces against Weehawken on Sept. 21. This year, Walia-Peters has 91 kills, 44 digs and 33 aces in 22 sets.
Redwings Boys Soccer
Congratulations Benjamin Gabriel!
Congratulations to Sophomore, Benjamin Gabriel who was named the HCIAL Player of the Week. Benny had a career high 8 saves and his 1st career shut out against Bayonne HS.
Redwings Tennis
Redwings Soar over the Cougars
Hoboken HS Girls Tennis defeated McNair HS 4-1 tonight under the lights. Previously, McNair was their only loss of the season.
Abigail Scott, Laura Scott, and Sylvie Strell won their singles matches in straight sets. Yazleen Rivera and Anna Rekeda clinched the match win for Hoboken in a tie break.
We look forward to playing Bound Brook HS in states this coming Monday at the home courts in Hoboken!
Redwings defeat the Tigers!
The Hoboken HS Girls Tennis defeated Memorial 4-1.
Abigail Scott and Sylvie Strell both won their matches in straight sets, and Laura Scott won her match in a tie break! Meghan Stelhi and Lila McDonough won their doubles match in straight sets as well.
Redwings Cross Country
Redwings Country Opens Their Season
This past Saturday, our Redwings XC crew opened up their season at the 2024 Magee Memorial Class Meet. Captain Samantha Gotimer, who is currently nursing an ankle injury, guided our young group of sophomores and freshmen in their first XC experience.
Next up: Brett Taylor Invitational on 9/28 at Darlington Park.
Hoboken Public Schools - A District Dedicated to Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships
Our Vision
The Hoboken Public School District will be recognized as a premier educational choice and widely known as a best-practice model for academic growth, high quality instruction, innovative and equitable programs, engagement, facilities and personalized pathways that are essential for college, career and life-preparedness in our ever-changing, interconnected global society.
Our Mission
The Hoboken Public School District will prepare confident and resilient graduates who value academic achievement, embrace challenge, honor diversity, appreciate collaboration, and respectfully contribute to their local and wider communities.
Our District Goals
The Hoboken Public School District will implement a rigorous, relevant and responsive curriculum that meets the needs of all students, fosters personalized pathways for learning, and ensures continuous academic growth.
The Hoboken Public School District will support its diverse staff in professional growth, encourage them to serve as role models, and empower them to provide the highest quality of instruction for our students.
The Hoboken Public School District will develop and implement unique and innovative programs that promote global learning, ensure equitable access, and foster the social, emotional and academic growth of each student.
The Hoboken Public School District will engage and communicate with families and the wider community to bridge understanding and advance partnerships.
The Hoboken Public School District will operate well-maintained and safe facilities that respond to our growing student enrollment, support our academic and co-curricular programs, and promote pride across the city.
Email: District@Hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: www.hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 524 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: (201) 356-3600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hoboken.schools/
Twitter: @HobokenSchools