November Monthly Newsletter
🦃 Glen Avenue Elementary School 🦃
Principal's Message
As we enter November, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support and involvement in our school community. With the holiday season approaching, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on all the ways we can come together to foster a nurturing environment for our students.
This month, we have exciting events planned, including our PBIS celebrations for students who earned points throughout the first term demonstrating safe, noble, able and prepared behaviors. We have our Mad Hatter Math Night for families, the RSVP was sent home with students and due November 1st to ensure we have the correct food count. We hope to see many of you on November 20th at 5:30 PM . Your participation in our family engagement events will not only enrich our school spirit but also teach you how to help your scholars in all aspects of their education.
In addition to our upcoming events, we’re focusing on instilling a growth mindset in our students this month. Encouraging them to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and celebrate effort is essential for their development. Let’s work together to remind our children that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and that persistence leads to growth. One easy way we can help our students is to turn defeats into victories! Experts tell us that children’s mistakes and defeats can be powerful tools to help them learn. The secret is turning your child’s mistakes into learning opportunities. Here is how: Praise their efforts. Remind your child that they really tried and let them know you are proud of them for giving it their best shot. Focus on areas where they did succeed and find something positive by creating a list with your child of things they have already learned, or can learn, from the experience. www.parent-institute.com
As always, I encourage open communication between home and school. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for being such an essential part of our school community, and I wish you all a joyful and meaningful Thanksgiving!
Warm regards,
Michele McGoogan
Transportation Reminders
Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW)
Attendance Matters!
Hello Gator Families,
Attendance is a big part of my job, and I want to make sure all our Gators are in school and learning all they can to grow their brains. In the month of September, Mrs. Beebe, our WONDERFUL Community School Coordinator, and I drew names for scholars in the 95 to thrive attendance bracket. Those students received a mini cupcake pumpkin cookie and an attendance matters pencil. We will do this every month.
Parents, we want to reward you as well for getting your students here on time every day. So, at the end of each quarter, we will enter the names of parents whose students were in the 95 to Thrive area to be entered into a drawing for a Food Lion Gift card for you.
Also, Kindness is my Jam, and November 13th is WORLD KINDNESS Day. So stay tuned to Talking Points for some upcoming KINDNESS Activities.
As always, reach out with any questions, as I am here to help!
Melissa Johanning, PPW Glen Ave Elementary 😁
Community School Coordinator
Community School News
Glen Avenue remains grateful for the generous and selfless giving of our Salisbury community. Throughout the school year we are supported by numerous business organizations, faith-based organizations and personal volunteers and mentors. This month we highlight Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children and Food Lion for their donation of 50 food boxes. Thank you for choosing Glen Avenue Elementary to collaborate with.
November is a time to reflect on all we are grateful for. This month our staff will hold a silent auction that will be part of the financial backing of our December Holiday Shoppe for our students. The Glen Avenue faculty continue to shine as the cornerstone of our scholar’s success!!! (Remember, it is never the wrong time to thank a teacher or school administrator for all they do!)
Thank you for answering these questions from the Needs Assessment Survey above. We want to know how the school can best support your student and family. Your answers are confidential.
Some questions will be about your "student." When answering these questions, think about the student(s) attending Glen Avenue school (even if you have other children at other schools).
Some questions will be about "your family." As you answer these questions, think about yourself, other adult family members, and all children in your family (including children at other schools).
Counseling Corner
Upcoming Dates & Events
Picture Day Information
Picture Day is coming on Wednesday, November 6!
You can place your order on mylifetouch.com using your Picture Day ID: EVTC6DPJX. Order before midnight on Picture Day to get FREE shipping!
Your child can also bring their completed flyer with cash or check on Picture Day.
You are invited to attend our Mad Hatter Math Night on Wednesday, November 20th. If you plan to attend, please be sure to turn in the invitations that have been sent home. Be on the lookout! RSVP s are DUE by Wednesday, November 6th. We order food and materials based on the number of RSVPs we get, so we cannot guarantee food or materials for those who do not RSVP . Thank you!
🎅Holiday Spirit Month🎄
Check out the following flyers for our December Spirit Month! We are looking forward to seeing everyone's school/holiday spirit!
