Caregiving Heroes Newsletter
Connect. Share. Support.
Heroes don’t always feel like heroes. Caregiving can be mentally and physically taxing. But your attention and care could be a lifeline to your loved one. Come to Saturday’s Heroes meeting for YOUR lifeline.
DATE: Saturday, August 3, 2024
TIME: 10:00AM
PLACE: Library of First United Methodist Church Coppell, 420 S. Heartz Road, Coppell, TX
******BREEZEWAY ENTRANCE ONLY: Use the parking lot on the EAST side of the main building and enter at the Breezeway (Stringfellow School entrance) which is between the playground and the Chapel entrance. (All other doors will be locked.)******
Upcoming meetings, 10:00am:
Saturday, September 7 - TBD
Saturday, October 5 - TBD
Book: Contented Dementia
by Oliver James
Reviewers (caregivers) sometimes call this book lifechanging. Below are the primary points the book makes, but the idea is to keep the person with dementia in a happy state, which will then make everyone's life happier!
People with dementia can no longer store new information efficiently. The book offers ideas how to include the person's past as a way for that person to reference what is happening in the present (which can be so confusing to them).
Three commandments:
1. Don't ask questions.
2. Learn from them as the experts on their disability.
3. Always agree with everything they say, never interrupting them.
Contented Dementia gives specific instructions and suggestions as to how to achieve the above commandments.
Click here to find the book on Amazon.
Program for early/mid-stage dementia + caregiver support group at FBC Lewisville
A program for people with early to mid-stage Alzheimer's/dementia is offered at First Baptist Church Lewisville on Thursdays from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Called Oasis, the program is a safe refuge for the person with dementia, offering socialization, physical movement, music and other memory stimulating activities. The caregiver can be confident that their loved one is safe and well cared for, and can count on 4 hours on Thursday to attend to personal needs. (Volunteers are also needed, if you feel so called.)
FBC Lewisville also hosts a caregiver support group on first Friday of every month, 10am-11:30am.
For more information on either group, please click here.
Caregiving Heroes
The mission of Caregiving Heroes of First United Methodist Church Coppell is to provide support and education to family and friends in our community who are assisting loved ones with aging or other concerns. We do this by providing valuable local resources, understanding and compassionate support.
Email: caregivingheroesgroup@gmail.com
Website: https://fumccoppell.org/connect/care-support/
Location: 420 South Heartz Road, Coppell, TX, USA
Phone: 214-728-5934
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/caregivingheroescoppell/