Northmont Middle School Newsletter
September 2024
Northmont Middle School Administrative Team
Mrs. Gover
Mr. Mengerink
Mrs. Sledge
We are Off to a Great Start!
We had a great opening to the 2024/2025 school year. The following goals were achieved during Orientation Days:
- Students learned the meaning of respect between students, staff, and the building community.
- Staff communicated clear behavior expectations.
- Students were able to familiarize themselves with the building.
- Students learned to build relationships.
- Students learned what it means to be a Northmont Star.
- Students practiced their first fire drill of the 2024/2025 school year.
What is going on at Northmont Middle School this month?
- September 4th - Whole school Muse Machine performance @ 1:15
- If students are interested in joining Muse Machine, this year the cost is $30.00
- Step 1 - Go to Musemachine.com
- Step 2 - Go to students
- Step 3 - Find Northmont Middle School and join
- Step 4 - Add out of school performances
- September 6th - 2 Hour Delay (Professional Development for Staff)
- September 9th & September 23rd - Board of Education Meetings at Northmont Middle School - 6:00 p.m.
- The week of September 9th - 13th - School Bus Evacuation Drills
- September 26th - Picture Retake Day
Morning Arrival
During morning arrival, please allow students to get out of the car and wait outside of Doors 1 or 2 at 7:30 a.m. Waiting until 7:35 a.m. prevents other families from dropping their students off and leaving, this causes a back up in traffic flow. If you need to come into the building, please park in visitors parking and enter Door 1 at the middle school. During inclement and cold weather, students will be able to wait inside of Door 1.
Do you want to keep track of your child's grades, attendance, and academic progress?
To create a new ProgressBook account, or if you are having problems accessing your account, email progressbookinfo@northmontschools.net.
- Interim grades will be posted on September 12th in ProgressBook.
- ProgressBook is the only way for families to view report cards and state test scores.
Students Calling Home
School Nurse Updates
Reminder: If you have received communication that your student's vaccine record is incomplete, please turn in the completed immunizations to the Middle School clinic, prior to September 10, 2024, to avoid exclusion from school.
Your student will not be permitted to return to school beginning September 10th, 2024 until you have either contacted the nurse and provided her with the date of your student's doctor's appointment to obtain the immunizations or you have provided the nurse with the updated immunization record.
Thank you,
Middle School Fax # (937) 832-6501
Mandi Turpin BSN, RN, LSN mturpin@northmontschools.net
Sara Brown BSN, RN sara.brown@northmontschools.net
Dental Outreach Consent Form
We have the opportunity to partner with Health Partners of Western Ohio to offer dental services for our students. If you are interested, please complete the attached consent form. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Turpin (school nurse) at 937- 832-6061 or mturpin@northmontschools.net.
Forms are due on or before September 13th
Friday Night HS Football Games
Northmont High School is instituting new processes for all home football games in order to promote a great gameday experience.
High School and Middle School Students (7-12)
All high school and middle school students must purchase tickets at school only.
Tickets will be sold from the high school and middle school - Wednesday through Friday.
All students must enter through the Student gate underneath the pressbox, and all students will be searched upon entry.
Students who have purchased an All Sports Pass online, must stop by the high school athletic office the week of each home game to get their physical ticket (at no cost) for the game that week. Just showing your Student All Sports Pass at football games will not get you into the game.
The student gate will close at 7:30pm. No students will be allowed into the game after 7:30pm. No Exceptions.
Middle school students may go to the concession stand the last two minutes of each quarter.
High school students may go to the concession stand the first two minutes of each quarter.
Middle school students will be dismissed at 9:15pm.
Any student remaining at the game after 9:15pm, must be with an adult.
Middle school and freshman football players and cheerleaders will get in free with their jerseys on, and must enter through the Student gate with all other students.
Elementary Students (PreK - 6)
Elementary students must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
If students are causing issues whether accompanied by an adult or not, their entire party will be asked to leave.
Wee Bolts football players and cheerleaders will get in free with paying adults with their jerseys on. Students must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Rules for the General Public
Gates open at 6:00pm to the general public
No face coverings of any sort are allowed.
No bags will be allowed in the stadium with students. Adults may have a clear bag if needed.
No footballs or any other ball will be allowed in the stadium.
The stadium will be evacuated 5 minutes after the conclusion of the game. This includes parents, students and all other spectators. No one may remain in the stadium following the game for any reason.
No loitering - in the Pit/Concession area, parking lot or under the bleachers.
If found in violation of loitering policy, you will be banned from attending future games.
Any misbehavior, including but not limited to, horseplay in the bleachers, inappropriate language, or failure to comply with a request from a staff member will not be tolerated. Middle school, high school and elementary administrators will work together with Clayton Police to supervise games. If a student is removed from the stadium for misbehavior, they will not be permitted to attend future games, and may face additional discipline from school the following week. Please do your part to help make all Northmont Athletic events a safe and enjoyable experience for all in attendance.
Go Bolts!!!