Community Events & Resources
Student and Family Resources
The mission of the Division of Student and Family Services is to support the total educational experience, thus assuring all students the opportunity to develop skills essential for successful learning, healthy physical/emotional/social growth and gainful employment. Please click the link to view the available resources.
Essay Contests
Young Author' Contest - Grades 1-5
The Eastern Shore Literacy Association is thrilled to unveil the 2024-2025 Young Authors' Contest, presented in collaboration with various State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA) local chapters. This exciting competition is open to students from grades 1 to 12, encouraging them to showcase their creativity and talent through original short stories and poetry. As an important note, the use of artificial intelligence (Al) in supporting student work is strictly prohibited. Local contests will be hosted by the respective SoMLA chapters, with the top winners progressing to the state level competition. Join us in celebrating the budding authors of Maryland and their remarkable literary endeavors!
Americanism Essay Contest - Grade 5 Only
Each year the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Grand Lodge hosts an essay contest for school children in each lodge area nationwide to demonstrate Americanism at its best. I am pleased to announce this year's essay theme is "What Does Patriotism Mean To Me" This important Patriotic Contest gives school children in grades 5-8 the opportunity to express views on their pride of America, and how to demonstrate it.
STEM Education
FREE to Wicomico County Students 4th—8th Grade
Time 10 am — 12 noon @ Salisbury Middle
Register Early — Space is sometimes LIMITED Pre-Registration is Required
Parent CRAFT & Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
Parent CRAFT
Parent CRAFT is a self-paced online video course that teaches parents, caregivers, and concerned others solution-focused, practical skills and techniques needed to meet the risks of substance use. Highly engaging online video segments include structured suggestions for practicing skills that are not only applicable to families with substance-involved youth but also relevant to anyone raising an adolescent. Focus areas include effective communication, positive reinforcement, natural consequences, strategies to support youth accepting treatment.
Strengthening Families Program (SFP)
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a group-based caregiver and youth skills program that aims to promote good parenting skills and positive family relationships, reduce child and adolescent aggression and hostility, and prevent adolescent initiation of substance use. The program can be offered by any youth-serving organization that has the ability to work directly with caregivers and youth. The Strengthening Families Program is suitable for all youth ages 7-17 years as well as for youth who may be at higher risk of developing a substance misuse disorder (e.g., those already receiving services for substance misuse).
Dear Families,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ or create an account using your child's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here (https://lifetouch.com/smilesafe/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=PPD_F23_Po1_US&utm_content=safecard
Thank you!
Dear Parents,
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
- 50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
- 40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
- 30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Grade 2 News
Happy November families! As we approach our next month of second grade we have wrapped up our Pinky and Rex series which is a realistic fiction genre and we are moving into our nonfiction habitats reading unit. Students will be using text features to help them understand the information within the text. Students will be writing to share information and facts about each habitat. Please support your scholar’s reading fluency by having them read aloud daily at home. In math we are working hard on skip counting, building arrays to determine the amount within a set, working on determining whether a number is even or odd, and using addition and subtraction strategies to help us solve number stories. In science we will be wrapping up our animal biodiversity and moving into the plant adaptations unit. We are finishing our communities unit in social studies and we will begin to learn about economics. Please continue to practice basic math skills at home with your scholar and check your child’s Thursday folders for upcoming events.
Grade 3 News
In ELA, we have just begun our nonfiction unit, Exploring Ancient Civilizations: Rome. Students will use text features to learn about different characteristics of the Roman Empire, what led to the empire’s growth and success, and what eventually led to the downfall. We will be focusing on writing Informational writing pieces.
This month in Math, we will be continuing with multiplication and division. We will begin Topic 4, Using Multiplication to Divide, and then move onto Topic 5, Fluently Multiply and Divide within 100. Please practice multiplication math facts with your child at home.
In Science, we are still learning about the animal and plant life cycles. We are focusing more on plant life cycles and how different plants pollinate. On November 19, we will be taking a field trip to the Salisbury Zoo. This trip will help us develop a better understanding of our Life Cycles unit.
In Social Studies, we will be moving into our History unit. We will be learning about how our history and culture shapes our community.
