Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
November 7-11th
What a busy week! We loved learning all about the election and US symbols!
The Students enjoyed voting in our election! The fourth graders were great help in showing us what to do!
Here is what else we learned this week:
Language Arts: We reviewed our sight words: I , am the, little, to a, have, can and is. We learned the new sight words: my, we and like. We read the big book Animal babies. We discussed the sight words in the story and how we use adjectives to describe the nouns that we see. We learned the new amazing words: pup, foal, joey, grassland, calf and cub. Students discussed and charted the baby animals found in the grasslands. The Students wrote and illustrated about a baby animal they like and their Mommy. The Students were encouraged to use adjectives to describe their animals and settings. We read the riddle book Look who is hatching? Students had to guess the animal from the riddle. The Students then made their own riddle about an animal. They illustrated a picture of an animal and wrote about that animal using adjectives. Their peers guessed the animal. Example: I am black and white and lay eggs. I live where it is cold. Who am I? ( A Penguin). Students also had the opportunity to work in differentiated reading groups reading books about: More animal babies, what animals eat, and the Us symbols. The Students focused on the following good reading strategies taught to them ( using a pointy finger, sounding or tapping out sounds, using the pictures as clues, etc..). Students pointed out sight words in the books and discussed the main idea and characters of the story. We also discussed the nouns and adjectives in the books. I asked the Students comprehension questions and checkedfor improved fluency. The Students also worked in literacy centers focusing on beginning sounds, word building, sight words and rhyming.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters S and T. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that began with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they will had to identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to hand write the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We continued our math unit on number sense and writing and representing our numbers past 10. Students learned to use a double 10 frame to help represent the numbers and use manipualtives to help in math centers. We read, handwrote and represented numbers to 20.
Social Studies/ Science : We continued to work on our giving without walls project. We counted, sorted and bagged up candy to ship to the Troops overseas! We also began our election unit. We discussed voting and talked about how voting is important and a privilege. We voteed in our Mock election on Tuesday. We also began our US symbols unit. We learned about the different US symbols and why they are important to our country.
The Students wrote riddles about their favorite animals. Then we read our clues to our class and Miss Lynch's class!
Reading with friends! Elbow to elbow knee to knee will read to you and you reqad to me!
Treats for Troops - Sorting the candy
Reminders and upcoming events:
- Please see the link above and join us for our Thanksgiving feast on 11/22. We will eat from 11:00-12:00. We hope to see you there!
- School will be closed from 11/23- 11/25 for Thanksgiving break!