Once an Austrian Went Yodeling!
Danke vielmals (= thank you very much)
Dear Parents,
We started off our week with our focus question: What other special clothes do people wear? Many special events were mentioned. Mostly this week we focused on clothes around the world, especially from the countries we come from, and what a great way to celebrate with our International Day!
On Wednesday, International Day was a total success!!! Throughout the week we conversed about how people in every part of the world dress, speak and eat differently. Even though we are all different we have to be respectful and appreciate each culture. Speaking about culture! We had the opportunity to have a banquet with traditional foods from all the different places our friends come from. Furthermore, our whole class embarked on a trip to different countries. We visited Denmark, Germany, Brazil and of course AUSTRIA !
From Monday we started off painting our flags, and our classroom looks great! We looked at different clothes from around the world. We also read about Mozart and we sang a song called: Once an Austrian Went Yodeling.
On Tuesday we talked about Austria and we were also painting places and important people from Austria.
On Wednesday our amazing international day was a total success, where children got to travel around the world to visit different countries.
In Germany: Students talked about windmills and saving energy
Denmark: students made Viking ships and talked about clothes
Brazil: they talked about the rainforest in Brazil and they made pattern snakes
Austria: they were talking about mountains and gardens. Students were practicing how to yodel. They also made a funny man from Austria.
When we finished with our rotations, we walked around the school with our beautiful clothes. Our parade was short and sweet!
On Thursday, Nicole Bran was our special guest. She is the Honorary Vice Consul from Austria in Panama. She came to our class with a big smile and her traditional clothes. We appreciated her national dress and we were trying to find shapes in her dress. She was teaching us about her country; the kids were asking so many questions! GET READY! Our next field trip will be in Vienna, Austria.
On Friday, We kept talking about clothes and we had such a great time sharing about other countries.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT, AND MAKING OUR CULTURAL BUFFET AMAZING! It was so much fun sharing with all of you this experience. A special shout out and grateful message to Mrs. Tatiana and Brena for helping us with our classroom decorations.
November: Panama´s Independence month
There is no school from October 31st to November 4th
November 10th -No school
November 28th- No School
Below you will find more information about mes de la patria.