Grade 4 News
In November in ELA we are studying Natural Disasters. During this month we will be taking an in depth look at Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Please encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes each night. In Math we will learn about multiplying two digit numbers times two digit numbers. One of the most important things you can do to help your child is to practice multiplication/ division facts for 10 minutes daily. Please contact your child’s teacher for ideas on how to practice those facts. In Science we will investigate features and processes of the Earth’s surface. Students will explore the rapid process of volcanic eruptions! Social Studies we will learn about why Europeans came to the Americas.
Grade 5 News
Wow, this year is really moving and fifth grade is moving right along with it. As we get into November fifth graders will be looking into the impact of human rights issues around the globe. We will be reading “The Breadwinner” and exploring the life of Malala Yousafzai. In math we are completing Topic 3 on multi digit whole number multiplication and moving into multiplication with decimals. In science we have been exploring the different kinds of ecosystems that animals thrive in. Finally, in social studies we are exploring the constitution and our roles as citizens within that system.
Ms. Krider's Class
BEEP! VROOM! ZOOM! Check out our transportation unit. In this unit, scholars are learning about the different types of transportation and what they transport. In the first book of the unit, students are introduced to the different forms of transportation that the character can choose to visit family and friends. Scholars learn that the type of transportation used can depend on where someone is going. We will reinforce this concept when the students match vehicles and their jobs while using the trade book. Our scholars will also work with types of transportation to solve place value, addition, subtraction and order of operation problems. At home, make connections with the types of transportation they use or see in their daily activities.
During this month in Art, our students will be learning about texture and form as we cover the changing of the seasons, what happens to the fall leaves and harvest time. We will also learn a few aspects of Native American culture.
Students enrolled in Band & Strings:
Make sure you are ready for class! Daily grades are based on preparedness and participation, with 4 points total.
Instrument: 1 point
Sheet Music: 1 point
Active Participation: 2 points
Our 3rd grade class will be performing a holiday concert on the evening of Thursday, December 19th. Our theme is inspired by Motown music, and our program consists of songs by Motown artists like Stevie Wonder, The Jackson 5, The Supremes, The Temptations, and more!
*Throughout the month of November we will also be doing some Fall Festive Stations that will require students to work on their locomotor and manipulative skills such as skipping, galloping, throwing and kicking. We also will be doing some festive turkey games that require students to work on their underhand and overhand throwing to a target.
*To help your child be successful in our class please make sure your they are prepared coming to school with sneakers and comfortable clothing on their assigned gym days!
During the month of November, we will be working on the following Media skills:
The Dewey Decimal System for locating nonfiction books in the library
Book genres
Finding a good fit book
Research skills- November is Native American Heritage month. We will use our research skills to create a totem pole that represents one of the many Native American tribes.
Overdue book notices will be sent home in the near future. Please encourage your child to turn in any overdue books. Any lost or overdue books that have not been returned will result in a book fine.
Check out some pictures from last month’s Spooky Season book tasting!:
October Students of the Month
Stand Up - Speak Up
Students of the month for October were nominated by their teachers for standing up and speaking up against bullying, teasing, and isolating. Students were celebrated with a t-shirt, photo, a book from the book vending machine, and pumpkin painting. Congratulations to the following students!
2nd Grade
Ms. Ryan- Sherley Celestin
Ms. Greenan- Mavence Theajeune
Ms. Sutton- Tchaina Cius
Ms. Beetler- Myke Toussainvil
Ms. Glading- Imari Edwards
3rd Grade
Ms. George- Kalani Gonzalez
Ms. Branyon- Joel Parsons
Ms. Steele- Dadna Leonard
Ms. Wise- Sankarah Toussaninvil
Ms. Shue- Lyndon Johnson-Brown
4th Grade
Ms. Manchin- Delilah Shahan
Ms. Evans- Darwin Lopez- Gallardo
Ms. Bradley- Cordell Ballard
Ms. Eichhorn- Ja’Shon Schoolfield
Ms. Moziek- Zy’Keria Parsons
5th Grade
Ms. Smith- Abdalatti Ahmed
Ms. Lovely- Andre Victor Jr
Ms. Kelly- Kamri Palmer
Ms. Auvil- A’liyah Bonner
Mr. Field- Nylah Hodges
Ms. Krider- Adrien Jardimene
October Positive Referrals
SNAP & Roll Expectations
These students were recognized for demonstrating our Safe, Noble, Able, and Prepared (SNAP) behaviors and being extraordinary Gators! Thank you teachers for recognizing and appreciating these positive behaviors!
