RRHS Senior Update - 9/16/2024
Senior Class Updates
9/9-9/27 - IMPORTANT SENIOR INFORMATION! Meet with your school counselor for the Mandatory Senior Advisement meeting. You may schedule your appointment via this link: Rock Ridge Senior Booking
Senior Breakfasts: Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for our quarterly Senior Breakfasts that celebrate you! Senior Breakfasts this year will be held on October 15, December 19, February 14, and May 2.
Parents volunteers needed!
We need parent volunteers to assist at each breakfast–volunteering and/or donating. Click the Sign-up Genius.
Clash of the Classes Kickball Game
The annual Clash of the Classes Kickball Game is Monday, September 23, 2024 at 5:00 PM! Please come out to cheer on our Senior Class Kickball Team as we take on the Juniors.
Hallway Decorating
Seniors, help us take on the other classes with our annual hallway decorating competition! The hallway decorating will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 4:18 PM - 10:00 PM. Help the Senior Class use the force to create an amazing Star Wars themed hallway! If you’re interested in joining the fun or assisting with the preparation, sign up here. Your ideas, creativity, and helping hands are needed to help us restore our place in the galaxy!
Hey Seniors! From Your Counseling Staff!
Seniors Meet with your school counselor for the Mandatory Senior Advisement meeting. The dates to meet with your counselor are from 9/9-9/27.
You may schedule your appointment via this link: Rock Ridge Senior Booking After your counselor meeting please check in with Mrs. Marchante if you need more help with your college search.
What to KNOW when applying to a Fine Arts Program: auditioning and interviewing
Follow the presentation is from Berklee School of Music and the Berklee Conservatory. We thank Mr. Garcia, Admissions Director from Breklee, for presenting and sharing this with our students.
Click this link to view the presentation: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3a25b229-1bd5-4277-9cbd-bf880487bb86
RRHS SENIOR Parent Night – was September 10
Here is the link to the presentation : Senior Parent Night_Class of 2025.pptx
If your student is taking a Dual Enrollment course through RBC of William & Mary please click the link below to register with RBC. The deadline has been extended through Wednesday.
Last Chance for Senior Photos!
**Last Call** for Senior Pictures- Sept. 23 & 24
Victor O’Neill Studios, Rock Ridge’s official photographer, will be taking senior portraits at Rock Ridge on Sept. 23 & 24. This is the LAST time they will be at Rock Ridge.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be photographed for the yearbook! The attire for the school’s yearbook pose is traditional tuxedos and drapes, which are provided by the photography company! In addition to the free yearbook session, they also offer sessions that include casual/personality portraits and cap and gown portraits.
Please follow the link below to choose your session type and appointment time here.
As a friendly reminder, appointments are needed for Senior Portraits. This is the LAST round of pictures here, if you do not get your picture taken at school, you will have to arrange with Victor O’Neill for a different time, and you may not be included in the yearbook.
If you have any questions, please email the senior portraits team at seniors@vosphoto.com. Please kindly include your senior’s first and last name and “Rock Ridge Class of 2025” when emailing, for faster assistance.