August 18th, 2024
Southeast Middle Weekly Update
Cougar Families,
We are entering the second full week of classes. We have had some great learning going on at Southeast Middle in the past week! Students have been able to get into the meat and potatoes of their core curricula, and many have made adjustments to either being new to our school or to middle school altogether. There are a few things that we do want to remind everyone of:
- Morning carpool begins at 6:45 AM. Students are not to be let out of vehicles any sooner as there are no teachers on duty at that time.
- Afternoon pick up is no later than 2:45 PM. Teachers dismiss at 2:40 and support staff by 3:15. We are asking that parents are keenly aware of this. if your child is habitually late being picked up, then he/she will not be allowed to continue riding carpool.
- Cellphones are to be off during the school day and placed in booksack or purse. No personal belongings will be taken to lunch except a lunch bag.
- Students are to follow the dress code as noted in the student handbook. We will continue to enforce this on a daily basis.
- Please continue to pay for student fees online via the Southeast Middle Website or by sending cash. The link to our webpage is noted below.
- Students are required to dress out for P.E. This is a non-negotiable. Not dressing out will affect your students' grades
- Operating hours for the front office is 7:00 AM until 3:00 PM. We begin registrations and drops between 7:30 AM and 1:30 PM
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to an administrator during normal business hours.
Southeast Community Partners and School News!
St. Andrews United Methodist Church
St. Andrews has been a Southeast Middle staple for as long as we can remember. Every year, they donate supplies and monies to ensure that our students start off on the right foot. We truly appreciate it!
Mr. Reimonenq and Mr. Whitney are two of the best Assistant Principals in EBR!
Southeast has been Nationally Recognized!
We are proud to announce that Southeast Middle Magnet has been recertified as a Nationally Recognized Magnet School by Magnet Schools of America! We will continue to strive for excellence in diversity and academics!