RRSD # 35 Community Update
January 6, 2023
District Happenings:
The Holidays have come and gone, and now it is time to focus on the year ahead. Here is what is going on in the RRSD!
- In 2021, the Oregon Legislature passed SB 5534. Championed by former representative Duane Starks, part of that bill included a $3 million dollar grant designated for the Rogue River School District to construct a wellness center for "early learning and health." The School Board is exploring using those funds to put up a building on school owned property that would house both a student health center and a preschool program. The Board has been seeking community input on this project. This grant cannot be used for any other project. If the District decides not to build the early learning and health center, the money will go back to the state. You can share your thoughts with the Board by reaching out to them at board@rogueriver.k12.or.us.
Bond 2.0?
- In November, voters rejected a new District bond. The Board is gathering information and seeking input from our community to help us understand what we can do to gain more support for a replacement bond to maintain and upgrade our District facilities. The School Board is considering trying to pass a bond during the May election. Please look for and take a survey regarding the bond so the District can learn more about what projects the voters will support. The survey should be available on our website from January 5-11, 2023, or you can access it HERE.
Key Events:
- No school January 16, 2023 due to Martin Luther King Jr. day.
- January 26, 2023 is the end of the 1st semester.
- No school January 27, 2023 for teacher grade preparation day.
- Ana Ensey: Ana is a new hire at SVA. She has jumped in to learn the ropes quickly and is a great addition to the SVA family.
- Cheryl Hansen and Kelsey Casey: These elementary secretaries are thorough, willing to help wherever and whenever they can, and are a great support and resource for students, families, and staff.
Well, that went fast! It's 2023!!
2022 was great, and now we are looking forward to all that we can accomplish together in 2023. Let's make it a great one!
January is “School Board Recognition Month.”
Our School Board of Superheros!
A huge thank you to Bruce Sund, Mysti Jacob, Heather Friend, Erin Poston, and Jay Chick. We appreciate your heart of service to your community and the Rogue River School District.
Weather Closure Procedure
For your quick access in the event of inclement weather or any other event that necessitates a delay or closure for the District.