Grade 2
Kadash Pierre - Ms. Sutton
Tayonna Russell - Ms. Hall/Ms. Glading
Anajulia Pierre - Ms. Glading
Tchaina Cius - Ms. Sutton
Makenzie Jones - Ms. Beetler
Myke Toussainvil - Ms. Beetler
Grade 3
Johnsley Jean Baptiste - Ms. Steele
Noah Treadwell - Ms. Steele
Alivia Walker - Ms. Steele
Grade 4
Kailani Macer - Ms. Mozeik/Ms. Evans
Maria Orisma - Ms. Manchin
Maritza Colon - Ms. Fykes/Ms. Mozeik
Grade 5
Cole Aviles - Ms. Lamb
Taes Johnson - Ms. Auvil
Teacher of the Year Nomination
It’s Time to Nominate a Great Educator to Be the Next Wicomico Teacher of the Year!
Celebrate a great teacher with a nomination for Wicomico Teacher of the Year! Nominations are now open and will be taken through Dec. 2 for the next Wicomico Teacher of the Year. Anyone in the community may seek recognition for an educator quickly and easily using the online nomination form. Access the nomination form through the school system’s website (www.wicomicoschools.org) or by using the link or QR code.
“Great teachers affect the lives of students and families in lasting, positive ways. As a former student in our schools, I have many memories of outstanding teachers who supported me in being successful in school and being prepared for college and career,” said Dr. Micah Stauffer, Superintendent of Schools. “We have amazing teachers in Wicomico County Public Schools, and the Wicomico Teacher of the Year Recognition Program is a great way to let those teachers know just how much we appreciate them. We’re excited to find out which of the amazing teachers who is serving students in our schools right now will be named the next Wicomico Teacher of the Year.”
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Lunch Payment System
Whether this is your first school year, or your last, Wicomico County Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services Department welcomes everyone to a new school year. For several years, we have used MyPaymentsPlus as an online meal payment system. We have transitioned to a new payment system beginning this school year called LINQ Connect. You can conquer the upcoming school year with ease, thanks to our new system, LINQConnect.com and the all-new LINQ Connect app. With LINQ Connect, you can simplify the payment process for meal accounts. To get started, download the LINQ Connect app from the Google Play or Apple Store or visit LINQConnect.com.
Click the link below for more information.
Cell Phone & Toy Policy
WCPS Code of Conduct states that students in elementary school are not to have cellphones in school. Please assist us with enforcing this by checking your scholar’s bookbag and making sure they are not bringing the phone to school. This includes smart watches, iPads, tablets, iPods, electronic games, etc. If you need to speak with your scholar during the day, please call the school and we will bring your student to the office to speak privately with you.
Inappropriate items will be confiscated until the end of the day or retained by administration until a parent/guardian can reclaim the item.
*The school will not be responsible for these items and will not investigate if they are lost or stolen.
Please assist us in keeping the focus on school by not allowing your child to bring toys, sports equipment, trading cards, etc. to school.
Talking Points
Tech Tips!
Help parents stay connected with TalkingPoints!
We have addressed FAQs. These tips will help troubleshoot messaging, adjust language preferences, filter announcements, and more.
Bus Expectations
School Bus Expectations
Riding a school bus is a privilege. With this privilege comes your responsibility for good conduct, proper care of the bus and respect for the rights of others. All Board of Education policies and regulations are in effect while riding the bus as well as attending school. Please remember to treat others the way you wish to be treated.
Students are expected to:
Obey the bus driver who is responsible for the safe operation of the bus and the students being transported
WALK IN FRONT OF THE BUS if they must cross the road to board ot leave the bus and look both ways before crossing the road
Take the seat assigned promptly and remain seated while the bus is in motion
Sit facing forward keeping feet and legs as well as books out of the aisle. Do not extend hands, arms, and/or head out of the window or call out to passers-by
Abstain from destroying or defacing any part of the bus and to keep the area around the assigned seat clean
Refrain from bringing articles on the bus that may create a safety hazard by obstructing the aisle or vision of the driver. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the driver.
