Hillside News Brief
August 9, 2024
Thank you, Hillside Families!
Thanks for a Wonderful First Day of School!
How fantastic it was to see so many of our Hillside famillies back with us at Open House and on the first day of school! One half of our new kindergarten students were with us on Thursday and Friday; the next half will come to school on Monday and Tuesday.
All of our Hillside Tigers have come back to school focused, positive, and ready to learn. We are excited to see what this school year holds for our school. It is certainly an exciting time to be a Tiger!!
Mrs. Bailey, Principal of Hillside
Ms. Lewis, Assistant Principal of Hillside
Students are ON TIME for School! Thank you, Hillside Families!
I am outside out front for at least another week with my "tardy cart," checking in students who are tardy. Being on time for school is IMPORTANT because we begin instruction right away at 8:32 am, right after announcements. We don't want students to miss announcements, and we don't want students to miss starting the day off right in a calm and organized manner. Being ON TIME for school helps our students to get the day going in a positive way.
I have noticed that our Hillside families are giving on time arrival at school EXTRA EFFORT. Thank you so much for knowing that your child deserves to benefit from all the instruction that happens at school, each and every day!
Mrs. Bailey, Principal
Coming Up!
Dates for You
August 23 - Tiger Pride Day (a day for the whole school to review behavior expectations)
August 23 - Spirit Day (wear your Hillside t-shirt OR blue and orange)
August 30 - Professional Learning Day (NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS)
Sept. 2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
Introducing Our NEW Hillside Mascot!!
New Building, New Mascot
Just in case you missed it, we have updated our Hillside Tiger mascot! You will see him everywhere this year. Our new tiger is looking great and helping us to open up our school year with a new look!
TAGG Can Help Our School!
Student Well-Being
Therapy Dog
Hillside has a therapy dog named Wrigley who comes to school two days per week! Wrigley is housed in Mrs. Shirkey's first grade room. She visits children and provides love and calm for many students. Research shows that being in the presence of a dog can lower anxiety, stress and provide an overall calming environment. This is our hope, and it is why we welcome Wrigley into our school.
Please email Mrs. Bailey with questions: bailey.cynthia@westside66.net
Health Information
Allergies at Hillside
We have some students with SEVERE food allergies here at Hillside. This is not unusual for any school, and it is important that we communicate this and adhere to the district approved snack list. We appreciate families sending in snacks or treats, but they will HAVE to be from the district-approved list! Thank you for understanding.
Social Skills and Behavior at Hillside
Skill Focus of the Week
Our entire school focuses on a social skill each week. Good behavior reflects social skills that are in place for children. This is a part of our learning every day; we want your child(ren) to be successful adults with solid social skills.