Refrain from consuming food or drinks or chewing gum on the bus
Obey the Board of Education policies concerning smoking, weapons, and controlled dangerous substances as well as refrain from the use of unacceptable language on the bus
Enter and leave by the front door. Do not touch emergency doors or hatches except in case of an emergency.
Refrain from behavior and loud conversation which distract the bus driver or annoy other students or motorists
Bus Discipline Procedures
1st Offense: Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee
2nd Offense: Referral to the principal’s office. Discipline at the discretion of the principal/designee
3rd Offense: Referral to Transportation Office.
Automatic conference with Director of Transportation Services/or
designee, parent, student (and driver if deemed necessary). Student suspended from the bus until a satisfactory conference is held. During this conference, a decision will be made as to how long the student will remain off the bus.
4th Offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus.
5th Offense: Automatic removal for the remainder of the school year.
Any time a driver deems it necessary, a driver may suspend a student’s riding privilege for 1 day without approval from the school. The contractor/driver must contact the parent/guardian, stating the reason for removal and the day the student may not ride the school bus. The driver should notify the school administration as soon as possible. The suspension cannot take effect until the contractor/driver has made successful contact with the parent or guardian.
Edulog Bus Tracker App
Hello, this is Paul Butler, Director of Communications for Wicomico County Public Schools. This year parents and guardians will be able to TRACK YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL BUS on the way to school in the morning and back home in the afternoon with our new Edulog Parent Portal mobile app. It will give parents the necessary information to plan their day and have the knowledge that their children’s school transportation is in process.
Features of Parent Portal App include:
- The ability for a parent to know their child’s scheduled trip (bus stop and school pick up and drop off time) once their child is assigned in Edulog’s route management system
- Using GPS technology, the real-time location of the child’s school bus is displayed in the app, including visual locations of the bus stop assigned to that child as well as the school the child attends (example pictured)
- Notifications of when the bus enters a geolocation (radius)—which can be defined by the parent from 0—2 miles
- Ability to individually adjust the notification radius for each student within the same app, parents will have access to all of their children through one secure login. The parent also has the ability to embed a photo of their child to create a better user experience when using the application. The photo is contained only on the mobile device – not on district or Edulog servers.
Click the link below to see the flyer on how to download the app for use this school year.
Maryland Blueprint Implementation
The Blueprint: A Vision for Maryland’s Future
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a once in a lifetime opportunity to transform Maryland’s education system for all students, regardless of where they live. When the Blueprint passed in 2021, a set of policies and dedicated funding were established for the next ten years to improve outcomes across the state. The investment and partnership across Maryland provides opportunity for change, growth, and success for our students for many years to come.
Title 1 Information
Right to Know
This is Michele McGoogan, principal of Glen Avenue. As a Title 1 school, we are required to inform you of your right to request information on the qualifications of the teacher and/or the instructional assistant who will be working with your child. Please rest assured that we have worked diligently to ensure that staff members meet the Maryland State Department of Education requirements. If you would like to exercise your right to request this information, you may email or send a letter using US mail to the Director of Human Resources to my attention. You will receive a response from the Director of Human Resources within 30 days of the original request. We look forward to serving you and your student this year.
Partners in Learning Compact
School-Family-Scholar Agreement for Improving Student Achievement
This agreement is a pledge to work together to share responsibility for student learning, high achievement, and student success in school and in life. This compact is aligned with our School Improvement Plan to promote student learning, student attendance, a positive school climate and with our grade level learning outcomes. Upon request, interpreters and transportation can be provided so families can attend school functions.
Family Engagement Plan Brochure
The Wicomico County Board of Education recognizes that families are their child’s first teachers and that they function as educators throughout their child’s life. More than thirty years of research show that student academic success and high self esteem are closely related to family engagement in education from prekindergarten through high school. Glen Avenue Elementary School also believes that the education of children is a shared responsibility. Involvement by the school, the family and the community creates a stronger educational system and improves the quality of life for the students, their families and the entire community of Wicomico County. The school system as well as individual schools make the commitment to establish programs and practices that create a climate of mutual trust and respect and that support family engagement.
Mission & Vision Statements
Mission Statement
Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners.
Vision Statement
Glen Avenue Elementary School will be:
- the school where all teachers want to teach,
- Students want to learn, and
- Families wish their children could attend